Midsummer is the season of touring. Lastidol is touring. AKB and naimuban also have their own stages, especially naimuban. It has become a convention to stage from spring to summer every year. He Yue, who participated in the finals and finished the TV series, also came back to participate in the last few touring.

On the tour, she had her birthday with Bai Shi Ma Yi as usual. The tour in August every year is a fixed project. Gradually, in the hearts of he Yue and Bai Ma, they don't look forward to the so-called surprises. Anyway, that's what happened Suddenly the dim light came out with a cake and sang Happy Birthday to you That's all.

Of course, the facial expressions and actions must be full of surprises, and not once or twice. On the birthday days, there will be such a show in almost every workplace. By comparison, he Yue's several occasions on Hashimoto's birthday are quite lively, which is also a bit frightening.

She returned to Tokyo, dressed in the most formal clothes, to attend the selection of niaosaka.

Before, she also participated in some selection activities, such as the draft meeting of AKB, where she was present in both the primary and the second election. But at that time, she basically did it as an intern. She was interested in behind the scenes production and so on, so the operator was willing to give her a chance to try it. But now it's different. She put on formal clothes and sat in the selection and evaluation seat.

He Yue has always been close to the producers, but even so, she never really sat on the censor seat. Now that the new group is established, she has gained the same position as Qiu Yuankang, Yoshio Kono and others, which is worth pondering.

However, unlike these behind the scenes workers, her role as a member of the idol group has other functions.

I didn't sit in my seat for two minutes, but there was still a short time to see the official selection. Some media found he Yue and invited her to participate in the interview.

He Yue also readily agreed and stood up from his seat.

But she's not just content with interviews.

"Which station are you from?" He Yue asked.

"We're from Fuji TV."

"Oh, are you interested in interviewing future idols with me?" He Yue asked.

"If you're interested, it's best!" Artists have their own ideas, which is of course the best for journalists.

He Yue took a microphone and took a group of reporters out. After she went out, Qiu Yuankang and Jinye also had a short conversation: "this child really She has the ability. She can take someone else to make a plan if she wants to be interviewed by a reporter. "

Although he Yue just brings people to interview, many artists can't do this. Most of them have the ability to read according to the manuscript, have the ability of production and planning. They are very powerful artists.

They are not only optimistic about he Yue, but also envious of him Yue. They have planning ability and have done behind the scenes work for so many years. However, they always have shortcomings in appearance, appearance, or fully displaying their ability in front of the camera. Only he Yue seems to be good at everything.

He Yue, who went to the interview, of course has her own purpose. It is very attractive for her to contact these girls in advance.

She took the program team to the room where the girls were waiting. As soon as she appeared, it immediately caused a burst of surprise cheers from the girls.

Girls still have no acting experience at all. It's no doubt too happy for them to see stars. Especially when he Yue, who is a girl fan, comes here, it's more attractive to girls.

The girls all came together, looking shy and embarrassed when they wanted to get close to her. He Yue, who has been an artist for several years, has already mastered the situation.

"What's your name? Yukio Kan? Where is the big dress, miss? No, it wasn't bought, was it? "Made by your own tailor?"

"Your name is Mibo Kochi? From Osaka? It's a lovely Osaka accent. "

"Why? Don't hide. What's your name? Watanabe? What a beautiful child, I believe you can definitely be selected, er Wait. How old are you? what? May 1995? Isn't that all adults!? Cough, cough I'm sorry I called you kid. "

He Yue seems to be casual. In fact, she interviewed several girls with a strong purpose. The interviewees were all girls who would be selected in the future. She looked around and finally found the person she wanted most.

"I know you, Changbin neru."

"You Do you know me? " Sleepy with her trademark gentle tone, very not confident asked.

"Well, in the previous resume delivery, I was very impressed with you, and the other thing is Have you ever played in quiz

"Ah Even you remember that... " Changbin was very surprised at he Yue's words.

In this group of girls, he Yue's biggest fans are probably her and Harada Kui, MI Gu nainainai.

They are all very smart idols who follow the route of Xueba. There is no doubt that he Yue is the climax of Xueba idols. In particular, he Yue is the person who produced the quiz golden variety show "king of the East" in the Quiz Competition for all Japanese high school students participated by Changbin. So when he Yue said that she knew her, it was definitely a great surprise for her.And he Yue, after interviewing Changbin, also felt satisfied.

Zelaka 46 is a very special idol group. In the future, it will leave a brilliant legacy in the Japanese idol world. Besides the live performance of zelaka, this group has also contributed some very special idols to the Japanese idol world.

Needless to say, there are three other people who are very special.

One is Yoshika Kan, who has raised the banner of the Miss route since she joined the league. The so-called Miss route is really not a matter of money at home. The so-called nobility needs three generations to be cultivated. Her Miss route is rarely compared within the league and outside the league, and the real big and small sisters can be produced.

The second is Ricardo Watanabe. It's said that before taking part in the idol selection, he tried to apply for various enterprises, and the result was 50 consecutive losses, 50 consecutive losses This is usually the only number that can be challenged by the existence of sakuraki flower path in animation, but this one has done it, and it's amazing that she can be an idol. It can be said that the idol industry is really suitable for her, um Or to put it another way, she can't do anything better than being an idol

Finally, Changbin neru A girl can't help but feel sorry for something.

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