Chapter 511


A raging fire!

Fierce, fierce, crazy, and ruthless

In an instant, with the fierce tiger and the seal's flame thrower as the center and ignition, it was like a multi clawed devil. At an incredible speed, it almost carried the huge energy and high temperature that destroyed the sky and the earth, and spread around very quickly.

Wherever you go, it really lights up all darkness, burns all evil, and destroys all life bodies and even all organic things in the world, forming a gorgeous giant fire cloud, which is extremely charming and strange on the Dark Island and in the dense jungle.

In a hurry, in a very short period of time, the seals who opened fire with all their strength and the remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment were directly swallowed by this huge fire cloud before they had time to make any response or avoid action.


In the jungle, on the isolated island, there were bursts of heart rending screams, dying groans and wails.

Those seals who were originally lively and completely dominated, as well as the remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment who pretended to be tiger power, have all evolved into firemen covered with fire. They are struggling with their teeth and claws with the most primitive survival instinct of mankind.

In that dark night, it was like a devil dancing wildly.

Its pain is almost difficult to express in words. All the suffering suffered by the tigers before, now they have gathered together and tried it collectively for free.

Unfortunately, fire and water are merciless. With the rising of the flame, it spreads quickly. Our fierce tiger comrades, who are extremely strong and brave, have the courage to bear and bear everything at any time, have no choice but to be buried in this merciless sea of fire.

He died!

no He did not sacrifice, but turned into a raging fire.

Even at the cost of destroying ourselves, we should give the enemy the greatest blow and contusion;

Even at the cost of destroying ourselves, we should light up the darkness and the way forward for our comrades in arms and brothers in the dark;

Even at the cost of destroying yourself, you should move forward bravely without hesitation

Because he is a soldier;

An indomitable Chinese soldier;

A resounding elite of Chinese special forces.

He did not sacrifice, but nirvana in the raging fire.

He didn't sacrifice, because his body has been integrated into the island forever, into the land of the motherland he deeply loves and vows to defend to the death

He is with this land forever.

In the jungle not far away, the elite Chinese special forces who witnessed all this from a close distance suddenly burst into towering anger and a surging strong sense of revenge.

All the elite Special Forces soldiers, under the leadership of Cheng Chong, who was very angry and very sad, suddenly jumped out of their bunkers, swarmed forward and fiercely rushed away almost madly.

At this time, the seals and scorpion mercenary regiment, which originally occupied the absolute advantage, suffered heavy casualties in the huge fire, and were very sudden due to the great changes at the moment. Therefore, in a hurry, when the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, led by Cheng Chongcai, launched an extremely fierce and fierce attack on them, it was almost difficult for them to organize strong resistance and resistance.

In that treacherous and unpredictable battlefield, the fighting situation of the opposing sides has always been changing one after another. The balance of battle, as long as it tilts slightly to one side, will inevitably lead to unimaginable decline of the other side, or even a crushing defeat.

The opportunity is once in a lifetime, which was created by Comrade tiger with his own life.

"Fuck you, kill -"

"Avenge the tiger! Spell -"

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, take your life! Kill -"

Under the grief and indignation, the elite Chinese special forces who were eager for revenge roared, held their individual weapons, desperately opened the fire and rushed frantically towards the enemy's position.

In an instant, the gunfire became more and more intense, and the battle became more and more intense.

At this time, the raging fire that releases great energy has become smaller. Many seals involved in the fire, as well as the remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment, are still in the hot flame, dying struggle and hissing wail, like demons dancing in the middle of the night.

The team members who rushed forward simply ignored the existence of these "demons", but relied on their cover to fight the targets behind the "demons".

At the moment, for the seals and scorpion mercenary regiment, firstly, because of the existence of these undead "demons", they can't completely let go of their weapons to fight back. Secondly, because of the powerful fire just now, they were caught off guard and dealt a heavy blow, resulting in heavy losses and tearing of their defense line, You can't stay where you are and continue to fight back. As a result, the whole front was loosened and had to retreat in panic.

Between this and that, the elite of the Chinese special forces, who had been at a disadvantage and had been passively beaten, certainly firmly grasped this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, shouted the slogan of revenge for the tiger comrade, and rushed forward madly. At the same time, of course, they occupied the initiative in the battlefield.

As a result, the hostile situation on the battlefield has been completely reversed.

However, the seal commandos, which are known as the top of the world's special forces, are by no means in vain, nor can they be compared with ordinary special combat units. They are not vulnerable, or they will collapse at one blow.

Excellent special forces are always like this, retreat but not chaos, defeat but not collapse.

Even if you fight to the last person, you can deal with it calmly and go all out to fight to the end.

Unfortunately, the seals, who have experienced countless wars, just have these excellent battlefield qualities. Their ferocity and toughness are famous all over the world.

At this time, even under such an unfavorable situation, although they hurriedly withdrew from the burning battlefield, once they left the scene unfavorable to themselves, they soon recovered their original strong strength. They soon recovered the form of withdrawal special forces, covering each other and alternating with each other. In an orderly retreat, they soon found a favorable combat terrain, quickly dispersed into a form of blocking special forces, and went all out to block the elite Chinese special forces who rushed forward.

