Chapter 358

"Time is urgent. Don't talk nonsense! Look for the vent and take snacks, okay?" Cheng Chong, pretending to be serious, replied, Then, the superior told the subordinates with a certain sense of meaning: "I really have that leisure. It's not good to use it in business. I can say the ugly words ahead. Later, if we find the right vent and your boy can't successfully complete the blasting task as required, don't blame my brother. I won't leave face for you, a notorious blasting expert..."

"Go! Who the fuck is in vain! I'm a real blasting expert. Speaking of it, you cheap captain may not believe it. When I was playing blasting with my comrades in arms at the bottom of the sea, your boy might still stand guard on some snow plateau and compare his military posture with sculpture. Now he still doubts me? I tell you, even if you can doubt it My character and my blasting skills must not be doubted. Do you know that in the dark sea, the line of sight was very poor, and countless reefs were extremely abrupt and sharp. If you were not careful, you would be hit by the huge undercurrent, and even lose your life directly. Even the sea is not calm. The waves alone are several feet high... "

Every time when it comes to his professional skills, Chen Zheng, who has always been silent, seems to have opened the chatterbox. From the complex environment of blasting to the specific matters at the blasting site, from the experience of multiple blasting to the specific matters requiring strict attention every time Endless talk.

Every time he opened the chatterbox, he talked like a treasure. He is completely different from the silent, calm and steady him in ordinary times.

"Come on! When talking about being a toad at the bottom of the sea, oh, no, when you were a frog man, you just couldn't hold the door forever! But now it's not the time to talk about this, and I don't have the leisure to listen to your nonsense. Besides, the hero doesn't mention his courage. Our task now is to go to the vent of the cave immediately and see how you play blasting. In short, It's a mule, a horse, a good man or a bad man. See you later... It's no use talking nonsense. " Cheng Chong immediately interrupted Chen Zheng and said seriously.

Chen Zheng immediately became serious. While quickly looking around for information, he suggested: "let's go on looking for a needle in a haystack? Otherwise, let's first determine the possible area and scope. In this way, we can have a direction and purpose, so as not to do useless work in vain."

Chen Zheng's remarks timely reminded Cheng Chong.

He thought to himself that what Chen Zheng said at the moment was indeed somewhat reasonable and that the search area and scope should be reduced. We can't do a carpet search without direction and purpose in such a large area. Otherwise, it will be time-consuming and laborious, and it will waste time in vain and increase the difficulty of executing the task.

After careful analysis, Cheng Chong quickly thought of several key points:

First, although they have not personally entered or left the enemy's cave, and they do not know how the enemy's secret cave is arranged and excavated, most of the vent of the cave will not be too far away from the direction of the cave. Therefore, the main area and scope of the next search must be concentrated around the approximate extension direction of the cave.

Second, since it is the vent of the cave, the specific location of the vent must be a little higher than the surrounding area. Although it is not as tall as the chimney of an ordinary house, it is relatively higher than the designated area around it. This is to prevent mountain torrents from pouring directly into the vent when it rains heavily, so that the whole cave becomes a fish pond.

Third, the surrounding of the vent should be relatively solid, that is, there are mostly some hard and fixed stones at the location of the vent. In fact, this is also to prevent rain or mountain torrents from directly flushing or blocking the vent, thus losing the function of the vent

As for other key points and details, for example, the depth distance between the vent and the cave opening should not be too far, and the height of the vent is probably not too high, etc. Cheng Chong had no time to think carefully.

He responded quickly and made a decision immediately. According to these three key points and their necessary conditions, he and Chen Zheng immediately searched separately and took immediate action in a direction and destination within the roughly defined area

Across the knee high weeds and shoulder high shrubs, the two elite Chinese special forces searched forward as carefully and carefully as possible, and did not easily let go of any pile of weeds around and give up any bush nearby

Kung Fu finally pays off. Twenty minutes later, Cheng Chong finally found a curl of green smoke on the edge of a cliff near the East. It was scattered from the bushes about half a height. It is mixed with the thin fog generated by excessive humidity around it. If you don't look carefully and identify it carefully, you can't distinguish it clearly at all.

