Chapter 540

Confrontation, silent confrontation, terrible confrontation

It determines the life and death of both sides of the confrontation, is related to the success or failure of this battle, and even has an indescribable and unclear relationship with the pattern of the world in the coming decades.

At this time, time seems to be equipped with a buffer spring and becomes extremely slow.

The dangerous atmosphere at the scene almost suffocated the people in it.

When the sun is in the sky, it still releases its seemingly superfluous light and heat. It seems that it can't stop until the whole earth is cooked, charred and even roasted.

In the boundless sea in the south, the waves are high and the wind is fierce, but it still can't stop the scorching sun and the high temperature.

At this time, the island, in the vast ocean, is like a boat that may be overturned immediately. It is so small that it can be almost ignored, but it is important to make the whole world look and worry about it.

Under the scorching sun, high temperature and high humidity, even the branches and shrubs are languid and powerless by this harsh natural environment. A group of unknown seabirds seemed to be aware of a trace of terrible danger. At the moment they landed on the treetops, they seemed to be suddenly frightened. With a hula, they all soared into the air, like running for their lives. They flashed their wings desperately and soon disappeared into the vast blue between the sea and the sky.

Time in a minute a second, as if stuck by something in general, very slowly flowing.

The snipers on both sides of the life and death confrontation tried their best to hide themselves and hide. At the same time, they held their breath, didn't move, converged their edge and suppressed their murderous spirit. Try to integrate yourself with the natural environment around you, without Ruth's flaws.

At the same time, his attention was highly focused, his nerves were highly tense, his eyes almost jumped out of their eyes, and he kept a close watch on each other's every move. And continue to move forward and quietly search, assuming that the enemy may hide, constantly calculate, with the help of all available factors around, deny the target and exclude the target.

For the target that cannot be excluded from negation, make a prediction secretly. If the target position is slightly abnormal, how can you take the lead in firing and solve the target in the shortest time.

Those snipers who seem to be lurking like poisonous snakes and do not move, in fact, in their hearts, the operation and collision of thinking are far more than ordinary people several times, or even more than a dozen times.

This is the perfect combination of dynamic and static, and this is the ultimate test of life and death.

Sometimes, even a few tenths of a second can determine the life and death of the opposing sides, and even the success or failure of a war.

This is also the main reason why snipers often sweat and consume a lot of physical energy when they are lurking in search, although the amount of exercise is very small. It has nothing to do with whether the weather is hot or not.

Since both sides of the enemy are top snipers, both sides have long been proficient in such latent sniper skills. Neither let yourself make mistakes, but also never allow each other to make mistakes. Otherwise, the battle will be over and no one will have a second chance.

Both hostile sides adhere to the iron battlefield law that the enemy will not move and we will not move.

Therefore, for a long time, both hostile sides are trying their best to hide themselves and try their best to find each other's mistakes and flaws.

In this case, the silent confrontation gradually evolved into a lasting consumption of time, energy, endurance and perseverance.

This is just like fighting among experts, which is by no means a victory or defeat in one move.

The persistent confrontation makes people feel that time seems to be stagnant.

However, in fact, time can never stagnate.

The most fair and just thing in the world is probably time.

You have passed a minute here, and he must have passed a minute there, not even a second and a half.

The continuous flow of time has changed the sun, which continues to contribute light and heat.

As the sun that has nothing to do with you, it will never personally participate in it.

Therefore, according to the usual work and rest law, or operation law, after a hard day, this selfless and fearless sun is ready to finish work and set the mountain.

In other words, the continuous confrontation lasted from day to night.

If nothing unexpected happens, such confrontation will continue until the next working day of the sun, and even the next working day, that is, the next day, and even the third day

The latent endurance of snipers is by no means understandable or empathetic.

However, this is under normal circumstances of relative fairness and justice.

At this time, it is impossible for the hostile parties to have a fair and just normal situation. At least, at this time, the position of the opposing sides is not fair and normal at all.

You know, at this time, the elite of the Chinese special forces had already robbed the water source and occupied the favorable commanding height around. Seizing the water source is equivalent to strangling the other party's neck and occupying the commanding height, which is equivalent to installing pairs of eyes to monitor the other party's oblique top. Even the other party's very subtle every move can't escape his own eyes.

Moreover, in a short period of time, the elite of this team of Chinese special forces can be self-sufficient and there will be no survival crisis.

They saved some of the field rations they carried with them, and there was no problem sticking to them for a few days. As for the fresh water to drink, as long as you bend down, you can replenish it completely. You don't need to do any superfluous actions or exercise any superfluous heart at all.

It's completely waiting for work!

Even if we confront each other for a few more days, there will be no pressure! Anyway, after eating and drinking enough, play gun to gun hide and seek with each other.

Since you like it, let's let go! Who cares?

If anyone can't hold on in the end, it's a coward. Hand in your gun and surrender!

I'm not afraid to tell you that we always give preferential treatment to prisoners.

Looking at the seals, the situation is completely different.

Before, I was exhausted. The reason why I started this battle was to grab water and live on this almost isolated island!

Unfortunately, they had more or less an advantage, but they made a mistake. Let the elite of this team of Chinese special forces exploit the loophole and take the lead in seizing the water source.

That's OK. If we seize the opportunity just now and wipe out the elite of that small team of Chinese special forces, it's good. The remaining troops are not a concern. However, it was a pity that the Chinese special forces trapped in the siege seemed to have taken the wrong medicine. Even after the bullets were fired, they did not admit to surrender. The more they fought, the more energetic they became. Finally, they pulled out their daggers to fight with us.

If God gives us a few more minutes and we concentrate our forces to solve this team of Chinese special forces, then everything will be easy to do. However, the cruelty of reality lies in that it always has only one chance, and there is no possibility of overthrowing and starting again.

What can I do?

Now, the water source has fallen into the enemy's hands, and they also occupy the commanding heights around them. What should we do? How can we restore the situation and turn passivity into initiative?

If you continue to confront each other, you can't fight for time, endurance, perseverance and consumption.

In such hot weather, who can escape the temptation and bondage of water? Even if the brothers have experienced arduous special training. But we are all human beings after all. We can endure for a while, but we can never endure for a lifetime. Without fresh water, no one can continue to live with confidence.

We can't bear it any longer, and such confrontation can never continue.

Otherwise, failure must belong to us, which can never be tolerated. You know, we have always been victorious and invincible in the world. It's impossible to meet this team of Chinese special forces this time.

We must use our own means to tell them that we are the strongest existence in the world. Any armed forces that dare to challenge us will be ruthlessly crushed and destroyed by us. Their names only deserve to appear on our list of losers, without exception.

The domineering and arrogant seal team finally couldn't help it.

It is absolutely intolerable for them to be at a disadvantage for a long time and be beaten passively.

It was just getting dark, and the seals, who had been unbearable for a long time, finally became restless and angry.

However, after all, they are elite Special Forces soldiers who have experienced arduous special training for a long time. They still can't do the blind impulse and suicidal stupid things.

However, the unfavorable situation at this time and this maddening deadlock must be broken and must not continue.

After all, they have experienced the battlefield for a long time, have extremely rich combat experience, elite special operations, various intrigues and various unconventional special combat methods, and still have some accumulation and practice.

After several team leaders of the seal team, facing the adverse situation and limited conditions at this time, they quickly discussed a set of game breaking methods. Although they lacked new ideas, they still put them into practice very quickly.