Chapter 360

Like a strong wind, the three people who rushed to the edge of the cliff did not stop at all and did not delay for a moment. Chen Zheng and the fierce tiger came first, and Cheng Chong was in charge of the rear of the hall. Then he climbed the rope with his hands and his legs firmly against it. From top to bottom, he slipped down quickly and skillfully, like a nimble monkey.

Just as the three quickly evacuated from the scene and glided down the cliff, they heard a burst of extremely violent and violent gunfire from the northwest under the cliff.

The extremely violent gunfire fiercely tore the silence of the scene. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became particularly tense and dangerous.

In fact, it was Feilong who led the other members of the special combat formation to launch a resolute and violent attack on the mercenaries hiding in the West and trying to launch a crazy counterattack against them.

At this time, Feilong, leading the other members of the special combat formation, unswervingly carried out Cheng Chong's order, just passive defense, but did not take the initiative to attack. Therefore, at this time, they were all hidden in solid and suitable temporary shelters, waiting for work and resolutely blocking the enemy trying to launch a crazy counterattack in the West.

"What's the matter? Feilong! Report the situation over there immediately!" At the moment, he was still in the Cheng Chong of sliding down rapidly. Without delay, he asked eagerly in his headset.

"I don't know why, when the tigers carried the explosives up for a moment, these mercenaries hidden in the West seemed to go crazy collectively and launched a series of crazy attacks on us! They all wanted their lives..." they were doing everything they could to resolutely stop the enemy's flying dragon, and then hurriedly replied in their headphones.

"Bad -" after hearing Feilong's hasty report, Cheng Chong thought quickly for a moment. As soon as his feet hit the ground, Cheng Chong couldn't help drinking. Suddenly, his face became extremely ugly. His tightly locked eyebrows were like dark clouds in thunderstorm season.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Chen Zheng, who had already landed on the ground, saw Cheng Chong's abnormal appearance behind him, immediately turned his head and asked seriously and nervously.

"Our actions just now may have been exposed! Damn it! Damn it! Be careful, be careful, but they were exposed in the end!" Cheng Chong, frowning, sighed anxiously.

However, at the moment, he deeply knew the priorities of things, so he didn't say all the things that Feilong had just reported to him, so that the tiger wouldn't be distracted or even blame himself. Moreover, this matter may not be directly related to the tigers.

"What shall we do now?" However, the tiger, who knew nothing about it, hurriedly didn't think about it, so he immediately asked Cheng Chong around him.

However, before Cheng rushed back, the fierce tiger, who had always been hot tempered, patted himself on the chest, Fighting Ling ran shouted: "what if our actions are exposed? Even if all of them rush out of the cave, I can send them to hell one by one. I've long wanted to knock face-to-face with these bastards and these boneless shrinking turtles. Let's see who the fuck is the best..."

"Now is not the time for you to show off your ability, nor is it the time for you to commit personal heroism -" Cheng Chong, who was thinking about countermeasures quickly, interrupted the words of the tiger angrily and scolded him.

"I think it doesn't matter! It shouldn't be a big problem!" Seeing this situation, Chen Zheng quickly thought for a moment, and then put in a word, "Gu Ying!" said confidently, "don't worry, our action will be exposed. Even if they know the purpose of our action just now, it won't help! The bomb I arranged is dead, and even the gods can't dismantle it. Even if they know, what can they do? I think those bastards in the cave must be dead this time!"

"Warhawk! It's time. How can you be so childish?" Cheng Chong, frowning, couldn't take into account the words and wording at the moment. He immediately yelled at Chen Zheng.

