Chapter 539

The flood hit the dam. It's like a crazy seal team facing a flying dragon special combat team and a sleepy sniper team.

A fierce mortal battle was staged again on the isolated island and in the dense forest.

However, to say it was fierce, it was just a joke compared with the battle just now. Compared with the really fierce or even fierce battle before, it was just a joke. Like the fierce battle before, which desperately wastes bullets and consumes bullets.

At this time, the remaining ammunition of the opposing sides can no longer be supported.

Dada dada——

The transfer of the battlefield gives the flying dragon group and the sniper group an excellent opportunity to fight.

Once they are in place, they will immediately fire, give full play to all their advantages, throw expensive bullets at the enemy, and attract all the enemy's firepower and attention as much as possible.

Because the sniper team is accurately "naming" the enemy one by one, the first great danger and unparalleled pressure force the enemy to immediately turn the muzzle, give up the solitary shadow group that has almost reached the mouth, and go all out to kill the flying dragon group and the commanding height occupied by the sniper team.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Chong led the lone Eagle Group to quickly transfer to the fire control area of the sniper group. After it was a little safer, he quickly circled to the back of the commanding height, avoided the front fire of the chasing enemy, and rushed up to the commanding height under the cover of the flying dragon group and the sniper group.

The lone Eagle special combat formation gathered together again, divided and combined.

The duck in the mouth flew, and all the members of the seal team were angry.

They immediately transferred all their anger to the flying dragon group and the sniper group, and then concentrated all their troops and frantically rushed to the position of the commanding height.

However, their crazy attack encountered the desperate counterattack of the flying dragon group on the commanding height.

Because the other side occupies the geographical advantage of the commanding height, it becomes extremely difficult for them to get close to the commanding height in a short time, let alone rush up to completely annihilate the other side.

What's more, they also encountered a fatal stubble and a thorny problem. That is the sniper team that can be called the God of death, and the Chinese snipers who are "naming" them one by one.

If you want to rush to the commanding height and wipe out the elite of this team of Chinese special forces, you must take the lead in solving all the snipers of the other party, which is almost certain. Anyone with a little special combat experience, or combat experience, can come to this almost principled conclusion.

Otherwise, let the sniper continue to play, it will cause very terrible casualties. Moreover, the crazy impact, or the impact in turn, will evolve into a stupid fuel adding strategy.

But how to deal with this damn sniper?

According to the previous combat experience of the seal team, after encountering the other sniper, the best solution is "ploughing". That is, call the air fire immediately, or the rear heavy fire, and immediately cover the place where the other sniper appears. In fact, there is no dead angle fire coverage in all directions, commonly known as "ploughing".

In this way, no matter where the sniper hides, it is difficult to escape the carpet intensive bombing. They can easily remove the danger with little effort on their own.

Unfortunately, at this time, both their air firepower and the heavy firepower in the rear were locked up by the aircraft carrier formation of China. At this time, let alone covering some areas above the island, even a little bit closer to the location of the island is very likely to trigger a world war that they can't control.

They can't afford this responsibility, and they can't afford this risk.

The second way is to concentrate superior forces, act as horns and cover each other, and shorten the distance with the other sniper as soon as possible in a very short time. Then use intensive individual firepower and no dead corner coverage, so as to completely solve this problem.

However, this method still doesn't work. The reason is very simple. Even at this time, they still have the advantage of military strength and can barely concentrate part of the superior military strength. But where is the ammunition? Intensive individual firepower, but the existence of the most ammunition consuming.

If they risk their lives, they finally rush forward and quickly shorten the distance with the other sniper. However, if there is not enough ammunition to support, even if you rush forward, it is also a generous head to the other party and a moving live target to the other party's sniper.

Do you want to use your head to test the shooting skills and sniping speed of the other sniper?

Obviously, the second approach will not work either.

In addition, they probably only have the last way. Of course, under normal circumstances, it is also the best way to solve this problem at the least cost - that is, send their own snipers to snipe against snipers, and have a sniper duel like a city.

The attack was blocked and there was no other way, so they really took the last way.

The frontal attack soon became sparse. The gunfire that was not dense at first became sparse now. Because, at this special moment, we should certainly save some ammunition, which is already scarce.

And more seals, who had been swarming forward, hid on the spot, no longer charged forward, no longer fired, and no longer raised their heads.

However, as soon as the gunfire in the front became sparse, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces immediately understood what the other party was going to do. They are all elites who are well versed in the way of special warfare. What's more, on such a small island, who is much better than who, and who can hide from each other for how long?

Looks like the other side's sniper is coming out.

"Everyone, except the sniper team, is on high alert and hidden on the spot." Seeing this situation, Cheng Chong, as the leader of the formation, ordered the whole special combat formation in time.

After hearing Cheng Chong's order, all the team members immediately implemented it.

Yeah! This is the job of a sniper. Let's not get involved blindly. When snipers work, their favorite is to use static braking. If we team members join in without knowing the depth, we are likely to help more and more.

The team members immediately moved the shooting position and quickly hid. The sniper team led by Min Jie also quickly transferred the sniper position just now and hid quickly.

"Li Ying, it's up to you now!" Cheng Chong gently pressed the messenger switch and whispered.

"Dong, Dong!" Min Jie didn't reply, but gently tapped her headset twice to show that she received it.

After arranging these, Cheng Chong concentrated all the remaining ten rounds of bullets into the hands of the team members who sniped the enemy in the front, and then brought other team members to the back of the commanding height. After making the necessary warning, he took out a special war dagger with the team members, quickly cut the branches of his fingers, dig soil, dig pits and set traps, Make simple bows and crossbows, etc.

You know, they are elite Chinese special forces. Even without ammunition, they can make some simple weapons by hand to replace them. They must not fight with bare hands or be unprepared to kill and knock with the enemy.

Once the frontal attack stopped, the scene fell into a dead silence.

Yes, it's the kind of chilling suffocating death like peace.

Because both sides are "sensible" and well aware, both are trying their best to find each other's defects and mistakes, and are fully watching each other's every move. It's like a predator with high concentration in the dark.

As long as either party has such a trace of abnormal movement, it can be caught by the other party very quickly, or even used directly, and then take the opportunity to launch the most deadly blow.

The scene suddenly became very quiet and monotonous.

However, both sides, who are well versed in the way of special warfare, know that the danger and murderous spirit on the scene are unparalleled. I don't dare say it's unparalleled, but it must be unprecedented.

The battle seems to have reached an impasse and entered a stalemate stage of silent confrontation.