227 The War Of The Undead I : Attack!

Kodak's words sent a ripples of shocks through the ranks of vampires behind me. But I knew it could not be as simple as that. Their father was dead, and that was something they all watched happen. The only other explanation that was plausible enough for us to understand was possession. The lich we came here to kill was riding around in the body of Kodak's and Gus's father!

"That's not really our father is he?" Kodak suddenly asked.

[No big brother, he's not.....but what are we going to do with him?]Gus replied and then asked.

Kodak turned to look as his brother, his eyes blazing a deep shade of purple as the very air seemed to vibrate around him. It was then I realized that he had also advance to the Nosferatu rank, and so had Gus.

"What else are we going to do, we're going to kill that bastard."

His words couldn't be anymore true. I looked at the endless amount of undead in front of me, and worried about how we're going to carry this fight out. There was a lot of them, which means every vampire here would be swarmed in seconds and torn apart no matter how powerful they were.

We could implement a formation, but it was not synonymous with the fighting style of a vampire, especially when the enemies were this much and the terrain was completely unknown. It would be better to let every vampire fight their individual battle, charge into those drives of undead and slaughter with reckless abandon.

It was madness and even more risky than sticking with a formation, that's why I needed to have a method to this madness a way to go all out, but surgically and meticulously whittle down the undead forces in the valley below. To do that, I had to wait for Malek to get here, along with the war machines he and his coven had built.

The undead have not made any move yet, so it's better we hold back from attacking and make better preparations. But we could not ignore the danger they posed, and had to be ready for them.

"All mages and fighters with long range capabilities, come forward and take a stance."

Until the rest of the reinforcements get here, this was the best possible option we could take. Rather than implement a full scale attack now with the vampires we have, it would be better to whittle down the undead army from a distance before launching a full scale attack.


That was probably Soren and the two hundred elder vampires from Castle Sarang.An elder was a one man army on it he or her own, so it's quite possible we might have a chance to cause some serious damage before Asare and Malek gets here.

[Master I've arrived!]

I heard Soren's voice in my head even before I saw his golden lion form sail over the heads of a lot of vampires to stand beside me. Following closely behind him was Queen and numerous vampires that I didn't recognize.

"Lord Kael, I can see you've reached the Nosferatu rank. Congratulations on your advancement, but I'll like to know, why we're not attacking yet!" Queen said as she drew close to me.

"We were waiting for you to join the party." I responded to her

"Well then, let's get this party started."

As soon as she finished speaking trails of electricity began to dance all over her body. She moved to the edge of the slope that led down into the valley of the undead and raised her hands into the air, her eyes glowing pure white.

Almost fifty meters in the air above us, a massive spell circle began to etch itself into the air. Trails and arcs of lightning was born from nothing as they connected, criss crossed and twirled around each other as the spell circle was born.

I could feel the electricity in the air, so much so that the hairs on my body began to float up on their own accord, defying gravity due to the sheer amount of static electricity available. Whatever this spell was, it was big, bigger than anything I've ever seen except for Asare turning into a massive dragon.

"Lightning Storm: Hurricane!"

Her voice was barely above what most would consider a whisper. But the effect of her words, was an image that would remain etched in my mind for a very long time to come.

The spell circle on it's own was massive, about twice the circumference of a standard tower, covering most of the central region of the valley with it's electrifying white light. And as soon as she finished speaking, the spell circle gave off a bright light, and exploded, or something similar to an explosion.

Heavy winds carrying thick arcs of lightning the size of a cannon began to ravage across the valley, turning most of the weaker undead to ash, and many of the stringers ones were left with parts of their bodies missing.

There were moans and loud sails as the undead within the valley reacted with angry reactions and bloodthirsty fervor. But they could do nothing as the hurricane of lightening bolts, flying around like the wind, without direction, point or focus, spread all over the valley reaping their undead lives like a farmer would harvest wheat.

And then just as suddenly as it started, the spell disappeared, leaving behind the smell of ash, burnt flesh and the pungent smell of burnt leather. The spell had had been widespread over a wide area, but it's damage was not centered or focused: which was why the entire valley of undead looked like a net.

Parts of their armies were missing from different places, and even most of the valley was destroyed. Whatever formation was in place was completely destroyed as the central part of the undead army was in complete disarray.

"How Dare you!" a loud voice rumbled, carrying with it a power that shook up the minds of everyone around, including myself.

Eyes, ears and noses began to bleed as almost all the vampires had been affected and injured by the mental power used within that voice. The only person who seemed relatively unharmed was Gus; though judging from his pale look, it still took a toll on him.

"You Vampires have intruder in a place that you're not supposed to be. So please die! I will very much enjoy turning your rotten corpses into new additions of my wondrous army!"

So I'm pretty sure we just pissed him off, because the now stagnant undead, who all seemed to be on standby began to move forward with groans and shrieks. From what I could see this army seemed to be divided into four parts. The first part had skeletons, which were currently marching towards us right now. These skeletons were the most numerous of all the undead, and directly behind them were the zombies, followed by the draugrs.

Due to sheer amount of the skeletons, the zombies and draugrs shared the most of the central area with draugrs being the most concentrated undead within that area. And the central area had been the target of Queen's spell, leaving the draugrs division devastated along with much of the zombies, but the skeletons were relatively untouched.

But it's the fourth area that we had to worry about. They had the least amount of undead, probably about a thousand or less. But among that thousand were two massive bone dragons, hundreds of dullahans and death knights,and what I could only describe as...….wait! Are those thralls?

Fuck! This is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought, not to mention the lich was still waiting with his group of necromancers. Thralls were people who had something go wrong during their turn into a vampire. It could be any number of things, but the bottom line is a thrall is a mindless monster, who gets stronger with every sip of blood it drinks, having all of the weaknesses and physical abilities of a vampire, some even have the ability to control blood and shadow walk.

They don't have to worry about ranks and can go from being as weak as a revenant, to as strong as an elder in seconds depending on the quality of blood they drink. They're mindless and resilient, which means just like a vampire, they're incredibly hard to kill.

"Lord Kael, you're army and those of the esteemed bloodline elders can take care of the zombies and the skeletons.We will provide ranged support by keeping the draugrs and the final undead division away from you, until you're done turning these abominations to dust."

It was a feasible plan. The division of labor would enable us to work better and more efficiently. Though looking at the sheer amounts of undead heading for us, I couldn't help but worry. This was going to take a lot out of us, and we might not even be enough. But I believe we can stall their advance long enough for Malek and Asare to get here. And when they do, it's going to be all fire and brimstone.

"Ethernalia Leonis!....are you waiting for an invitation? Charge!"


As the vampires rushed past me, skills and fangs at the ready, I got onto Soren's back and turned to Kodak and Gus; who were still standing behind me.

"You guys better not be dull, it's a competition to see who kills themost undead. And also whoever gets to the lich first gets to keep his soul."

"Are you challenging us Lord Kael?" Kodak asked with an eyebrow raised.

[Actually I think he is big brother, can you imagine the audacity. Well I think we shouldn't disappoint. I mean come on, owning the soul of a lich as a toy, would make me the coolest kid around.] Gus added.

Kodak looked down at his brother incredulously and with an amused grin asked.


[Well Duh, I've never had toys before. If I should get one now, it has to be the dopest shit around. And the soul of a lich, 'is' the dopest shit around.]

Boys would be boys. Things have been a little strained between me an them ever since their mother died. Though I think that's mainly my fault seeing as I avoided people a lot during that period. But now, I think we're going to reconnect by doing the one thing we were all really good at.

"Let's go kill some undead."