Then he quickly waved a gesture to the two people in front of him, and hurriedly ordered, "let's go! Let's help the flying dragons first and beat back the enemy in the West -"

After that, the three people flew to the flying dragon where they were and left quickly. At the same time, Cheng rushed to Chen Zheng, Speak out your concerns: "Warhawk, think about it! Since this damn cave was an underground secret base built by the monkey Kingdom under the laoyashan mountains in those years, according to the location of the monkey Kingdom, there must be an entrance and exit in the south of laoyashan, that is, the side close to the monkey Kingdom, and that entrance and exit was the same as when the monkey Kingdom built this underground secret base in those years Front entrance and exit. And close to the hole on our side, it is likely that people from the scorpion mercenary regiment came and specially opened up and built it. "

"Do you mean that when the mercenaries in the cave know our real intention, they will avoid in time. Maybe they will flee along the south entrance and exit, or even directly into the border of the monkey country?" It looks like a tiger with a thick brain, and then he analyzes it like this.

In the process of running forward quickly, Cheng Chong hurriedly turned his head and looked at the tiger, and then said sadly, "yes! This is the most deadly place of his mother!"

"If that's the case, didn't they escape the damned fat tailed scorpion and maybe the damned crocodile backed scorpion in the cave?" At the moment, Chen Zheng suddenly realized that while running forward quickly, he beat his thigh hard.

"If that's true, it's a fucking pity! Those two damn bastards have such a hard life and will last so long. It's really unreasonable that they can't be killed by such bombing this time. It's really people who plan, but it's heaven." After thinking for a moment, Cheng Chong said with great sadness and regret.

At this time, the reason why he was so sad and regretful was not entirely because the damn fat tailed scorpion and crocodile backed scorpion were likely to escape their lives. Another big part of the reason is that the strength of these two people is too strong and their skills are too powerful.

In other words, such a good opportunity didn't completely clean up the two of them. Then, next, it will be difficult to clean them up. To a large extent, it is likely that we will have to face them face to face, a hard fight and a bloody battle! In that case, our side will certainly pay a certain blood and price, which is absolutely certain and beyond doubt!

After all, the strength of the other party is clearly there. And face to face with such an expert, you can't have any luck, otherwise, it will not only disappoint people, but also make people extremely sad.

This is the main reason for his regret and pain at the moment.

However, any excellent commander must be an absolute realist. No matter what happens next and what he has to face next, the premise is that everything he can do in front of him must be done as well as possible. Otherwise, the next things will only be worse and worse.

Even if the next flood will be overwhelming, we must first do the things in front of us as well as possible. For an excellent commander, it is extremely necessary to think far, but if you can't do the current things well, it doesn't make much sense to talk about the next things.

Thinking of Cheng Chong here, he immediately encouraged Chen Zheng and the tiger: "these things don't matter for the time being. Let's first help Feilong and drive all the enemies in the West back to their original bunkers. We should eat food mouth by mouth and do things step by step."

"However, we don't have much time left. The 300 kg high explosive will detonate soon!" At the moment, the fierce tiger, who was acute, anxiously reminded him aside.

"I'm not afraid. I've been pinching the time! There are still several minutes left! It shouldn't be too difficult for us to drive all the enemies back together at this time!" Chen Zheng, who personally arranged the big bomb, said so calmly and confidently.

While talking, the three people who came quickly were about to approach the blocking position of Feilong. Cheng Chong immediately ordered in his headset: "Liying, you lead the sniper team to withdraw first, withdraw 300 meters to 400 meters to the north, and be ready to cover other team members."

"Understand -" after answering Cheng Chong, min Jie, who had always been silent and cold, immediately commanded the other two snipers in her headset, quickly retreated north, left the explosion area and retreated to a safer area.

At the same time, the three snipers in jungle auspicious clothes play a special role in actual combat with their own professional skills and their own specialties. After the three of them quickly evacuated to a safer area, they quickly occupied the favorable terrain, distributed in a product shape, kept a certain distance from each other, shot forward very quickly, and quickly prepared to cover the retreat of other team members.

At this time, sword and lightning, under Cheng Chong's quick instructions, no longer guarded the cave entrance. But immediately after Cheng Chong and the three of them, they also quickly reinforced Feilong.

When the five of them rushed into the blocking position of Feilong, they were fighting with a group of mercenaries who fought back with their lives! But there were at least a dozen mercenaries in front of us. They were bloody and red eyed. They braved death and launched a desperate crazy counterattack.