However, the strong have their own strong hands. Although they are strong, excellent and well-trained, the top special warfare elite in China are not vegetarian, nor can they be compared with ordinary special warfare teams.

At the critical moment, I know that this fighter is extremely valuable and can even be regarded as Cheng Chong with the only chance to win. Of course, I will not give up and never abandon it. If this is the case, isn't it in vain that Comrade fierce tiger has endured the rare severe pain in the world? Isn't it in vain that he traded his most precious life for time and fighters?

In that case, didn't he die in vain?

No, never.

If you don't spell at this time, when will you stay?

If you give up, then when the seals really stand firm and stand ready, they will fight with themselves for firepower and consumption. Then it will return to the original unfavorable situation. It will be really powerless.

After all, both hostile sides are the world's top special warfare experts. The same thing and the same situation can never occur twice in a row.

Anyway, even at this time, the seals, together with some remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment, have hastily established a temporary blocking line, but so what?

Morale can be encouraged, but not vented.

A good opportunity is available, not wasted.


——Revenge for Comrade tiger!

Cheng Chong, furious, led the rest of the team, roared and rushed forward recklessly.

Even in front of them, the enemy has hastily established a blocking line.

Even in front of them, the fierce enemy has opened fire fiercely.

But so what?

Even in the face of the world's most terrible enemy, even in the face of the world's most fierce firepower, even in the face of the world's most difficult danger, even in the most dangerous time, they still move forward bravely without turning back.

Because they are soldiers.

More because they are Chinese soldiers.

What's more, they are the elite of indomitable Chinese special warfare.

This scene is a long blood.

This scene is moving.

This scene is also moving and will never be forgotten.

However, seeing that under the enemy's dense and fierce fire, Cheng Chong, as the leader of the special combat formation and the direct command of the battlefield, actually took the lead, braved the enemy's fire, roared and continued to rush forward and kill quickly.

At the moment, he was like a God coming down to earth and a divine beast. He was brave, tenacious and fearless. While quickly avoiding the bullets pouring into him, he kept firing forward, moving and static, fast and slow, and constantly counted the most threatening fire points in front.

At this time, the equally angry team members, under the leadership and encouragement of Cheng Chong, had long put their lives aside. But seeing that they didn't fall behind, they rushed forward crazily and bravely with the same anger, covering each other, backing each other, and eyes. They kept counting one target after another with their individual weapons.

The fierce battle on the scene became more and more fierce.

In this case, both sides of the enemy went crazy.

In a critical moment, both sides are fighting for life and death.

However, this situation did not last long. The balance of war has always been you up and down, or you down and up. After you sing and I appear, it is always difficult to maintain a proper relative balance.

At this time, Rao is a seal commando across the world. After countless wars, he has fought with the armies or armed forces of countless countries, but he has never met such a tough and deadly opponent as today.

Generally speaking, from ancient times to the present, most of the time, war pays attention to the word "potential", that is, if you gain power, you will advance and if you lose power, you will retreat. Those who know what they can't do and act forcefully are either novices, ignorant and fearless, or war madmen, ignoring the existence of all situations.

That is why when the same group of people and the same army gain power, they will be brave and invincible and hunt down the enemy all the way. When he lost power, he lost his armor and was defeated.

As far as the combat strength of an individual soldier or the combat strength of the whole army is concerned, there is not much difference. Only because of the different situation on the battlefield, there will be two completely different results.

Similarly, on the battlefield at the moment, generally speaking, when the seal commandos have established a temporary blocking defense line, and the number and firepower of the other side still occupy an obvious advantage, the hostile side will of course carefully consider whether to make a frontal attack or not.

According to the normal theory of war, if you attack the strong with the weak and take the initiative to attack the strong from the front, it is tantamount to your own death. There is no doubt that the centenarian is impatient after drinking poison.

At least, the seals, who have experienced the baptism of countless wars, think so.

However, to their surprise, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces did so, fearless and fearless. They didn't slow down the speed of attack at all, and didn't seem to pay attention to them at all.

That's a little weird.

This is a little confusing.

Do you still talk about the battlefield rules?

What the hell are you doing?

However, war is sometimes so mysterious and elusive.

However, the fatal thing is that this happens to be in line with the principles of war, and it is unexpected and unprepared.

When you think I dare not attack head-on, I will attack quickly before you fully react, taking advantage of your unstable foothold.

Do you take it or not? Fight or not?

What's more, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces at this time are not just ordinary fights or exploratory attacks, but directly to play with their lives.

So, do you play with your life or not? Will you accompany me?

In this case, Rao is a very powerful seal commando, and he is a little hoodwinked.

What the hell? At this time, you should retreat, you know?

It's not the time to play with your life. Play with yourself! The life of our seals is precious. Our families are still living on our high wages. It's a real loss business to play with you.

We... Don't.

If you want to say that this team of seals, and this team of elite Chinese special forces, the biggest difference between each other.

That's it, one for money and one for the country.

It's unwise to play with your life for money. If you put your old capital in, how can you make money? This is a very simple truth.

But for the country and the people, for the dignity of a nation, for every inch of the land left by our ancestors under our feet, and for the glory of our ancestors, there is nothing we can't pay. Because nothing in the world can be compared with it.


In this case, the elite of this team of extremely brave Chinese special forces roared and rushed forward fearlessly.