Chapter 512

This is a duel and contest of fighting will.

This is a soul torture of why to fight.

This is a frontal confrontation and collision of national spirit.

On the dangerous and strange battlefield, the two armies fought against each other, not just pure military strength.

The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road. This is an eternal road.

Strong, courageous, wise, and as the captain of the whole special combat formation, Cheng Chong once again played an extremely important and decisive role at this critical moment.

Taking advantage of the fact that the enemy's foothold was not stable and the people's hearts were uncertain, and the temporarily established blocking line was not yet perfect, he took the lead and braved the enemy's bullets, recklessly and fiercely rushed to kill the past.

The other team members followed, shouting and killing suddenly rushed into the sky.

For a moment, the battle became unusually fierce, and the sound of guns became more and more dense.

Dada... Dada


Success or failure in a moment, life and death in a thought.

Cheng Chong's ferocious playing method, which doesn't follow the common sense and seizes the opportunity, immediately encircles the enemy in front of him.

Is it reasonable or not?

Horizontal afraid of Leng, Leng afraid of not dying.

At the critical moment, see who can get out more.

That's the truth.

The same is true on the treacherous and unpredictable battlefield.

In this case, although the strength is strong and the battle is fierce, the seals who do not easily die as a last resort immediately feel a sense of retreat.

However, even so, the seals did not retreat immediately. After all, they are the strongest special forces in the world. How can they be so vulnerable? Then how can you get around in the world? In the future, how can you say that you are the strongest existence in the world?

Not to mention that in order to win or lose, even for the little face left, you have to hold on for a while!

However, I am not afraid of opponents like wolves, but I am afraid of teammates like pigs. For them at the moment, this sentence is even more appropriate.

You know, in addition to their seals, there are the last remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment fighting side by side with them this time.

They are the naked snobs.

They are very simple, a group of very pure people.

Because they only fight for money, everything else is bullshit.

In their eyes, fighting is to earn money, and earning money is to make a better life for themselves and their families. If you put your old life on, how can you live a better life? Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

This kind of thing will not happen easily in the mercenary industry.

At any time, safety comes first, friendship comes second, oh no, combat comes second.

Anyway, if the task can't be completed, it's no big deal. Change your employer and continue to work, but if you don't even have your life, you'll have nothing. isn't it?

With the existence of this kind of pig teammate, the defeat of the seal team again will not be so wronged.

Just as Cheng Chong led the special combat formation and rushed over fiercely, the blocking defense line of the seal team began to loosen, but they did not withdraw immediately after a long time on the battlefield.

Because, trained them, even if they retreat, they withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly and planned manner. After all, retreat is not a rout. There are still great differences between them.

Therefore, while blocking, the team members seem to have made an appointment with each other. After quickly exchanging eyes with each other, they are ready to cover each other and retreat back alternately.

However, the ideal is very plump, but the reality is very backbone, and even the backbone has become a skeleton.

At this time, the seals who were firing fiercely forward were surprised to find that there were two or three Chinese special forces behind them, killing them quickly and secretly.

In other words, it is about to form a semi encirclement of them.

what? Damn it!

The enemy has touched it. Why didn't they even let go of the gun? What the hell?

This team of seals almost never dreamed of when the emptiness in their side and rear became so, almost undefended.

How could they know that the mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment who served as the flank security guard for them had slipped away at any time. At this time, there was no one, not even a call.

In this way, in the direction of the flank and rear wing of their blocking line, everyone almost didn't know what had happened, so they inexplicably exposed it directly to the other party.

What's worse, at this time, these Chinese special forces have touched it and will form a fatal threat to their blocking defense line.

In this case, what are you waiting for?

Get out!

However, the planned orderly retreat, in a crisis and in a hurry, can't care about any order. As long as it can be withdrawn quickly, it can be counted as one in the shortest time.

After all, it is important for the seal team to preserve their strength.

What is more important for every seal than running for his life?

As a result, the pig teammates were so trapped, coupled with the fierce attack of this team of Chinese special forces, they were not given any reaction time or redeployment time at all. In a hurry, Rao was well-trained. Suddenly, when running for their lives was the first priority, they also had a very rare panic for the first time.

Once the original retreat formation and order are broken, of course, there is only rout left, which continues, and then irreversibly evolves into a great rout.

This is almost the same strain, there is no suspense.

Great fighters once again appeared in front of the elite of this team of Chinese special forces.

Then go all out to hunt down!


——I can't stand the dog day.

——Take this opportunity to avenge the tiger brothers!

Under the leadership of the formation leader Cheng Chong, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces roared and roared and chased forward quickly.

Everyone is lively and everyone is scrambling to be the first.

The battle seems to be getting easier and easier. The balance of the battle seems to have completely tilted to the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, and the goddess of luck seems to have favored them.

However, things are far from as smooth and optimistic as they seem.

At least not yet.

Because the seals and the remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment retreated from north to south.

The commanding heights to the south of the isolated island are their base camp and base area.

There are the last troops they left behind, the ammunition they have stored, everything they need, and more importantly, there are four powerful anti-aircraft heavy machine guns

In the final analysis, it is not only their nest, but also their last defense of the Great Wall.

Therefore, when the danger comes and the whole line collapses, it is normal for the seals and the remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment to withdraw hastily to the commanding height in the south of the island.

