"Don't stop the camera" and "idpd" are the two lifelines of showroom. Only by operating these two works, can showroom have the ability to attract investment in the future.

He Yue is well aware of this, and the current members and former members of AKB may not know what the inside information means, but at least they know that these two works are really important, so when the film is released, the members also wave flags and shout for it one after another.

Yoshiko Oshima, maliko Okada and others all tweeted that they went to the cinema for the first time to see the film and expressed surprise at the treatment of the work.

In fact, after the release of the film, the praise of the quality of the work is the absolute mainstream, and people have not forgotten that this is he Yue's first film at the age of 17! High streets and back lanes,

, who has been a talented girl idol, has been surprised to learn basketball well. Even in the second year of high school, she was admitted to University of Tokyo without test. The danceinghero and bubble dance, which were led by her, were also popular in all the streets and streets of Japan. Now, she has taken a TV drama which is widely praised, but it is not yet. …… It seems that in addition to being an idol, other things can be top-notch!?

That's too much, isn't it!?

Of course, it's not that she's not good at being an idol. If she takes part in the general election this year, with so many things she has done this year, she may be able to win the place of seven gods with the support of her fans. But some things are afraid of comparison. He Yue's idol is very good, but it's not up to the top level of the idol. Besides the idol, if she wants to do anything, it's really the general idol Get the best results.

With the popularity of "the camera doesn't stop", he Yue's name of genius has attracted more and more attention. Some people don't pay attention to the film originally, but go to the cinema to see how talented he Yue is.

In fact, the genius who wants to see the film is he Yue Er, who is most interested in the film.

The final result is that at least 40% of the audience are not running for fun, but for he Yue.

Some of them want to see how talented he Yue is. Some of them think that he Yue is a good person to support her because of the attitude of protecting her little idol before meeting him. The number of such people accounts for nearly half. This is the best interpretation of he Yue's personal charm.

After a two-day weekend, even in the new week, the whirlwind of "don't stop the camera" remains.

On TV, Zhiyuan also spoke.

Speaking of AKB representatives, most people may choose donko Maeda, but it must be admitted that he is the one who has been on TV the most and has the most influence.

He Yuelai, a famous expression of emotional intelligence, has a unique style.

she is not make complaints about herself, but "black", she is jealous of her.

"In fact, I thought about making a movie at that time! Want to make a national screening, big scenes, and used to promote the HKT film! But at that time, I went to Fukuda to discuss with the producer, and found that the investment was too big, and the return was at least three times, so I gave up! "

"But I didn't expect that he Yue really did it two years later!? With a group of little idols to make a movie, still so popular so good!? I haven't slept for days! Why does this guy always succeed? "

Referring to Yuan who has been crying on TV for several days, dislikes he Yue's genius, her ability and her opportunities, these voices not only don't make people really hate he Yue, but also make he Yue's popularity rise again. On the contrary, it refers to Yuan himself, who has a group of idiots who don't understand what's behind, who only believe what others say supporter.

The excellent film and all-round publicity make this work of he Yue embark on two completely different paths from her previous life memory of "don't stop the camera". The former is to slowly gather popularity. It takes two or three months to slowly infiltrate into the traditional media and the audience's eyes, and finally achieve success. Here, he Yue is to make the work popular Attention has been pushed to the limit.

The box office curve of the former is a parabola gradually rising, with a long sales track. The sales curve of the latter has been raised to a very high level from the first day. After two days of the weekend, even on weekdays, the sales volume of the former is only slightly reduced. As a result, on Saturday, the sales volume of the first week of the film burst out, and the ticket price of "the camera doesn't stop" Real estate has come to 4.1 billion yen!

In just seven days, it was easy to break through the 4 billion target set by he Yue for the film!

To tell you the truth, this is a bit beyond he Yue's expectation. In he Yue's opinion, it's already very powerful for the film to reach this number from release to next release.

But she did not expect to have two points, one is her own name of genius, her popularity and attention did play a role.

Many people came to the cinema because they were curious and wanted to see he Yue's real strength, and the film didn't disappoint them, so these people confirmed their name of genius again after they came out of the cinema.What's more, the twists and turns before the movie's release, and the process of being cancelled again, is also very storytelling. What has been a prison idol has become a "stem" of Ho Yue. Not only is the joy of so many tucks in many programmes on the stage, but also make complaints about "dare to sit in jail and glory" in Japan.

These two off-site elements have become the X factor of the movie's popularity, helping the movie to get a higher box office.

On the side of he Yue, according to the data of the cinema, experts predict that there is a slight gap between the quality and popularity of her film. The film itself is good, but to tell you the truth, it is not as popular as 2 billion yuan in the first week. The first week's data mainly depends on the excellent publicity and topicality, as well as the attraction of he Yue as a topic character, so It is estimated that the first week's box office of "don't stop the camera" will account for about 50% of the final box office. In other words, in the next few weeks, this small cost zombie film will get another box office of about 4 billion.

He Yue basically affirmed this prediction of professionals, but in the final box office, she thought that 4 billion was a little too much.

Because no matter how professional the professionals are, it's impossible to predict the topic of your name.

After synthesizing the prediction of professionals, he Yue estimates that the movie will eventually get close to 7 billion box office, which is the limit. In the second week, he Yue will get another 2 billion, pushing the box office to 6 billion. After the release of "your name", he will reduce the number of screens greatly, and then spend a few weeks or even months slowly grinding away the remaining 1 billion box office.

That's the final result of camera don't stop.
