Chapter 359

Chen Zheng, who has extremely rich blasting experience, firmly believes that the most suitable blasting point and a very important and key point can be found in this abandoned tunnel. This key point is enough to play a good effect of pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

It will be the destruction point of nearly 300 kilograms of C4 high explosive that wantonly releases its huge energy

Excited and extremely cautious Chen Zheng, after making up his mind, quickly grasped the rope with both hands, then used both hands and feet, exerted all his strength and energy on his limbs, and his body moved up slowly.

At this time, he must move up a little. After carefully approaching the cave wall above the slope, he can slowly move to the secret passage with the help of the cave wall and his own special combat skills. This is a very difficult technical work. He can't hurry or hurry!

What's more, further down is a huge cave space. Although it is dark under this huge cave space, Chen Zheng is not sure at this time. Are there any dead mercenaries standing guard in this area? However, fortunately, the high-speed rotating exhaust fan is making a whirring sound. To a certain extent, it played a protective role in his slow movement and careful activities.

Maybe it's because a lot of smoke suddenly appeared in the cave, especially the unpleasant pungent smell of tear gas! The remaining mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment, led by the leader, avoided deeper into the cave. Only the hoarse and strange exhaust fan was left at the scene, still rotating at high speed, discharging smoke and exhaust gas as much as possible bit by bit.

Taking advantage of this short opportunity, Chen Zheng seized the time and carefully moved to the location of the secret passage as fast as possible. At the moment, all their actions, even the most subtle ones, must be extra careful, not a bit reckless and careless.

At this time, standing on the vent, Cheng Chong stopped putting the rope down. Obviously, he was aware that Chen Zheng in the cave was encountering some situations, and the quality was unknown. Therefore, in his headset, he asked softly and with great concern, "what's the matter with the Warhawk? What's the situation? Please answer when you hear!"

"Everything is normal! By the way, I have good news. Next, I may find a suitable blasting point!" Chen Zheng grasped the rope tightly with both hands. When his legs had slowly approached the secret passage, he stopped for a moment, and then answered softly in his headset.

Listening to Chen Zheng's words, the stone hanging high in Cheng Chong's heart seemed to have a landing point suddenly, and put a little snack. However, he suddenly remembered something, and then whispered in his ear: "that's good! However, Warhawk! I have to tell you in advance that this time, we don't just want to seal the vent of the cave... Do you understand what I mean?"

"You can rest assured!" Now Chen Zheng, after taking a long breath, Still confidently whispered back in the headset: "If you just seal the vent, you don't need me as a blasting expert at all, do you? What's more, I don't need to go down to the cave in person! Just make a few simple drums on the vent! In short, don't worry, I will give full play to the energy released by these 300 kilogram high explosives!"

"What does it mean to play to the extreme? What I want is the result, what I want is the outcome! It's not an extreme problem!" Cheng Chong, who has become more and more mature, quickly grasped the key to this problem.

Because, whether the explosives on the site can be brought into full play is the problem that blasters should consider when playing with blasting, and this is also a conventional blasting proverb. As a special warfare commander and the direct person in charge of the Special Warfare Mission, it is not important whether the explosives have been brought into full play, but whether they can successfully achieve the expected blasting effect.

Even if only a small part of the explosives explode, but can achieve the expected blasting effect, it doesn't matter, and the blaster is still an excellent blaster in his eyes. On the contrary, even if the explosive is completely detonated, and all the energy released by the explosive is not wasted at all, but if the expected blasting effect is not achieved, everything is useless and nonsense.

Because at this time, we are not assessing an excellent blaster, but performing extremely critical tasks.

"Don't worry!" Chen Zheng, like a repeater, repeated what he had just said, Then he continued to whisper with confidence: "I will let these explosives give full play to the energy released by their explosion at an extremely critical point. In short, you can rest assured that the result of this blasting will surprise you and greatly surprise you."

Cheng Chong, still a little worried, was in the headset again, Whispered: "Warhawk, I tell you, it's good to have confidence, but you can't be too full. After all, a mere 300 kg of explosives is still a bit of an ant trying to shake a tree for such a large mountain. It's definitely not easy to completely destroy the enemy's secret base and permanently destroy the enemy's big cave! ”

When Cheng Chong said this, Chen Zheng smiled calmly. He climbed to the secret road with great care, He whispered back: "other people might not be able to do it, or they might not be able to successfully complete the task. But now I am performing this task, and the result is very different. Lone eagle, have you heard of four or two kilos? Do you know what is called bone Mino? And do you know what is called a straw that can crush a big camel?"

Under Cheng Chong's advice and questioning, Chen Zheng launched a series of rhetorical questions to him. What did he say at the moment, four or two kilos, what bone Mino cards, and what straw crushed a camel? It sounds like saying some market sayings. In fact, it is a few professional terms often mentioned by blasters in the blasting industry, in which there are some metaphors.

For example, pulling a thousand catties in four or two refers to using one's own minimum strength to fight with strength, so as to complete seemingly impossible tasks with small and broad. Bone Minogue cards are about the chain effect, or even the butterfly effect. As long as you move it a little, it may cause unpredictable huge effects in the next process. As for a straw crushing a camel, it means that at the most important key point, it only needs a little force to produce a strange effect that can hardly be imagined

The reason why Chen Zheng is so confident and full of words at this time is that he really has a certain confidence and confidence. When he was a frogman in the Marine Corps, he experienced a series of high standard and strict blasting training, and he was engaged in difficult blasting work for a long time.

