Chapter 282

At this time, Cheng Chong, like a spring that has been compressed for a long time and has been compressed to the extreme, suddenly released and rushed forward at a high speed. It's like running thunder. It's unstoppable!

At the moment, his bold, abnormal and seemingly reckless adventure is not reckless, nor is he bold in his personal heroism. It is a bold and resolute decision made after some careful consideration.

It can even be said that this is the only feasible way for all the special combat members of their whole Falcon group A at this moment, if they don't want to be wiped out and eaten by the enemy, and it is the only best choice to save themselves and complete this arduous task at the same time.

Just imagine, if he continues to stay where he is and fight with the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment who surround them, his situation will only become more and more dangerous. In the end, I'm afraid he will only be destroyed by the whole army. This is almost a certainty without any suspense.

What's more, after the fall of Su Wugang and Du Lei, the remaining three can no longer be compared with before, whether in terms of number, firepower or the original special team shape. However, more and more enemies came quickly from all directions, and the encirclement became thicker and thicker.

It is not difficult to predict the outcome of the dangerous situation in which the enemy and we are constantly changing, if we allow it to develop and continue like this.

At the moment, he risked his life to launch a fierce attack, which seems not far from Du Lei's suicide attack. In fact, it is very different.

The main difference is that he has a direct goal, and this goal is not only very important to himself, but also very important to the enemy. Therefore, at the moment, he suddenly rushed forward and risked his life to launch a fierce attack, which is bound to be far beyond the expectations of the enemy besieging them, and is bound to greatly mobilize the enemy's troops and firepower deployment.

The art of war says: those who are good at attacking must defend the enemy!

This is the best policy of the strategist! You can change from passive to active!

In other words, at this time, he suddenly launched a desperate attack on the enemy's important targets without warning, which will quickly disrupt the enemy's blocking deployment, and will inevitably draw out a large number of troops and firepower to defend and defend their important targets.

This is somewhat similar to the "36 stratagem" of encircling Wei and saving Zhao, but it is somewhat different. Because in the military action of encircling Wei and saving Zhao, encircling Wei was only a means, but the purpose was only to save Zhao.

At the moment, Cheng Chong suddenly rushed forward and risked his life to launch a fierce attack. However, in a moment, he could achieve two very important goals, leaving behind the original task of besieging the whole Falcon group A!

Suddenly, the siege of the whole Falcon group a withdrew so easily!

It has been said that key figures can always play an extremely important and critical role in the development of things at a critical moment. The key figure at the moment is Cheng Chong!

However, at this critical moment, after hearing Cheng Chong's rapid roar, Chen Zheng and Meng Lang, who were also besieged, reacted very quickly. At the moment, the two of them were very sad. At first, they thought that Cheng Chong was going to follow Du Lei's footsteps. When they found out Cheng Chong's real intention, they suddenly woke up.

At this very moment, time is life!

The two men who knew this truth well didn't waste any more time. When they saw that the enemy in front of them suddenly went crazy and quickly rushed in the direction of impact at the moment, they swarmed away in disorder. Chen Zheng and Meng Lang firmly seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and quickly held their 95 assault rifles. They were a crazy fire at the mercenaries who were still swarming forward in disorder and hardly prepared for any defense.

Dada... Dada

The two 95 assault rifles suddenly burst out of hot anger, spewed out hot hard warheads at a high speed, and roared sharply towards the large group of unsuspecting mercenaries. Those mercenaries who were shot immediately fell down one by one, even row by row, before they could make any evasive response, as if they were crops harvested by large harvesting machines in autumn.

What a spectacular scene! Not bloody!

Many mercenaries were killed immediately! They even had no time to struggle on the verge of death, their bodies had been fixed, and more mercenaries died in peace!

At this time, Cheng Chong and quickly rushed into the depth of the enemy's obstruction, after quickly solving several mercenaries blocking in front. With extraordinary skills and extremely agile movements, Cheng Chong continues to jump forward very quickly. He jumps forward at a high speed and rolls quickly. Occasionally, he jumps forward suddenly and runs forward quickly.

When he rushed forward and attacked quickly, he was also constantly changing his tactical actions to prevent invariance, and the speed and direction of his leap were estimated in advance by the enemy, so as to be quickly locked by the enemy's muzzle.

Dada... Dada

In an instant, the sound of gunfire was like firecrackers. Suddenly, there was a great deal of work. The countless bullets coming out of the chamber went back and forth, interwoven with each other, as if it were hail, shrouded in pieces over the hostile sides. It makes wood chips fly in the jungle and withered branches and leaves fly around!

Because at the moment, Cheng Chong's target is the damn spy, and at the moment, his impact speed is very fast and the momentum is very fierce. It's unbearable. In this anxious situation, all the mercenaries on the scene have begun to play their lives!

Deep in the dark jungle, the panicked mercenaries also began to shoot back madly. However, at the moment, they account for the vast majority of people and are in a mess. Therefore, after a fierce gun battle, they actually knocked down many of their own people.

With agile skills, strong strength and extremely skilled tactical actions, Cheng Chong didn't lose a shot under the enemy's fierce and dense fire network.

At the moment, Cheng Chong, like an extremely sharp sword, quickly rushed out of the enemy's blocking position in front of him. The soldier pointed directly at the damn spy dozens of meters away from the periphery of the encirclement.

The damn spy spy scorpion found that the Chinese special forces came for himself at the risk of his life. In any case, he could not understand that there would be such a fierce, brave and tenacious special forces in China. When he was in a desperate situation, he not only did not feel fear and despair, but also took the initiative to attack him at the risk of his life. In addition, he even let him run out of layers of siege and come straight to himself.

In panic, he quickly led a dozen close mercenaries to flee to the south in panic under the protection of these ten mercenaries.

A moment later, the situation on the scene changed dramatically.

The large group of mercenaries who had firmly besieged Falcon group A, under Cheng Chong's brave and sudden rush, and while Chen Zheng and Meng Lang took the opportunity to sweep wildly, they suddenly threw themselves into confusion, confusion and disorder, and they swarmed into a group.

This not only lifted the siege on Falcon group A, but also killed and injured dozens of people.

It can be said that the loss is heavy!

Under Cheng Chong's fierce attack, the spy, under the close protection of more than a dozen mercenaries, took care of his head and fled south.

And Cheng Chong, who has always been extremely stubborn, once he has made up his mind and made up his mind, he will implement it to the end without any discount. So at this time, he followed the damn spy and pursued him relentlessly!

The other mercenaries who found this abnormal situation were in a panic and forgot to continue the siege of the other members of Falcon group A. instead, they also rushed forward regardless of their heads.

As the mercenaries quickly withdrew from the siege, Chen Zheng and Meng Lang, who have moved freely, certainly can't give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The two men immediately held their 95 assault rifles in their hands and chased behind the large group of mercenaries who chased them. They also chased them quickly and kept shooting.

So, a very interesting and funny scene appeared.

Stubborn Cheng Chong chased the enemy like his life, while a large group of enemies behind him were chasing him like his life, and Chen Zheng and Meng Lang were chasing this large group of enemies like their life.

All this, at first glance, seems to be a game of chasing each other.

It's just that this game is a war game to see blood and really dead people.

This game is extremely bloody, extremely cruel and extremely dangerous

For the vast majority of peace loving people, this game is extremely difficult to play