Chapter 475

It has to be said that the fierce firepower and ferocious lethality of anti-aircraft heavy machine guns can be called terror.

In this case, the continuous pursuit of the elite Chinese special forces had to stop immediately. After all, he braved the fierce fire of anti-aircraft heavy machine gun, continued to pursue forward, and used his team members' lives to consume the bullets of the enemy's heavy machine gun. Cheng Chong certainly won't do such a stupid thing.

However, this is also the pain in Chen Zheng's heart.

He found the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns of the scorpion mercenary regiment just now.

Just now, he also wanted to take good care of the enemy's four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns. If he had spare power, he also wanted to take good care of the enemy behind the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns.

Unfortunately, the explosives they carry are too limited to do so. In order to be more secure, better and faster support Cheng Chong and destroy the enemy's artillery position immediately, he had to give up this fat meat that had almost reached his mouth and made such a painful choice.

Because, sneak attacks are often disposable.

If you play in the same place for the second time, you'll be looking for your own death.

In other words, because the explosives in his hand were too limited, he had to reluctantly give up a chance to destroy the enemy's four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns.

At this time, when the enemy's four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns suddenly opened fire violently, Chen Zheng's sudden pain in his heart can be imagined.

However, their serial explosions delayed the firing time of the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns of the scorpion mercenary regiment to a great extent.

Because just now, although the powerful energy released by the serial blasting failed to completely destroy the four far away anti-aircraft heavy machine guns, it still shook and collapsed a lot of rocks around the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns. In other words, the original shooting position cannot be used, and the shooting position must be changed immediately.

This is also the main reason why the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns of the scorpion mercenary regiment resumed firing after they had been misfiring for a long time.

Suddenly, he was violently blocked by machine gun fire, and the situation changed dramatically. In a very short time, Cheng Chong made a quick decision and decisively issued a stop order to the whole special combat formation.

"Why not work hard, take this commanding height and completely destroy the last stronghold and the last base camp of the scorpion mercenary regiment?" Feilong, who was trying to kill ahead, suddenly turned around and asked very incomprehensibly.

"We can't do that at this time." Cheng Chong then said, "in the face of the enemy's dense heavy firepower and the enemy's firepower deployment is not clear, if we launch a frontal strong attack and an urgent attack at this time, we are bound to pay a heavy price. Our special combat formation has few people and weak firepower, so we can't afford such losses and pay such a price."

"What should we do? If we don't fight, the four damn machine guns of the scorpion mercenary regiment won't destroy themselves?" Feilong, who always obeys Cheng Chong's orders, still has some doubts.

"It's not urgent. We'll have a good way." Cheng Chong hurried back,

At the moment, although Cheng Chong said so, he still had no bottom in his heart. Raota's special combat skills are so superb. After all, in such a short time, he can't think of a way to achieve both.

"When the enemy's situation is unknown, we'd better be safe. If we want to be quick, we can't reach it!" At this time, Chen Zheng, who climbed up slowly from behind, supported Cheng chongdao.

Relatively speaking, among the whole special combat formation, Chen Zhengfan is the one who knows the enemy's situation on the commanding height best. After all, he was the one who went deep into the tiger's den just now. He almost had a close contact with the machine gun fire set on the commanding height by the scorpion mercenary regiment.

At this time, since even he said so, what else does Feilong have to say?

The Flying Dragon nodded, agreed, and then asked, "what shall we do next?"

Cheng Chong looked at the flying dragon, thought a little, and then proposed, "I suggest we go back first. After dawn, we will reconnoiter the enemy's situation before making a decision. Anyway, the enemy's ship has already been bombed and sunk by us. Are we still afraid of him flying?"

"I agree with the suggestion of lone eagle." At this time, Wang Rong, who has always rarely interrupted and rarely participated in the formation decision, quietly climbed over and said, "after dawn, I'll use a UAV to spy on the base camp of the scorpion mercenary regiment. It's easy to fight after I find the flaw of the enemy."

"OK, let's do it." Everyone agreed.

The thought was soon unified. Under the leadership of Cheng Chong, the whole special combat formation soon retreated from the blocking area of machine gun fire of scorpion mercenary regiment.

Quickly counted the number of people and checked the injuries of the team members.

Fortunately, it is really because the military quality of the team members is very excellent and the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is very strong.

Among all the special combat team members, only two or three of them had slight skin and flesh bruises, and the other team members were intact, which did not affect their combat effectiveness at all.

After a short rest, the team members took the time to quickly eat some field rations and replenish some energy. Cheng Chong didn't stay where he was and waited for dawn. Instead, he ordered again and led the team members to act quickly.

The purpose of his action this time is to eliminate the remaining enemies, that is, all the remaining enemies on the whole island, except the areas they can't get close to on the commanding heights to the south of the island.

At this time, Cheng Chong did so for at least two purposes.

The first purpose is to lure the enemy.

Yes, the enemy continued to stay in their base camp, guarding the commanding height of their machine gun fire, like a turtle, and continued to shrink in their shell. For a moment, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces really couldn't do anything about them and what to do with them.

However, the enemy hid in the protective circle of machine gun fire, and there was really no way to take them. However, the enemy who is not in the machine gun fire protection circle has a way to deal with it, and it is also very easy to deal with.

Because at this time, most of the enemy's last main force is concentrated on the commanding height to the south of the island, that is, their so-called base camp. Other enemies, however, are scattered in twos and threes, or even scattered alone in various areas to the north of the isolated island.