Dada... Dada... Boom

At this time, the sound of guns was loud, and the swarming bullets crisscrossed each other on the position, flying wantonly, interwoven into a dense bullet net, rolled up a scorching heat wave, wrapped in a strong smell of death, fiercely shrouded the whole fighting area, leaving almost no gap.

Each other's blood red eyes, gnashing teeth and refusing to give in to each other.

However, relatively speaking, although the number of the enemy is large and the firepower is fierce, after all, they all jumped out of solid bunkers and fought a bloody battle with the elite Chinese special forces who are waiting for work. What's more, their military quality and individual strength are not at the same level as those elite Chinese special forces.

Therefore, at the moment, although they seemed to fight back fiercely and did fight bravely and fearlessly one by one, they failed to move forward after a few minutes of bloody battle, except for a few bloody dead bodies on their own side. Let alone directly break through the strong blocking defense line temporarily built by Feilong and directly burst forward.

When the five elite of special warfare quickly joined the fierce battle, our firepower on the position immediately doubled. The mercenaries, who were already at a disadvantage and passive position, suddenly became more and more passive, more and more weak and powerless.

Under the extremely fierce firepower of our side, those mercenaries who dared to jump out of the bunker and were not afraid of death were shot one by one by the type 05 assault gun, which fiercely pierced their bodies and even directly deprived their lives.

In a moment, the mercenaries who jumped out of the solid bunker at great risk of their lives fell down one by one, with their unwilling and infinite attachment to life, infinite longing, dilated pupils and died

After finishing five or six mercenaries in a row again, seeing that there was no hope of counterattack at the moment, those mercenaries who survived had to retreat under the great danger of their lives and had to get into the low and solid fortifications again.

"Kill -" seeing this situation, the fierce tiger who killed at the moment jumped out of the bunker and chased forward without fear.

It was late and fast at that time. Cheng Chong on one side threw him down at once, and sternly said, "tiger, are you fucking crazy and dead?"

Then, Cheng Chong shouted behind him, "retreat immediately, all the way back --"

"Why not take advantage of this opportunity and work hard to kill all the enemies?" The fierce tiger, whose eyes were red with blood, asked lingran in the spirit of war.

"Retreat! Execute the order immediately -" the time was very urgent and there was no room for delay. Cheng Chong immediately shouted at him very seriously.

The other team members who knew what was at stake immediately took turns to cover and quickly retreated to the north. The fierce tiger with a slight retreat of adrenal hormone had to quickly execute the order and quickly retreat after retiring from the army.

At this time, the snipers who covered them also played their due role in time and kept shooting here with great accuracy. Although they are hundreds of meters away at the moment, as soon as a mercenary's head comes out of the bunker, they will be directly hit by an accurate sniper bullet.

Under the leadership of Cheng Chong and under the cover of the sniper team led by Min Jie, all the special combat team members quickly got away from the fierce battle positions of the opposing sides. At the same time, they quickly withdrew to the north.

At this time, a huge sound almost from the depths of the earth burst out without warning. In an instant, the mountain shook, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the earth almost trembled violently, as if a high-level earthquake had occurred at the scene.

The nearly 300 kg special C4 high explosive seems to have been unbearable for a long time. Now, in the almost closed cave, it is finally like a wild beast trapped for a long time. All the energy it carries is violently vented in the most direct and violent way.

"Lie down -" Cheng Chong shouted at the team members around him in time.

In fact, there is no need to shout. Soldiers, especially this pair of extremely elite Chinese special forces, almost have an almost reflexive avoidance instinct for explosions. Almost at the moment when nearly 300 kilograms of high explosives roared, everyone immediately fell down on the spot and curled up their bodies as much as possible to reduce the exposed area of their bodies as much as possible. At the same time, keep a part of the distance between your chest and the ground as far as possible to prevent violent explosion from damaging the internal organs in your chest.

Although they all knew that this violent explosion was completely different from other ordinary grenades or bombs, they did so unswervingly.