Cheng Chong's heart was excited and surprised. At the same time, his heart became a lot easier.

At this time, at least it can be said that his choice and judgment were not wrong, and what he did was correct, right and feasible! At this moment, I found the vent of the enemy's secret cave, and then things became easier to do. At the same time, everything became smooth!

Excited, Cheng Chong quickly greeted Chen Zheng, who was still searching. At this time, the tiger, which is responsible for the mobile force of the whole special combat formation, has also quickly collected the special C4 high explosives carried by all the team members, and has quickly transported all the explosives with the assistance of other team members.

When the tiger came to them and quickly found the vent of the cave, he was also very excited, very surprised and very happy. At the moment, he stared eagerly at Cheng Chong in front of him with almost adoring eyes.

It's amazing! This is incredible! Can you still do such a difficult task? To his great surprise, Cheng Chong did it! It's still a way that most people can't think of!

At this time, his affirmation of Cheng Chong and his heart of trust deepened and strengthened again!

Raking the bushes around the tuyere, an irregular stone cave about one meter square appeared in front of the three. The thick smoke released by countless smoke bombs in the cave became thinner after a long dilution in the cave. After the long dilution and diffusion of the cave, the pungent smell released by the tear gas bomb becomes incomparably thin at this time, which is no longer stuffy and unbearable.

Looking at the vent in front of him, the extremely excited tiger immediately stood up and firmly said to Cheng Chong happily: "solitary eagle, why don't I go down and have a look! I'm sure you will report everything in the cave in time and truthfully!"

"What are you doing down there? What are you doing down there as a firefighter? It's a professional job with high technical content. You as a firefighter come here to join in the fun. Now that the explosives have been delivered, your task has been successfully completed. We have a word in advance. You are not allowed to interfere with the tasks of other team members or point to the painting casually Feet. So, where it's cool now, you can go and stay there! There's nothing for you here! " Cheng Chong, who was also excited, was in a good mood and pulled a few words of leisure with half truth and half falsehood.

"Go! You stingy captain who takes revenge for public and private affairs, I still don't recognize you as the captain. Even if you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, isn't it too fast? I think the air above is good and cool now. I'll stay here! I won't go anywhere! Such a good thing, no one can fucking leave me..." the fierce tiger at the moment, Taking advantage of the excitement, he pretended to look around and joked tit for tat.

"Well, since you can't kick you away, your boy will watch for me and the fighting eagle. He will be responsible for standing guard for us, setting the sentry and helping us by the way. In short, you are not allowed to give directions and directions casually. As a revolutionary soldier, especially as an elite special combat team member, you should have priorities and be resolute at all times obey. So, go away now! Don't affect the normal operation of me and the eagle! " Cheng Chong joked at the tiger like a joke, and then pushed the boat like a river and left the tiger in place.

"Yes! Guarantee to complete the task -" the tiger, who had achieved his wish, made a funny rush and pretended to salute, but his body seemed to take root and still didn't move at all, and his attention was still in the cave that was still smoking.

In fact, it is also very useful for Cheng Chong to leave the tiger on the scene at the moment. The scene is really short of manpower, and he really needs someone to guard and help. Besides, it is not an easy job to quickly send the nearly 300 kilograms of explosives into the cave. If you just rely on Cheng Chong and Chen Zheng, you don't know how long you have to be busy. Moreover, at least one person must be kept outside the cave at all times to be responsible for the security alert on the site.

Before departure, Cheng Chong asked each team member to carry 20 kilograms of special C4 high explosives, while Chen Zheng, a blasting expert, carried more. Therefore, after a small amount of consumption just now, there are still nearly 300 kilometers of explosives at this time.