At this time, it is not easy to clean them up alone.

And once they are attacked, will they ask for help from their base camp?

At that time, it would be better if the enemy's base camp sent troops to help. As long as they are out of the protective circle of machine gun fire, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces have plenty of ways to deal with them.

If the enemy's base camp does not send troops for assistance, there is no way. Then they can only watch their companions in various regions of the scattered island be destroyed one by one by the elite Chinese special forces. At the same time, I watched their sphere of influence on the isolated island return to the elite of this team of Chinese special forces bit by bit.

The second purpose is to implement the tactics he formulated before, steady and steady, step by step.

Cheng Chong, who has just suffered a loss in this regard, can deeply experience it at this time.

At this time, the commanding height in front of them, that is, to the south of the island, had been occupied by the enemy, and the fire was still very fierce. This is a hard bone that they can hardly chew down in a short time.

In this case, if other areas of the island are still occupied by the enemy, there are still enemy forces. That is undoubtedly very dangerous.

At that time, if we don't pay attention, the enemies distributed in various areas of the island will get in effective contact, gather together again, and give them a left-right siege, flanking attack or something, we will lose a lot. Of course, you can't do such a stupid thing again. Of course, you can't make the same mistake again.

What's more, are they such top special forces elite?

Only by thoroughly eliminating the enemies in other areas of the island and consolidating the area behind them can we rely on, rely on or even detour the base and rear. In this way, at least in terms of terrain, we can barely have the confidence and capital to fight the enemy.

In fact, this is the tactics that Cheng Chong has just formulated, steady and steady, step by step.

After determining the next action plan, Cheng Chong immediately ordered that all special operations teams of the whole special operations formation, including the special operations team of the Marine Corps, quickly restore their independent combat organization, act alone and perform tasks independently.

Because there is no need to rectify the collective action of the special combat formation to deal with the enemy who is distributed in various areas of the island and exists in twos and threes or even alone. It is more than enough for each independent special warfare team to solve them, so that they can not only quickly eliminate the remaining enemies, but also cooperate with each other, so that the remaining enemies distributed in all areas of the island have nowhere to escape.

The campaign to eliminate the remaining enemy soon began quickly and quickly.

Suddenly, in the dense forest on the island, under the darkest night before dawn, the sound of guns came from almost all directions. For a moment, guns were fired everywhere and there were fierce battles on all sides. If people who did not know the truth saw this situation, they would be shocked by the scene in front of them.

Even the enemy, who was on the commanding heights to the south of the island, was confused by this strange scene for a moment. He couldn't figure out what happened on the island. Until their companions distributed in all regions of the island sent out emergency distress messages almost at the same time, they may not understand what happened on the island at the moment.

But what should they do? Save or not?

In fact, from Cheng Chong's heart at the moment, he extremely hopes that the enemies on the commanding height can come down to rescue and help their companions who are about to be completely eliminated.

Because, after the smart Cheng Chong sent out other special operations teams, the lone eagle team he led, that is, the most powerful special operations team, actually stood on the only way for the enemy's assistance and did not go anywhere. He had already made all preparations for combat, opened a big net and waited for work.

It's a good game for the Chinese army to guard and fight for help.

What's more, are they the elite Chinese special forces with extremely strong combat effectiveness?

Using this set of tactics, of course, is more handy and even perfect.

However, the reality made Cheng Chong feel some accidents, and indeed some accidents.

Because, despite the constant gunfire around, one after another, and the excitement of the fight, the area they guard and guard, that is, the area where they set traps and prepare to fight for help, is always quiet as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Did the enemy know something in advance? Don't dare to come down easily and don't want to be fooled easily?

Of course, this reason exists and cannot be completely ruled out.

However, this is still very strange and unusual.

Generally speaking, when their own troops are trapped for help, the vast majority of troops, or other armed forces, can not wait to die. Most of them will take action immediately after considering their own safety or taking necessary defensive measures.

Because saving your comrades in arms and your companions is actually saving yourself.

The reason is very simple. If you can easily abandon your comrades in arms and companions, it just shows that your comrades in arms and companions can also easily abandon you.

After going to the battlefield of life and death, everyone is mutual.

In vernacular, no one is fucking stupid. At the critical moment, if I can exchange my life for your life, it is because at the same time, you can also exchange your life for my life.

It's just heart to heart, it's just each other.

However, at this time, the mercenaries on the commanding height ignored the plight of their companions and the message of asking for help, as if nothing had happened.

This is very strange.

Even at this time, the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment know that they will take great risks when they go to the rescue, but they can shoot a few shots at will, fire a few shots, and tentatively impact down several times. Even if they just pretend to echo and support with the sound of guns, they can give their trapped comrades in arms and companions the necessary confidence, And great psychological comfort.

But they did nothing. They almost watched their scattered comrades in arms and companions dying and dying.

Although, this group of mercenaries with almost no principles and creeds, in their world view, money is supreme and interests are the most important. But in the face of life and death, and the direct threat of cold lips and teeth, it will not show such indifference and ruthlessness.

What was the reason that prompted the mercenaries to make such a decisive decision?

After all, cutting meat is painful for any individual and group.

Faced with the strange and almost inhuman decision made by the scorpion mercenary regiment, he knew the way of special warfare, and soon fell into meditation after a long battle.

Why on earth is this?