Murayama's popularity is quite metaphysical, and I don't know how to get to the domestic audience. Almost overnight, photos of girls have been flying all over the domestic network, and the search volume of the whole AKB has increased a lot.

This kind of popularity has no foundation and it is difficult to last long. Now the relationship between the two countries is at a special stage. If it is not for the reason of competition, I'm afraid that both of them will have a problem appearing in China. However, it is always popular, because some domestic media are interested in reporting, and even Japanese media have turned to follow up, reporting that they are suddenly popular among Chinese game fans The AKB girl of this kind of news.

For Murayama, the experience is also very special.

She is neither he Yue nor guangzongxun. Compared with these two contemporaries, her idol road now looks mediocre and ordinary, and her operation has not given her any resources, and she is not the kind of child who works hard to win. In fact, he Yue is worried.

In history, Tsuyama Choi hee was gradually noticed by groups other than pure theater fans after the establishment of the name of theater goddess. At that time, she was an adult. In the circle of female idols, adulthood usually means that her idol career has been at least half. Even those who can "persist" to the age of 25 are among the minority. It's really true to wait for her to become popular and grow up It's a waste of time.

This unexpected small-scale attention, also let he Yue care.

He Yue doesn't need Murayama to be popular in the whole Japanese entertainment circle. Murayama may not want to be like this either. What he Yue wants may just be an opportunity for her to be noticed by more AKB fans and realize her enthusiasm and seriousness for AKB.

Her popularity even comes second. More importantly, she hopes that her enthusiasm for public performance and AKB will not be in vain.

The AKB side of our family is the same. If it becomes popular in China five years later, it may be used immediately. However, now, many AKB staff listen to it as a joke.

As for building a microblog or something? When AKB was the most popular in those years, a group of members had established it, but there was almost no splash. At first glance, they helped to operate it in China.

On the third day of their stay in China, he Yue and Murayama finally turned from public activities to private activities, which is the main purpose of he Yue's return to China.

She received the letter and met with several domestic programmers.

The production of showroom is also thanks to these outsourcing programmers. Without them, Japanese programmers can do it, but the money is not what he Yue can afford. Meeting these people in turn is actually a kind of screening. Finally, he Yue selected about 10 people and invited them to Japan to help build and operate showroom. The website will start operation early next year. It's time The entity has been established.

As for the money to build a website.

He Yue, who came back to the hotel from the outside, opened his laptop, and Murayama sat beside her excitedly.

No, maybe not.

Murayama with his greatest excitement in his life, but strongly suppressed his excitement, sat beside her.

The girl watched he Yue open a software and began to operate.

In terms of software, at first it looked like more than 100000. Every 10 minutes, he Yue put 10000. After the 10000 disappeared, he Yue put 10000 again. After more than two hours of operation, she had sold out more than 100000 bitcoins.

The total profit is about US $100 million (these are the background, so the writing is more general, and we should not pursue the rationality too much. In fact, I don't understand bitcoin at all...).

In fact, he Yue can raise more bitcoins. Murayama, Saito, and even nainainai Hashimoto hold some of them. The more they save, the more valuable they are. However, in he Yue's opinion, it doesn't matter that bitcoins of 1000 dollars can be raised to 10000 dollars, which is only a ten fold increase. When she bought bitcoins, it was generally 2 dollars, hundreds of times All the profits have been made. The $100 million spent now is more attractive than the $1 billion that will be taken out of the account several years later.

However, he Yue did not leave any. She also left more than 10000 bitcoins for her thoughts. Besides her, Suzuki's almost didn't give any. Murayama and Saito followed her to give out most of them, and Hashimoto kept them all the time.

He Yue has long predicted that most of the money will be used to "burn" video websites, so she doesn't feel much about it. However, Murayama has easily made a profit of several hundred million yen when she doesn't understand the principle of bitcoin, and the whole person seems to be flying into the cloud.

The little girl is lying on the bed excitedly, wriggling around like noodles. He Yue is also very surprised. Looking at this, Murayama really loves money. Of course, this kind of love has a bottom line. She doesn't really do anything to make money. The money she normally earns can make her so ecstatic.

After twisting on the bed for a while, the rich village came down and pulled he Yue: "don't study! I'm rich. Let's go and have supper! "

"Supper? Aren't you afraid to be fat? " He Yue asked."I'm not afraid today! Open to eat! I'll graduate if I'm fat! Anyway, I've made enough money! "

Look, people who make a lot of money have different confidence.

He Yue was funny, but he didn't say anything in the end. Instead, he stood up and followed her.

When she got to the streets of mordu, Murayama immediately returned to her normal state as a little girl. She didn't know Chinese at all. It was more difficult for her to find delicious food with he Yue in this case than to go to heaven. He Yue had no choice but to take her to a shop.

When eating, paying and taking out money, Murayama still held his wallet and calculated the exchange rate for a long time, but he Yue didn't help. He Yue just looked at her in a funny way. Her present state is lovely to him Yue.

After four days of flying back to Japan, I finally stayed in Japan for three days.

When we got off the plane, it was December, and the annual anniversary performance of AKB group was just around the corner.

In December, there is only one protagonist left in AKB group. Donko Maeda's graduation is not only a topic of AKB, but also a topic of almost all Japan. In Japanese history, only two "graduations" have caused such a huge sensation. One is her, the other is when Baihui Yamaguchi put down her white microphone in the martial arts museum.

The legend is coming to an end. He Yue is also looking forward to witnessing such a great moment.

As for the fact that she is still a minor supporting role on the stage He Yue doesn't care, because she knows that she is likely to be popular next year.

