228 The War Of The Undead II : Governors, Shield




"Governor Martin are you serious right now! How could they have found where the entrance was hidden. You told us it was foolproof against vampires!, that your family's enchantment was so powerful it would last for ten thousand years!"

"How the hell am I supposed to know what happened Governor Romaine! Yes we're responsible for the enchantment, and we delivered! All that was left was maintenance, and someone to keep watch on the vampires, while we took care of business. Now the vampires have taken over the prison, and only one governor can be blamed for that! And that's Ysmir!"


"yes he's right!"

"he's the one fully responsible for the prison, it's the Ysmir family duty, to make sure the vampires are properly contained."

"And we have done our job well for hundreds of thousands of years that we've had to do so. There are quite a couple of reasons why we're in this mess, and one of them, in fact I would say the main reason is because more than half of you governor's got too greedy. You wanted the fortune of the Cor family, and invariably the secret that's hidden on one of their colony planets. So you all sought to get rid of the boy! Now! He's a very powerful vampire, a leader! And recent reports tell me that he's built a city right there in the pit, under the noses of everybody. But that's not even the worst part, because if he was just a vampire, we would have been able to take care of him, regardless of his nobility title. But he's also a weaver! And from what I hear he's very talented in that aspect.

Throwing blames does no good for anyone, our actions led us here and we all have to face the consequences."

"But Governor Ysmir what do we do? They've found the path to the sealing array, we all felt it as the wardstone monitor went off, however it's not just the fact that they've found a way to be completely free, it's the fact that they would be unleashing a huge secret in the process, and that their current path will lead them directly to the surface! This would mean we collapsed the volcano entrance for nothing, and they will be coming out in a place where we can't attack them or defend. It would be the perfect place for them to launch their wars, we're not ready for such an outcome. We're spread too thin as it is."

"I understand your fears governors. The Ysmir family has been wardens of the dancing caves of Noxis Nyx for millenniums. We know better than anyone how dangerous this sudden change in scenario is. We're in a tight spot, the other members of the council of light have already pulled their hands out of anything that has to do with war against the vampires. And we can't very well call on our off world allies to come help us, giving them access to our planet it the equivalent of inviting snakes into your living room. At this point in time, it's safe to say, that there's nothing we can do about the current situation but prepare for war."

"Are you insane! Do you know what a civil war against the vampires would cost us, especially now that all they have on their minds is revenge for all of the years of captivity. You have to suggest...….."

"Governor Hogner do you think we're going to lose?"

"Seriously? There's no well in hell that would happen governor Ysmir. We have the one of the most powerful armies in the known universe: should a war break out against the vampires, we're definitely going to win, its just that it would cost us too many lives and resources!"

"Resources can be regained, and the human population has swollen to the point of bursting, we can hardly keep ourselves alive, that's why our ancestors chose leave the vampires enslaved. Our colonies are failing, many of them falling due to a lack of resources, others because of civil war and many others because most of you bastards on the council of governors love to one up and hinder your neighbor. Expansion is no longer possible for us, as we're being watched by other interstellar powers; if we make a play for any other planet that's not under us, we would spark off not just a galactic war, but an intergalactic war of epic proportions.

In our journey for power and racial supremacy, we've stepped on a few too many toes. So we have to tread carefully and make sure we bring the vampires back to heel. To be honest it doesn't matter if they discover all of the secrets hidden down there, and finally get to have access to the world. We're still going to fight them, because the survival of the human race of Shearath, depends on the genocide and total annihilation of its vampire race. It's only by doing so, will we get the keys to a new universe."


We crashed into the first line of skeletons with a huge bang, smashing the infernal creatures to dust, using more strength and speed than we ever expected that we could muster. But for every skeleton destroyed, ten more would take it's place, and it was becoming incredibly hard to see through this waves of bleached white bones.

I pulled my shield and sword out, invariably preparing myself to use everything in my disposal to bring an end to this fight as soon as possible, and make sure it ends in our favor. We really could not afford to loose.

