407 The Morrigan VIII : Sobek

We remained in that underwater cave for another two hours listening to what the Morrigan had to say, apparently Morrigan was a combined title she shared with her sisters and not exactly the name of a single person. The goddess in front of us was called Badb, and her sisters stuck under the thrall and control of the Devourer was Macha and Nemain. At the moment they were on their way to a mountain peak some 10 thousand kilometers away from our current location, the mountain peak itself is believed to have direct access to the dungeon core, or is actually where the core itself could be found.

That sort of changed my perception of this dungeon, and probably explained a lot of things to me, it had to be literal, this dungeon had three floors, the top; which confides with the atmosphere and could just be considered the surface, the second floor is what's known as the first floor, and now the second floor is the third. Normally dungeons would have their cores buried deeply, probably after 10 to a hundred floors, but this entire dungeon was a freaking planet, and each floor was a world all on it's own. None of the floors have ever been fully explored, so it stands to reason that even if the dungeon had left it's core in the surface, it would have still taken people hundreds of years if not thousands of years of exploration to find the dungeon core.

But when the people looking for said core were gods, it becomes and entirely different game. Both sisters were being led by a god called Sobek. This guy was a crocodile god with rather fierce battle strength, after all he is a crocodile. But the curve to all this was the fact that he's a 4th circle Major god. A fight between me and him would be nothing short of disastrous, especially with the other two parts of the Morigná trio working with him. So the plan was to isolate the goddesses and try my best to remove the energy of the Devourer from them.

Creating a rune that can do something like that would probably take me all of five seconds, but for a battle between gods, five seconds matters a lot. So we came up with a plan to use my barriers to trap both sisters, Badb was going to lend a helping hand and keep Sobek away from me, at the very least she could keep the god occupied for thirty seconds while I completed the extraction of the Devourer's energy.

Doing so would turn the other two sisters mortal, and reduce a massive chunk of Badb's power, odds are her rank will drop from 6th circle Major god to either 4th circle Major god of 3rd circle minor.

Her powers weren't strong enough to cause any severe damage without just sisters besides her, so right now, her rank was just for show and the power she could actually utilize was at around the 4th circle Major. Once I'm done and her sisters turn mortal she would probably be a sitting duck and an unwilling Target to Sobek's rage, but that's okay. We can all pitch in then and find a way to bring him down, but apart from that Badb was still trying to keep some cards hidden and close to her heart.

She still wouldn't tell us what it was they were doing on this planet in the first place, for her not saying anything was an insurance to make sure she doesn't get betrayed, but for me it was somewhat worrying. Something was massively wrong with their presence here, I couldn't make heads or tails of it and it was bugging me like hell. Being Angie meant that you were sensitive to a lot of change in the universe, and quite frankly I could feel a massive change and it freaked me out, just feeling it. It's hard to imagine just how intense my reaction would be once I find out what sort of change it was.

"So are we in agreement Kael Cor?" I raised my eyebrow at the way she called my name, to be honest it's been a long time since anyone called my name without a title attached to it, and she did so like she was talking to an equal. I didn't know if I was offense by that or not, but nevertheless...

"Yes Badb...…we're in agreement." I answered her as I got up toy feet and approached the bloody but still shimmering underground lake.

"I'll be waiting for you guys at the foot of the mountain, you wouldn't miss it; Sobek's flaring his divine Energy all-over the place like this is his own bedroom. Hurry up Kael Cor, the sooner we get this done, the better for you and your people." And then the body of the young vessel dropped like a sack of potatoes, very much dead as her body began to desiccate at a rapid pace.

I'm sure this was the same girl we met outside Kamesh, but honestly how was she still here, or was she maybe some sort of clone. Either way I'll ponder on that later, it was time we left this place and took the fight to our enemies. I inclined my head asking the others to follow me, before unceremoniously jumping into the bloodied pool.

I shot forwards through the water, my aura propelling me forward as I heard a couple more splashes behind me. It was not hard for me to navigate the bloodied water as I quickly discovered a small tunnel at the bottom of the pool. I went through it, and almost swallowed a fish that was being pushed towards me by a strong current. Obviously if anyone had found this tunnel from the other side, they would have been dragged here by the current whether they wanted to or not. Except for me and everyone else in my group, this current was nothing more than a soft breeze on my skin, not even to the point of being considered a tickle.

I moved forwards through the tunnel for almost 50 meters before coming out under a reef, it was colorful and the ocean ahead was quite beautiful. It was like an explosion of colors with corals, shells, fishes, and all sort of beautiful sea life swimming leisurely all-over the place. I swam upwards for almost a 150 meters before I broke the surface of the ocean, breathing deeply and sir that was crisp and filled with magic and creation energy, and even more so, filled to the brim with divine energy.

There was an island to the east that had a mountain peak stretching all the way into blue nebulous storm clouds choke full of lighting. The island itself was barren, looking nothing more than a massive like of bleak black rock, it looked like the kind of place you would trap your worst enemy and leave it to starve, or hide a legendary monster. I turned my head to the west, the opposite direction and looked at the ocean that stretched far into the horizon. They couldn't see it, but with how the hair on their bodies seemed to ride of their own volition, Sobek's energy was quite deep.

"Big brother are you sure we can beat this Sobek Guy. So far all the dragon Kings have done is provide support to major and high gods when they fight, we're not yet strong enough individually to face gods, sure most of the other dragon Kings are close to godhood, but Sobek's a whole different ball game, he's a major god!" Rhea said to me as she swam close. I gave her a smile and said to her.

"You just let me worry about Sobek, all I have to do is get close to him, it's all of your jobs to make sure that happens. But for now, how about a race." I had scarcely finished speaking when Teluna took off, running across the surface of the ocean as he left us behind, moving in the direction of Sobek's energy. Safe to say, we all joined in as the ocean itself was parted and seriously disturbed by the movements of four extremely powerful vampires and one human. We just had to see who got to Sobek first.