Chapter 5134

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
"I have no objection. Just prepare. As soon as they arrive this time, we will start attacking!"

Ye Liuyun also immediately agreed and informed everyone in Dongtian World to prepare for battle.

Yu Xiaofeng also notified the Wolfhound Legion to prepare for the attack.

There are now more than ten top experts in the Wolf Hunter Legion, and they are not afraid even if the opponent's guard camp is crowded.

Cui Daoran also immediately arranged for 10,000 soldiers of the Wolf Hunter Legion to prepare for the battle.

Cui Daoran is still the lowest level in the Wolfhound Legion, so he can only command from behind and cannot participate in the battle.

The Sharp Knife Regiment, Feng Yang Regiment, and the Death Legion's 300,000-strong army are also ready for the war.

On Chang Yufeng's battleship, he was also leading a group of commanders and the leader of the Tianshen Battalion to study some of the collected information.

"Their ferocious beasts have become stronger again, and their wolf hunting army is not weak now.

And their army numbered more than 1.5 million. I'm afraid we'll both lose this time! "

Chang Yufeng analyzed the strength of both parties very rationally.

The leader of Tianshen Camp curled his lips in disdain: "General Fengshen said that wrong! Our Tianshen Camp has thirty teams coming this time.

No matter how strong they are, they can't be the opponent of so many of us. How can they give up before the war begins? "

Chang Yufeng didn't want to argue with him and just said: "Then it will depend on how strong you guys can fight!"

In fact, he was already thinking: "Last time, it was these people from the God Camp who took action first, and the result was that the entire army was wiped out!

It seems that these people are accustomed to being arrogant and have not learned their lesson. "

Now he just hopes that the people in the Tianshen camp can consume more of the other party's strong men, so that they can't kill any of them and give them away to the other party.

"General, don't worry, our thirty teams are enough to wipe out all the powerful opponents!"

The leader of the Divine Camp promised confidently that day.

Since Yu Xiaofeng and the others took in the strong men brought back by Ye Liuyun, the more than ten top strong men have never made a move.

In the previous battles, those divine generals alone were enough.

Therefore, Chang Yufeng and Tianshenying did not know that there were such top experts in their army.

And this kind of top powerhouse can really destroy 100,000 soldiers by one person.

Their strength has far exceeded that of ordinary martial arts cultivators at the ninth level of the divine realm. No matter how many soldiers there are, they can't be trapped.

As for the half-step super-god-level powerhouse, they would never even think of it.

This is why Ye Liuyun and Yu Xiaofeng are particularly confident.

Before Chang Yufeng and his warships arrived, Ye Liuyun had already used his golden eyes to observe the situation in advance and selected the key targets for attack.

They attacked Chang Yufeng's main ship, where the Tianshen camp and the guard camp had the largest number of people.

The 300,000 troops led by Yu Wei at the front were handed over to the Feng Yang Legion and the Death Legion. When the time comes, the hunting wolves can also return for reinforcements.

As soon as Chang Yufeng and his fleet stopped, Ye Liuyun took the lead and killed them before they could wait for their servants.

"Leave it to us!"

The leader of the Tianshen Camp also shouted and led the people from the Tianshen Camp to kill them.

But they were dumbfounded as soon as they went out. Even those divine generals were reduced to the fate of being harvested.

At the same time, the Wolfhound Legion also followed and began to besiege the main ship.

Chang Yufeng also immediately sent the escort battalion to meet the enemy.

The soldiers on other battleships were also scrambling for time to get off the battleships in formation.

At this time, the Death Legion's 300,000-strong army followed the Feng Yang Legion and the Sharp Knife Regiment and came over.

Chang Yufeng never expected that they would dare to attack him head-on. As soon as the battle started, almost the entire army rushed forward.

"Why should they?"

As soon as he thought of this, he discovered that Ye Liuyun was leading a few martial arts cultivators to harvest the Heavenly God Camp crazily.

Ye Liuyun's monsters were killing those magic soldiers with ease.

The wild beasts all killed the soldiers from the guard camp who had just rushed out.

"This bunch of trash!"

Chang Yufeng even doubted whether the Tianshen camp he brought was fake, why he couldn't help but fight.

They had no power to fight back in front of Ye Liuyun and the others, and they were still being arrested.

After Ye Liuyun and the two clones struck at the beginning, they used soul attacks to catch people.

The four martial arts cultivators of Jiang Donglin knocked several god generals away with just one punch and one kick. Thirty god generals were not enough for them to fight on their own.

Those who were not beaten to death by them were immediately captured by Ye Liuyun.

The same goes for the monster beasts, killing half and helping Ye Liuyun and the others catch the other half.

Chang Yufeng looked at his guard camp again, and the results were similar. A group of them were killed as soon as they rushed out.

The wild beasts didn't take prisoners at all, they killed them all.

And his warships were already about to be destroyed by the besieging Wolfhound Legion.

The guard battalion continued to attack, and finally broke through the interception of the wild beasts, and charged towards the Wolf Hunter Legion.

But he was immediately killed by more than a dozen top powerhouses.

The high-end combat power that Chang Yufeng brought this time was completely suppressed.

"How could this happen? How did they become so strong?"

Chang Yufeng slumped in his seat in disbelief.

His consciousness inadvertently scanned the front battlefield and found that the 300,000 troops led by Yu Wei were no better.

As soon as the 300,000 soldiers came out, they were constantly killed by the Feng Yang Legion and the Sharp Knife Regiment, and they couldn't form a formation at all.

The Death Legion that followed was no weaker than their soldiers, and they cooperated tacitly and formed a rigorous formation.

Now the three warships have been surrounded and they are constantly bombarding the soldiers who rush out.

Even the soldiers at the ninth level of the divine realm in the former army could not stop Liu Yuchan and other powerful men at the level of divine generals and divine soldiers.

What's more, those of them who were coming were still shooting from a distance with bows and arrows, and their soldiers were suffering heavy casualties at this moment.

"Withdraw the troops, withdraw the troops!" Chang Yufeng finally shouted.

He immediately rushed out of the battleship with the escort battalion, trying to fight his way out.

His battleship will definitely not be able to sail away and will be disabled sooner or later, so it is better to get down early.

As soon as he came out, Ye Liuyun and his clones led several strong men and monsters to kill him.

There are not many magic weapons left, and a few monsters are doing the final cleanup.

"We meet again. We didn't have enough fun last time. If you come again this time, don't leave."

Ye Liuyun shouted coldly and struck Chang Yufeng with one knife.

Chang Yufeng was originally a strong man at the ninth level of the divine realm, and he immediately understood why those people from the God Camp were no match for him.

Ye Liuyun's sword was really too terrifying, and he knew he couldn't withstand it.

The guards around him also felt the threat of this knife and immediately took action to intercept it.

But the two clones on Ye Liuyun's side also slashed at him with one strike, and then the strong man who was a half-step super god also took action.

Dragon Girl, Lei Ming, and the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon also all attacked Chang Yufeng at the same time.

Attacks from strong men came down one after another with a terrifying aura.

With Chang Yufeng as the center, the shock waves of those attacks crushed all the guards around him.