341 Return To Shearath VII : The Fellowship's Threat, Ye Chen

I had no idea who just tried to kill Asha, the crowds had scattered as soon as the gun shot had went off, and my enraged roar was not helping matters either. But it was not just the idea that someone had tried to kill Asha, it was the fact that they were going to do it in the presence of her children; she was carrying Michael after all. I was rapidly loosing control, and if I don't find someone to punch and burst in the next ten seconds, I might actually go berserk and start a wanton slaughter, innocents be damned.

But slowly I had a moment of clarity, I was as fast if not faster that a bullet, but I was completely caught of guard, and that could only mean that the gun was fired at point blank range. The culprit should have been standing really close to the front of the crowd when i was giving the speech. Secondly the gun used was just a handgun, and one without much power behind it. Should it have been a sniper rifle, then Asha would have been scraping pieces of her brain off the ground. But if the person shot at us from a close range, then there was a possibility that he was still around and within the crowd of panicked people.

(SHIELD) a massive golden shield came into beingas it completely covered the plaza in front of the estate, cutting off the escape of the thousands of people who were here when Asha was shot. Their momentum came to a screeching halt, and in the process quite a pot of people lost their footing and were trampled by others. I was confused, was there a reason why the crowd would be this panicked, this was Shearath, not earth; a simple gunshot is not supposed to cause such chaos, not even when the gun itself was shot into the crowd, there was something wrong here.

Before I could do anything else, one of the Nephilim that's a part of the royal guard stepped forward and created a whip from light. He sent it flying into the crowd and dragged a woman no older than thirty out. The gun she used was still in her hands, and she did not hesitate to start squeezing the trigger in ever possible direction it faced, especially towards the Nephilim that was dragging her out of the crowd.

All of the bullets she shot at him, just bounced off his feathers, as he used it to cover his body, protecting him from the projectiles. However it was the reaction of the people that still drew my attention because every time that gun was fired, they all screamed and panicked in sheer terror, hurting themselves in the process.

I didn't get it, it was almost as if they were under some sort of mass illusion, and it was tied inexplicably to the sounds of a gun shot. At this rate, they were all going to tear themselves apart before anything could be done, and to make matters even worse; the culprit in Asha's failed assassination seemed to have more guns than I expected, and just like the rest of them, she had frantic and terrified look on her face, as if she was fighting demons and monsters of her own.

Asha walked forward after handing Michael over to Xaseah and spread her arms wide. Her silvery white hair began to float behind her as her eyes turned white with an intense glow. Asha was dressed casual...well bit exactly casual, she looked more like a biker chick with her white tank top, leather jacket, leather trousers and black heeled boots. But the moment she started glowing and floated up almost four meters into the air, everything turned silver, and the last remaining locks of black on hair, turned silver too.

She spread her hands wide, and a pulse of warm grey light was released from her body with her as the epicenter. It washed allover the crowd of humans that have been reduced into nothing more than just wild animals. Everywhere the light passed, I could see clarity gradually returning to the eyes of the people, and those that were injured, regardless of the severity, were healed and made whole in mere seconds. The woman who was busy shooting like she was in some wild west movies actually had a qualitative change, there was no need for her to regain clarity, because she never lost it. Her entire display was just a pretense, and the moment she saw that Asha had negated the effects of whatever spell or skill was used, she pointed the gun at Xaseah and the kids and fired.

When a vampire moves with all of their speed, it really happens just like the movies, the world slows to a crawl and everything becomes silent. In some cases, when said vampire is really, really fast, the world actually shifts and time goes back a bit. The ability to move so fast you actually turn time backwards, vampires don't have that much power, at least not until they get to Dracula rank. But for now the speed I had was enough for me to get in front of Xaseah and catch every bullet that had been fired.

But it was easier said than done, because whatever the heck these bullets where, they burned, and currently they were meting into my palm, as if my super toughened dragon skin was made of wax, and the bullets were the flames of a matches. It didn't make sense, and as I dropped the bullets to the ground, along with a few flakes of skin and blood, I watched them absorb my blood and flesh, and then turn into dust that returned to the gun of the woman. Asha was still focused on healing the people, as it seems the spell was a lot stronger than she expected, so she couldn't pay attention to her assassin.

But with how dangerous those bullets are, I don't think this woman came here only to assassinate Asha, but the entire Cor family, inclusive of me, Xaseah and our children. Because I counted how many bullets that were there, and there were five. Five bullets for all five members of my family, whoever this woman was, she was definitely not some ordinary person or an ordinary assassin. She looked at me with a smile and said.

"The Fellowship sends their warm regards to you and your family, your Majesty. You will be hearing from us soon enough." And then the ground below her opened up, showing and inky blackness as she was swallowed by it.

My eyes were widened with shock, that woman was clearly a human being, flesh, blood, heart and all. But she just shadow walked, a skill that's entirely unique to vampires and vampires alone. Of course there are many other races that could utilize shadows to fight and hide themselves, and even travel to shadow realm if they wanted to, but only a vampire could open a doorway to that dimension at the drop of a hat, only a vampire could open a shadow gate with that much ease, but that woman was clearly human.