When Cheng Chong and the tiger came and went and talked less seriously, they looked dignified and Chen Zheng, but didn't say a word. But skillfully fix a rope quickly on a solid stone, and the other end of the rope quickly hooks the strap on his body.

Then, Cheng Chong and the tiger who rushed to the scene raised their right thumb, nodded slightly, and then calmly slipped into the dark cave.

Cheng Chong and the tiger, after telling him with concern to "pay attention to safety", immediately performed their respective duties and took action separately. Cheng Chong is responsible for the retraction and release of this rope, while the fierce tiger is responsible for the security guard at the scene, but their hearts are firmly linked with Chen Zheng who goes deep into the cave. At the same time, they are very careful to pay attention to everything around them, especially everything in the cave.

This rope almost pulled the hearts of Cheng Chong and the tiger, and slowly released them inch by inch into the cave. However, under the protection of this rope, Chen Zheng slid down step by step towards the dark and smoky cave, as if he were exploring.

The purpose of his visit is mainly to explore the specific situation in the cave, especially to find a very suitable blasting point, so as to make the seemingly rare and thin explosives play a great role.

"Warhawk! How's it going? Report any situation in time!" A moment later, seeing that the rope in his hand had been slowly lowered for thirty or forty meters, Cheng Chong quickly asked in his headset with great concern.

"The specific situation is not clear! The cave is still going down, like a bottomless cave. However, the cave is getting bigger and bigger, and the space is getting bigger and bigger!" A moment later, Chen Zheng's voice came from his ear.

Chen Zheng glided down the downward cave carefully, as fast as possible, but as small as possible. In particular, he would not easily touch the cave wall to prevent soil or gravel from falling down, which was detected by the mercenaries in the cave.

As the cave gets bigger and bigger, the smoke gets thicker and thicker, and the light naturally gets darker and darker. Even if the low light level night vision instrument is put on in time, the line of sight effect is not very ideal. At the same time, his heart became more and more bottomless. After all, his feet had never touched the ground.

Since there is no foothold, it is naturally difficult to find a suitable blasting point.

"Be careful! Don't worry! We have plenty of time!" Cheng Chong comforted with concern in his headset in time.

"I see," Chen whispered in his ear.

Wearing only a simple protective mask on his face, Chen Zheng continued to slide slowly down carefully while resisting the smoke disturbance released by the smoke bomb

After sliding down for twenty or thirty meters, with the help of the low light level night vision instrument, Chen Zheng suddenly found that his feet suddenly became extremely empty, and suddenly there was a huge space. At the same time, there was no one in this huge space, which looked quiet and strange.

Continue to slide down. After turning a small corner, suddenly there was the sound of a rotating motor like an exhaust fan, and the continuous smoke hit straight up quickly along this sound.

In this extremely dark light, in this empty cave, the sound of the empty, high-speed rotating motor is so palpitating and strange.

Chen Yang quickly realized that if he continued to go down dozens of meters, he might touch the bottom of the cave! And that's a very unsafe place. The whole special combat formation made such a big circle and tried its best to get here. If one is not careful and the other is not careful, it is likely to be directly exposed to the enemy. In that case, all previous achievements will be wasted and success will be on the verge of failure!

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng immediately sent a signal to Cheng Chong, who was in charge of retracting and releasing the rope. At the same time, almost hanging in the air, he quickly and carefully observed and inquired around through the low light level night vision instrument he carried with him.

After careful observation and inquiry, Chen Zheng suddenly found that there was a hidden path half height on one side of the huge cave, almost parallel to himself. This secret passage did not directly connect with the bottom of the cave, as if it had been cut off by someone for no reason.

I don't know when this secret passage existed. It may be of no use to that large group of mercenaries. However, in the view of Chen Zheng, such a blasting expert, that's the best place to go!

I chose here. After continuing to observe the surrounding situation, but there was no other breakthrough discovery, Chen Zhengzheng made this important decision!