Sure enough, just as the seals, the remnant of the contract scorpion mercenary regiment, retreated South and was about to approach the commanding height in the south, the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns roared fiercely at once.

Facing the sudden counterattack, Cheng Chong, as the captain of the whole special combat formation, had to stop and carefully consider his own dangerous situation. If we carry on the savage charge with the formation again, the consequences waiting for them will be unimaginable.

After all, the enemy occupies a commanding height, occupies an important strategic position, and is composed of four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns. It can be called a terrible cross intensive fire, waiting for work. In this case, if you still rush forward with the formation foolishly, it's not your own death. What is it?

Under the crisis, Cheng Chong immediately ordered to slow down the pursuit. All the team members immediately hid on the spot and waited for the opportunity to pursue again.

When the team members had to carry out Cheng Chong's emergency order, something unexpected and exciting happened to everyone.

At this time, the team members who had just hidden were surprised to find that although the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns opened fire fiercely, none of the bullets came to their own side, and the scene was hardly threatened by the fire of the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns.

What are you doing?

Dare you, the enemy's guns are all thrown into the sky?

At such a critical moment, do they regard anti-aircraft heavy machine guns as a salute?

In fact, that's really what happened.

In fact, at the moment, if you think in a transposition, stand in the position of the four heavy machine gunmen to look at this matter. This strange phenomenon is not so difficult to understand.

Just imagine, on the isolated island, in the dense jungle, and on the night with poor line of sight, but in the jungle ahead, there were a large number of gunshots, shouts, and jingling hurried escape, but it was difficult to see a person.

Even if you occasionally see a figure on your side, you can't fire at them!

So... Who should we fire at? Should we fire on that jungle area again?

You know, when everyone scrambled to retreat in a panic, the scene was already in a mess. The enemy and US had long been intertwined and it was difficult to distinguish between the enemy and us. What's more, it's in the night when the line of sight is blurred, and it's still in the jungle covered by a large number of tree crowns.

In addition, what made the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns more flustered was that they saw their own people withdraw one by one, but no one could explain the chaos ahead.

In order to cover up their incompetence and to explain the correctness and necessity of their withdrawal, those who have retreated in a disheartened way are bound to exaggerate and constantly tell how powerful, crazy and desperate the Chinese special forces are.

In the final analysis, they are a group of war madmen, and they are a group of desperate madmen.

If we want to live, we have to give up our position and evacuate immediately. Otherwise, we will fight against madmen and play with those who don't want to die. I'm afraid there will be only one way to die

On the battlefield, sometimes it's so weird and interesting.

Once either party fails, and the latter party fails to take necessary countermeasures, or the countermeasures cannot play a decisive role in a short time, it will inevitably lead to a terrorist chain reaction.

This is probably the case when the army was defeated like a mountain.

Under the continuous pursuit of the elite Chinese special forces, a large number of seals and the remnants of the scorpion mercenary regiment rushed to the commanding height south of the island.

On the commanding height, the morale of the army is unstable and the people are restless.

Among the seals and mercenaries of the scorpion mercenary regiment, they blamed each other and prevaricated each other. A seal commander angrily shot and killed two runaway mercenaries on the spot, which caused high dissatisfaction and even violent confrontation of the scorpion mercenary regiment.

In short, the scene was a mess.

The situation is becoming more and more critical for them.

In the jungle ahead, the sound of guns was still roaring, and there was no intention of stopping.

Under such circumstances, the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns can fire their guns into the sky to cheer up and cheer up their comrades in arms or friendly forces. It is also loyal to their duties and reluctantly fulfilled their duties.

Seeing that the bullets of the four anti-aircraft heavy machine guns did not hit themselves, the elite of the Chinese special forces were overjoyed. After quickly learning the enemy's real situation and intention, all of them immediately accelerated under the leadership of the formation leader Cheng Chong, and rushed forward to kill.

In this situation, as long as the team members always make necessary preparations to avoid and pay close attention to the enemy who may fire on themselves, the rest is to get rid of their arms and go straight ahead.

Because the enemy's defeat is set, the opportunity is really once in a lifetime.

The morale of the team members was high and murderous. Everyone roared and rushed forward in great spirit.

Cheng Chong, who took the lead, was covered with blood. He didn't know whether the blood was his own or the enemy's.

But he kept firing forward when he was pounding forward quickly, and at the same time he kept avoiding all the bullets that might be fired at him.

Whenever there is a slightly threatening target ahead, his muzzle will always turn to the target in a very short time, fire in time and solve the target quickly.

The bullet arrived immediately.

All the movements are extremely skilled and neat. They are done at one go.

The other members of the team gave full play to the strong combat style of China's top special forces, with fast, accurate, rapid action, ferocious and accurate killing, without leaving the enemy any chance to resist.

In this case, the remaining enemies who have not yet rushed to the commanding heights have only the opportunity to flee for their lives in a hurry, without the slightest resistance. Originally, during their retreat, some seals would occasionally stop, hide themselves with the help of the favorable terrain around them, take the opportunity to put a few shots behind them and fight back, delaying the crazy pursuit of the elite Chinese special forces as much as possible. Strive for the last face for your status as a world-class special force.

But as the rout becomes more and more serious, or when they have almost reached a consensus on the rout, what are we waiting for? Get out!

If you're late, you'll die.

This time, they really panicked.