Therefore, when he is faced with such a huge cave with almost no foundation support, his self-confidence is of course indescribable and uncontrollable.

Nearly 300 kilograms of high explosives, which can be called an incomparably huge old cliff mountain, is really a little small, it is really a little less than a mention. However, if you think about it carefully, the blasting position he is in at the moment is so crucial and rare for the whole huge laoyashan mountain!

In other words, the 300 kg high explosive suddenly explodes in a very short time. Then, the huge energy released by the explosion is wantonly splashed and destroyed in this almost closed space and in the depths of a mountain that is almost hollowed out without foundation support. What kind of excitement will it produce, And the pleasure and satisfaction of a sudden rise in adrenal hormones?

As we all know, in a relatively closed space, the great power produced by explosive explosion is far more powerful than that produced by explosive explosion in an open area. The reason is very simple. In a relatively closed space, the huge energy generated by explosive explosion can not spread around in time in a very short time, so that it can stir back and forth in a relatively narrow space, and even interact with each other to increase the power of blasting and increase the effect of blasting.

If explained by the blasting proverb, this is called energy redistribution, so as to increase the original energy and achieve better and greater blasting effect.

Once the whole laoyashan mountain is shaken by the huge energy released by the explosion of explosives, under the action of earth's gravity, the immeasurable huge gravity of the whole laoyashan mountain itself will be directly pressed down like bone Mino cards. Then, no matter what man-made buildings, I'm afraid they can't be stopped and borne.

Everything is like the last straw that crushed the camel. It's incredible! Amazing!

Hearing what Chen Zheng said, Cheng Chong, who was also familiar with blasting skills, was quickly infected by his confident language, Then he whispered in his ear: "since you are so confident, it's better. I believe you! This task is very important, and the task you are performing at the moment is the most important, so don't be careless. If you finish this task well, I'll ask you for merit when you go back!"

"Go! Go! Go! Invite a fart. It seems that I quit without credit! I tell you, Gu Ying, don't play with me. Otherwise, after the task is completed successfully, how about you invite me to have a good steak? It's the kind where your monthly salary is only enough for us. Are you willing?" At the moment, the eight characters have hardly left, but Chen Zheng, who is full of self-confidence, has begun to talk about conditions with Cheng Chong.

"What's the big deal? If I don't invite you, I'll take care of it! Open up and eat as I please! It's like eating rice and steamed bread! What's up? Do it well! If you don't complete your tasks as required, I may even roast your boy as a steak It's over! " Cheng Chong whispered in his headset, joking and making a bad check.

"OK, that's it. It's a deal! Wait and see the good play!" Chen Zheng still replied confidently.

Just as they were talking, Chen Zheng, who had never stopped, had quickly climbed back and forth along the secret way and other secret ways along with him! At this time, he quickly looked for the most suitable blasting point for placing explosives and the starting point of the bone Mino card in the interconnected secret passage.

A moment later, he finally found the most suitable blasting point in a crack in a rock stratum deep in the dark road. The space in this place is extremely narrow, and there are certain stripes and loose gaps between the rocks in the cave. If you choose to blast directly at this point, it is bound to produce unexpected magical effects.

After quickly determining the specific blasting point, Chen Zheng quietly informed Cheng Chong to lift the explosives down immediately in his headset.

Because the space is relatively small both in the vent and in the secret passage where he is at the moment. If someone specially sends explosives down, first, the activity will not open, and second, the movement will become larger, increasing the possibility of exposure.

Cheng Chong, who was informed, then, with the help of the tiger nearby, hoisted the nearly 300 kg of special C4 high explosives to Chen Zheng's position carefully and safely in five batches.

After all the explosives were in place, Comrade Chen Zheng, the blasting expert, began to fill the explosives skillfully and reasonably, and set up the lines very quickly. However, at the moment, he did not stack all the explosives together, but divided all the explosives into several parts according to a certain law and distributed in a certain network

Speaking of it, this is the capital he used to boast with his comrades in arms all year round. Therefore, at the moment, he is calm and confident

More than ten minutes later, a huge time bomb was made. After everything was ready, Chen Zheng carefully checked it again, set the time and started the detonating device. It was only then that Cheng Chong, who was waiting for him, was informed in time, and then he quickly climbed up along the narrow vent with his hands and feet firmly grasping the rope.

At this time, he was no longer as slow and careful as before. After all, there is a huge bomb under him that is enough to break everything in time. If he says he is completely unscrupulous, the fool won't believe it! Moreover, at this time, the task has been basically completed, and he is not so afraid of exposure.

A moment later, with the joint efforts of Cheng Chong and Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng finally climbed out of the narrow vent! Then he rushed into Chong and gave a thumbs up. At the same time, he smiled confidently.

This shows that everything below has been arranged and everyone can evacuate the site immediately!

Cheng Chong and the tiger on one side smiled happily at Chen Zheng, gave the same thumbs up, and then simply retracted the rope. The three people rushed to the cliff when they climbed up together

"The evacuation time I set is ten minutes, which is enough for us to evacuate from the scene! Therefore, there is no need to worry!" A moment later, Chen Zheng seemed to suddenly think of it and quickly explained to the two team members around him.

"I don't know if the time you set is accurate. If you set a zero less, the three of us will be a flying man! It doesn't matter to you, but I and the lone eagle will be miserable and innocent!" The fierce tiger, who has always been quick tempered and violent, smiled at Chen very abnormally, just as he joked.