F91 sun Yifeng is also a celebrity in China's interstellar circles,

he Yue's level of playing interstellar He Yue's level in his previous life was basically wandering outside the professional circle. If he worked hard and practiced for more than ten hours every day, he might be able to become a professional player, but he didn't want to be here at that time, so he just took interstellar as a hobby.

At present, she obviously doesn't have enough time to practice. However, she still has many years of experience and vision. She also practiced hard for a few days before coming to Magic City, so now her level is pretty good. What's special about her is that she has 30-year-old "slick" tactical experience, taking into account 16-year-old's super reaction speed and operational ability Feng didn't know her.

Now 30-year-old sun Yifeng is no longer the top player of StarCraft 1 10 years ago. The strength of StarCraft 2 is his latest achievement. The runner up of WCG Shanghai preliminary competition some time ago.

In terms of absolute strength, he Yue is not much worse, but the key is that he doesn't know what kind of player he Yue is, and he Yue is very clear about his strength.

Two people just put the game into the fight room, F91 almost spray out, the scene big screen timely hit he Yue's user name.


……………… Bursting point, game player

, ToSsGirl is a well-known Korean StarCraft player. The battle against F91 was also famous. F91 also make complaints about domestic players in the following years.

To be honest Most of them are jealous, because those who can make complaints about him are 999 times ToSsGirl.

If it was he Yue, the man of those years, I'm afraid she would prepare very carefully for such an occasion and try to play a wonderful game in front of her favorite star player. But now, she has integrated the variety arts into her bones. Even in China, when she participates in any public activities, her first thought is not how to play the game well, but how to do the program well It's nice and interesting.

That's why she jokingly chose the name, not to win, but to hear the laughter of the audience when they saw it.

F91 himself is also very sad. When he meets a female player again, he knows that he will be ridiculed for this. However, the opposite is a Japanese player. Although he looks like a Chinese, he has not mixed in the domestic circle. He thinks he Yue will not know himself. As soon as he looks at the name, F91 knows that the idol star from Japan is also his own fan Siwuzai.

Then, the game began.

There's nothing to say about the whole process. When F91 saw he Yue's age, it was full of thought that she was a young and vigorous player. However, it didn't expect that she was particularly steady and slippery. It didn't look like a 16-year-old young player, but it looked like an old player in his 30s who couldn't keep up with the idea.

But her reaction speed is very fast, if not for obvious neglect of practice, the two men's battle may have been divided.

At the end of the game, he Yue even bullied people a little, using multi line fast break. The 30-year-old F91 obviously couldn't keep up with her rhythm, had to play GG and lost the game.

Excited he Yue came out of the game room and went directly to the bottom of the stage to celebrate with Murayama.

"He Yue, I just wanted to ask, is this beautiful woman also a member of your AKB?"

"Of course, and she's still my girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend!? This makes us a little uncomfortable. There are not many girls in the StarCraft circle. Do you want to fight with us? " Asked the host.

"I don't believe you asked her!" He yuedao.

The host actually ran over and asked, "this female classmate, is it true that he Yue said you are her girlfriend?"

The village mountain does not know where it is, so it has to look at he Yue.

"Just nod your head." He Yue said in Japanese.

So Murayama nodded foolishly and somehow admitted something.

There was a burst of laughter at the scene. Everyone could see that he Yue was joking. Only Murayama didn't understand anything.

He Yue and Murayama stayed on the scene to watch the game. Murayama didn't know how to play StarCraft. All her experience in the game was just a little taught by he Yue last night. However, when she was an idol, how should nature behave? The girl's expression always follows he Yue when she cheers When she meditates, the girl also meditates, as if she is really immersed in the game.

It has to be said that Murayama is very respectable in this respect. If he Yue were to face something she was not interested in, she might soon feel sleepy.

However, Murayama has been trying to respond, leaving a particularly good impression on the scene.

Then at noon, he Yue came on the stage again, and had a performance match of the legend of hearthstone with another Warcraft player invited by the organizer.

According to the legend of hearthstone, the game has been tested in China, and he Yue's account is also the top level in Meifu. In Blizzard games, hearthstone is her best project. She won the gold championship, and it's easier to face a real-time strategic player who may not know much about card games. He Yue soon won the game by 3-0 Li.On this day, he Yue's schedule ended with her defeat to the South Korean players, but she was not disappointed. For her, interstellar was just playing with tickets, taking part in the competition or something. It must be the last time. What she wanted was just such a "qualification".

After a whole day's competition, he Yue and Cun Shan return to the hotel again. Tomorrow, they have other things to do.

After returning to the hotel, he Yue went online as usual to inquire about the reaction of today's events on the Internet, but was surprised to find that the red one was not her.

He Yue is also well-known in the domestic StarCraft circle. When she won the Japanese regional champion before, she had some legends and introductions in China. Her appearance at the competition today also aroused the interest of some game media. When these media reported on he Yue, they also took some pictures of Murayama.

One of the media's photos was particularly lovely. The light was dim at the scene of the competition, and the photographer pushed the camera from the bottom. The girl's eyes looked at the stage as if there was a flash of light. It was really beautiful, so inadvertently, the village became red

Similar to the once-in-a-thousand-year encounter of Hashimoto huannai, the names of StarCraft goddess and hearthstone goddess were pushed to the head of Murayama, and photos of girls began to spread on the Internet.