Chapter 476

It would be a big mistake to simply believe that the scorpion mercenary regiment is ungrateful, or too powerful, too money oriented, and everything is based on practical interests.

In fact, all armed groups and teams that rely on force to eat and struggle on the line of life and death all day are very concerned about their own strength and pay special attention to maintaining their own strength. Because the combat team is the basis for them to eat, the main force and final dependence for them to make a living.

If not at all, what else?

Therefore, many times, consuming their armed forces is almost equal to taking their lives and digging their roots. It would be a joke if they were allowed to cut meat, especially in a large area.

However, why is the scorpion mercenary regiment so generous and abnormal at this time?

Cheng Chong, who has been through the battlefield for a long time and has a very fast brain response, soon came to a shocking conclusion: This is a conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy.

However, what kind of conspiracy will the scorpion mercenary regiment hold?

Cheng Chong is not an immortal after all. He has no power to predict the future, let alone to calculate.

In fact, many of his seemingly incredible judgments and decisions are not that he has any special premonitions or even special functions, but that he can make the most reasonable and logical conclusion according to the specific situation he has, then according to his own combat experience and after some careful analysis and deliberation.

At this time, although he could analyze that this was a huge conspiracy of the scorpion mercenary regiment, he couldn't figure out what kind of conspiracy it would be, and he had almost no clue.

On the battlefield, what I fear most is such a thing.

Knowing that the enemy is holding back and instigating a conspiracy specifically aimed at himself, we don't know what the conspiracy will be, or even which direction or aspect the enemy will start from.

It's like knowing that a fierce enemy is approaching infinitely, but you can't figure out who the enemy is and what kind of way it will attack you.

At this time, what Cheng Chong can do is to order all the special combat team members to speed up, solve the battle in the shortest time, eliminate all the remaining enemies scattered in all areas of the island, completely solve the worries at home, and then quickly assemble the team and reduce the troops with a stable and unchanged mentality, To deal with various dangers and challenges that may be imminent.

Because the last main force of the scorpion mercenary regiment did not come down to provide assistance, nor did it send a single shot to provide fire support. Therefore, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces are very relaxed and smooth in cleaning up scattered or even single enemy.

About half an hour later, the remaining enemies scattered in various areas of the island were soon eliminated.

With Cheng Chong's order, the scattered special combat teams quickly gathered their forces and quickly approached the direction and area where Cheng Chong was located. All special combat teams quickly return to the construction, re form the battle formation of special combat formation and start, and get ready for all dangerous battles.

"What's the matter? Have you changed your mind and launched a strong attack on the enemy's last base camp?" Feilong took his special warfare team and quickly approached. Then he asked Cheng Chong hurriedly.

"No -" Cheng Chong looked around repeatedly and then said, "I don't know. I always feel something is wrong. I always feel that a storm is coming. We must make all preparations in advance."

"Storm?" At this time, Feilong actually understood Cheng Chong's meaning, but he still pretended to look up at the weather and replied with deep meaning: "I don't see it. The weather tonight is good. There is no sign that a storm is coming."

"Well, just now, why didn't the scorpion mercenary regiment send troops to rescue their troops scattered in various areas of the island? Is it so fun to cut meat?" Cheng Chong asked back immediately.

"This -" Feilong said for a moment.

Then, he explained as if it were unreasonable: "if the scorpion mercenary regiment knew that we were ready for help in advance, so they didn't want to be fooled again? Anyway, they knew it couldn't be saved, so why send troops in vain? What's more, mercenaries, all focus on interests and money."

"Even if all the things you analyzed exist, should they be good or bad? Even if they just shoot a few shots at random and shoot a few shots into the sky, is it also necessary to support their comrades and companions who are about to go to heaven? Why should they be so ruthless and act like they have nothing to do with themselves?" Cheng Chong didn't answer directly, but asked Feilong's question casually.

Feilong didn't think about it, so he casually replied, "maybe they don't have much ammunition left. Even if they shoot a few shots and support, they also feel a little waste of ammunition. Therefore, they simply omit all of them."

"Bullshit -" after Cheng Chong angrily replied to Feilong, he began to tell other team members through the headset to be vigilant and prepare for all battles.

Fortunately, the other team members did not have so many problems as Feilong. Once Cheng Chong's order was issued, everyone immediately implemented it without any conditions.

However, Feilong has just finished. The scorpion mercenary Corps may have a problem of insufficient ammunition and is reluctant to shoot easily. At this time, the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns of the scorpion mercenary regiment, located on the commanding height south of the island, immediately roared angrily.

At this time, they seemed to be crazy, with all their firepower open. They fired wildly at the dense jungle in front, as if bullets were free of money.

Moreover, it seems that this is not the end. On the commanding point in the south of the island, the other firepower of the scorpion mercenary regiment suddenly blew out. Suddenly, they all started to fire wildly.

Crazy, the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment must be crazy.

Otherwise, what are they doing?

Are you bored and want to hear the sound of guns?

Or do you think it's too quiet at this time, so you think of a way to make a little movement to prove their existence?

Are you kidding?

This is absolutely impossible.

But why is this?

At this time, Rao Shicheng Chong, a special warfare commander who has experienced the battlefield and battle battle battle, is well versed in the way of special warfare, has a flexible mind and responds very quickly. For a moment, he was also surrounded by the almost strange move of the scorpion mercenary regiment.

Scorpion mercenary regiment, what are you doing? Are you really crazy?

However, Cheng Chong's heart is very clear that the scorpion mercenary regiment is absolutely not crazy. They must have their reasons and purposes for doing so.