I turned to Maxine and Xaseah, and they had an equally shocked look on their face right next to mine. It was obvious they came to the same conclusion as I did. This fellowship people, whoever the fuck they were, have found a way to take the traits of a vampire and give it to people not of the vampire race. Which is to say, there could be people with the vampires ability to control blood, use the allure, shadow walk, not to mention the blood drinking, the super strength and speed, and the ability to use aura by channeling your emotions.

And endless amount of crimes could be committed and all of it would be pinned on vampires. And now they actually had weapons that could hurt a goddess, and me. This people were very dangerous, and it was made even more obvious when you consider the fact that they only operate from the shadows. No one knows who they are, but their operations are spread across multiple galaxies.

From the look of things, this wasn't something that just growing stronger could fix. We had to end the fellowship, whoever the fuck they were, and there would be nor room for mercy. It was not that hard to imagine the thousands if not millions of vampire that have been experimented on over the years, for the fellowship to be able to create a method where the racial skills of a vampire could be grafted and transferred onto the body of a member of another race.

These people were monsters, and coming from myself, that means they're really bad. I came here for a vacation, but it looks like it was a bad idea in the first place. The moment I left the realm, I left the one place that could fully protect me and my family, and right now I was really scared about what the future holds, seeing as we now have an enemy that seems more capable than all the other enemies we've had so far. And to make it worse said enemy has decided to keep themselves hidden in the shadows, if we don't know who they are, then how are we supposed to bring the fight to them.

I really didn't know what to do, shit seems to have hit the fan real fast, and I've not had enough time to vent complete half of what I came back to Shearath to do. It was as if they were already waiting for me, and they knew that I would coming back here sooner rather than later. And while the idea that my plans could be seen through quite easily freaked me out, I knew that I would not have done anything else regardless of the situation. But now I had to think about what's best for my family. There was no more time to waste trying to get the people acclimated to a new world order and a peaceful life with the vampires, it will take too long especially with the confirmation that members of the fellowship were running around on Leo doing God knows what.

These were dark times, and I had to change to meet up with it. Of course a lot of people would see me as a tyrant, but by the time I'm done, the human race on Leo would be living in a better place and a better world with more prospects, and peace to last them thousands of years. I'm done with the bullshit, all this people think I'm so easy to be messed with because I've been doing things calmly and peacefully, well screw that! With my family now in danger I'm way past the point of being nice, it's time to play dirty.








Ye Chen hated the possibility of failing, even when he still lived on earth before he was reincarnated into this world, he hated the prospect of failing at whatever it is he set his mind to do. So it was quite ironic that he died as pauper on the grave of his mother, having lost everything he had to a cheating wife and backstabbing best friend. The only thing that has kept him going was the prospect of revenge, and he knows the time to get that revenge was rapidly coming close.

He was a chosen, a dragon king! That was only normal after all. He had a shitty first life, so it was only normal that earth and fate made up for it by giving him access to ultimate power, as the master of one of the pillars of creation. Of course a power came with a price, and his was to save the earth and all it's universes, he didn't mind that he had to do that, he loved the earth, it was his home.

And at the very least he was not going to be doing it alone. But the time was close, not here yet. Today he has to fight for the chance to marry the sect leader of The Divine Dao Sect. A challenge that should he win, would give him access to a serious amount of power. Plus his dragon was buried somewhere deep within the sect, and this was the only way he could get to it. For the past fifteen years, all the way from the age of five, he has had to carve a path to this place by swimming in a sea of blood and a mountain of corpses. Itbe really hard to imagine that he was also know as the greatest healer that ever is existed in Sky Monarch Divine Empire.

Yet he was also feared as one of the most ruthless creatures on it too. His path to power was never like all those wuxia and xianxia heroes, in fact he was put into this world to be the cannon fodder of a main character, to be a villain. Of course he played the role well, maybe a little too well in fact that he has crushed countless so called main characters, even the one who refuses to die and is no different from a cockroach. All these and more had led him here, to battle for the hand of the most beautiful woman in the, a woman who's beauty had kept this world in a choke hold for over five hundred years with no man capable enough to conquer her. But he knew he would win, because this competition was only happening because of him.

The water dragon had awakened, at about the same time when he had met with the other dragon kings. It had called out to him, and it's guardian was tasked with finding him. That guardian turned out to be the woman who thousands of men have now come here to fight and die for, all for a treasure and a woman that by right and by fate belongs to him and him alone.

Sure he was arrogant, that much was obvious, and he was ruthless in his ways. But that came from his power and the knowledge that what belongs to him would always belong to him, no matter how much plot armor the two dozen main characters and sons of heaven standing in front of him had. Without a doubt beating all of these gullible children into submission would be amazing, and adding that sect leader to his harem of women would be one of his crowning achievements, then they'll be an even five. A perfect number, fit for a king like himself. Well it's time to get to it, time to show all thee idiots what it means to truly have plot armor and be a favored son of heaven, after all the was literally given birth to, by the heavens themselves.