I took a deep breath as I slashed my sword through cartilage and rib cages, etching the rune for break on it, as I drew upon the power of my soul, channeling a ridiculous amount of it through my sword. The I drew on my mental energy, preparing to use my weave in tandem with the sword skill that required so much mental energy. All that was left to do now, was attack; and so I did.


It was like someone had flipped the ground like a carpet. The ground didn't move, but a wave of formless energy shot our of my sword, raising every skeleton in sight within a distance of almost three hundred meters, and turning them into numerous pieces for those lucky, and complete and total dust for those who were not.

Since my attack was structured through a weave, I could avoid hurting any of my allies by fixing who the enemy was with my intent. But I discovered something really startling: as far as the skeletons as concerned, unless their soul flame is consumed or destroyed, even if you turn them all to dust, they would still reform.

And base on the looks on the face of my vampires, it seems that they've realized it also. The undead that were truly receiving damage, were at the back and middle of the army. The zombie and draugrs division does not seem to have the same pesky regeneration as the skeletons, but with how much they were, it was obvious we're not making any progress.

"Lord Kael, the Skeletons are refusing to die, what do we do?" a vampire I didn't recognize asked beside me.

"Fall back, all of you fall back now!"

For now that was the only order I could give. Fighting like this means we're just pouting water in a basket, so we had to look for another option. As the vampires ran back, I teleported, making sure I was right in the middle of the thick horde of undead skeletons. Then I bent down, and placed my hands on the ground.

I've not tried something like this before, but I believe that the principle should all be the same. A weaver is a painter, and reality itself was my canvass. I could make it become whatever I wanted it to become, and right now I needed to but my vampires time to regroup, and reduce the amount of undead around us, so we could all get some breathing space.

I pushed my soul energy out, focusing with all of my concentration as deep blue lines began to etch themselves on the ground, forming a rune circle that was spinning furiously.

My display had caught the attention of every undead around me, and they were all trying to pound me to a pulp. I had a strong body, but even I couldn't resist this much constant damage, as I began to feel my bones creak, break, heal itself and great broken all over again, as I withstood their onslaught.

For some reason it was really hard for me to weave on the ground, almost as if I was facing some sort of resistance. And because of that, the formation of the rune circle was incredibly slow, and my form was beginning to get more and more bloody. I switched on my aura, hoping to use it as a form of defense, but it was like a piece of paper to the undead, almost as if they had the power to negate its effects.

I heard a loud roar, and a crackle of lightening as the pressure around me eased up a bit. Soren, along with Gus, Kodak and Queen were pushing the skeleton off me,buying me the time I needed to finish this rune circle.

It was a three layers rune circle, holding a rune phrase that should not only defend us, but cause a significant amount of damage to the undead. And it should be powerful enough seeing as I was using two soul runes and one normal rune.


I wanted to add more runes to it, but if I should stay down here any longer, I doubt my friends would be able to resist this horde of the dead. As soon as the rune was completed, a massive golden wall, shaped exactly like the rune circle sprung up, reaching almost a thousand feet in height and stretching from one side of the valley to the other.

It effectively cut off 30% of the skeleton division from the rest of the army, leaving the others trapped and now easy pickings for the vampires seeing as the pressure on them had been greatly reduced.

When the ten meter thick golden shield had gone up, every skeleton within our vicinity turned to ash, as I had let my light rune have the intent of purification and holiness. And it fucking burns!

I ran out of the shield with Kodak, Gus and Queen in tow, and they were all looking at me weirdly. So I made a shield that was just as harmful to vampires as it was to the undead, sue me. At least I made things easier for everybody.


I looked to see a massive storm cloud gathering above my head. Queen looked confused as that skill was centered on our position, whoever was using it wasn't aiming for the undead, but us.

But she misunderstood, I knew exactly what that was. I could feel that oppressive atmosphere of judgment and anger just like the last time. Lightening flashed, and thunder boomed; this was nature's backlash, and from the looks of it, it's going to hurt like a bitch.