But what kind of reason and purpose will they have?

Cheng Chong couldn't solve it. He immediately fell into distressed and intense meditation.

At this time, Wang Rong, who has been working as an electromagnetic detective and a radio confrontation and cracking task, A very strange warning was suddenly given to the team members: "East action, East action... An unknown strange signal, strong and weak, sometimes and sometimes, is rapidly approaching the island from south to north. This signal is constantly in contact with the scorpion mercenary regiment. After the message is cracked, it seems to be the four words of East action, but it is not very sure."

"Operation East, what fucking operation east?" After Cheng Chong scolded casually, he immediately judged that the strange signal was aimed at himself.

Moreover, he quickly thought that what is related to this "Oriental action" is the "Oriental plan" formulated by Sam's country specifically for China, which has been mentioned before.

Cheng Chong soon thought that this strange signal was not sent by anyone else. It was probably sent by Sam's country. Moreover, it is still approaching the direction of the island at a very fast speed.

"Pay close attention to and track, and try every means to quickly crack this signal. I want to see what kind of cow, ghost and snake god is coming, and what do they want to do?" In an emergency, Cheng Chong quickly ordered Wang Rong.

After all, he is a top student in the military, and he is an expert who plays electronic countermeasures and is proficient in various schemes of modern electronic warfare. With close attention and tracking, Wang Rong soon cracked the signal. Although the crack was not complete, it was enough for Cheng Chong.

Without delay, Wang Rong immediately reported to Cheng Chong: "seals, seals. They seem to have come to three special combat units at once, with more than twice the number of us."

It is true that seals are carnivores living in the sea.

However, once the special forces of any country in the world hear the word "seal", the first thing they think of is definitely not the kind of sea creatures that look very weak, even a little ignorant and lovely.

But an extremely terrible existence - the seals.

Especially when it comes to Sam's country, the seal commando is almost the symbol or direct symbol of Sam's country, the strongest military power.

Speaking of seals, for the armies of many countries, especially the armies of many weak and small countries, it is simply a nightmare of terror.

Equipped with the world's top weapons and equipment, the world-class top special forces have the most powerful, advanced and most extensive fire summoning ability. They can suddenly appear in almost any region of the world in the shortest time and at the fastest speed to accurately deliver troops. And with the fastest speed, carry out the most accurate fatal attack on the established target.

What is more frightening is that this is by far the most experienced special force in the world.

Sam's government, which is good at fanning the flames around the world and always likes to make trouble all over the world, has given the seals excellent practical opportunities again and again. Under the circumstances of dominating the world and making a mess everywhere, they also tempered a top special force with a hundred battles and extremely rich practical experience.

Moreover, most of the time, they are invincible, they are invincible.

Because the government of Sam, which is overbearing, arrogant, has super national strength and super rich, will never allow their special forces, which almost symbolize the military strength of Sam, to have the opportunity of failure and the experience of failure.

Even if they do everything they can and devote all the strength of the country, they should also ensure that their special forces like an only child will win any war, which they believe is of great significance.

This is almost the direct embodiment of Sam's country's most powerful dependence and deterrence.

Therefore, they will not lose, they cannot lose, and they cannot afford to lose.

Over the years, Sam's country has relied on them to expand its territory, seize global resources, intimidate all enemies who hinder them, and then set aside part of the huge benefits to support them. Let them always be equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment in the world, enjoy the highest treatment in the army, and enjoy the richest military resources in the country.

They are the darling of Sam's country and the most proud capital in Sam's army and even the whole country.

They are an extremely strong, tough and powerful special forces tempered by Sam's country with huge financial and material resources.

Because of this, once the army of any country in the world, or even the top special forces of all countries, encounters the seal commando in front, it is almost only crushed and only hanged.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a nightmare for the armies of many small and weak countries.

And then they came.

If at this time, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces heard that the prehistoric wild beasts were coming, their surprise would be no more than that.

What's more, the damn seal team sent three special combat units at one time.

The ordinary combat units of the seals are usually transparent to the world. Because their figures often appear in any war ridden area in the world, their whereabouts, their combat units, their weapons and equipment, and many of their tactical methods almost always attract the attention of the world.

In this way, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it has completely achieved the absolute reputation of the seal commando, which is also for the government of Sam's country. It regards them as a sharp sword in its hand and intimidates those countries and groups that violate their will or are not so obedient anytime and anywhere.

But the disadvantage is that many of their things that should have been kept secret have to be exposed directly under the eyes of the world. Yes, with the close attention of people all over the world, it is really very difficult to keep it completely confidential.

However, the government and military of Sam's country often deliberately release some smoke bombs about seal commandos to mix food with audio and video. Of course, this is also true. Therefore, in the market, we can not but believe a lot of information about the seals, and of course we can not believe all of it.

But one thing is credible.

That is, under normal circumstances, the combat unit of the seal team is certain and will not be changed easily. In general, the smallest combat unit of the seal commando exists as a special combat team, sometimes called a special combat team. Under normal circumstances, a special combat squad consists of eight special combat team members.

Two special combat teams form a special combat unit, that is, a special combat unit is composed of 16 special combat team members.

According to Wang Ronggang's crack and notification, the seal commando sent three special combat units, that is, six special combat classes, with a total number of 48 people. Wang Ronggang just reported to Cheng Chong that the number of seals is more than twice that of us. These words are not fabricated and groundless.

As for the scorpion mercenary regiment's sudden fierce fire and crazy shooting at the dense jungle just now, the meaning is certainly clear. In the final analysis, it is not to better meet and cover the landing of seal commandos.