Chapter 5135

Name:Lord of All Gods Author:风云再起
When the true energy and smoke and dust dissipated, Chang Yufeng was no longer around.

He and the guards at the center of the attack were all blasted into blood mist.

Fortunately, he ordered the retreat before disembarking the battleship, and the battleships behind him had already begun to turn around.

"Attack the battleship!"

Cui Daoran also immediately asked the Wolf Hunters to divide into several teams to attack the warship.

Only some top experts and god generals were left to cooperate with the wild beasts and continue to kill the soldiers of the escort battalion who kept rushing out of the battleship.

"You go and destroy those battleships too!"

Ye Liuyun asked the four half-step super-gods to help destroy the battleship to prevent their army from escaping.

Then he asked a few monsters to go to the front army to help add fuel to the fire, making their front army defeated faster.

As soon as the monster beasts rushed over, the pressure on Feng Yang Legion and Sharp Knife Legion was reduced a lot.

The guards around Yu Wei wanted to protect him and escape, but in the end Yu Wei did not escape either and was targeted and killed by Lei Ming and others.

He wanted to take revenge this time, but he was beaten even before he got out of the battleship, which was even worse than the last time he came.

The remaining soldiers who had not yet disembarked from the battleship were also operating the battleship to escape.

Lei Ming and the others immediately took action, leading the Feng Yang Legion to bombard the warships and destroy them all.

This 300,000-strong army is now unable to escape even if they want to, so they can only come down and fight for their lives.

The same goes for the rest of the battleships. Since they can't escape, they can only get off the battleships and line up to fight.

The Wolfhound Legion took advantage of the situation and attacked the soldiers disembarking from the battleship.

And the four half-step warriors were even more fierce. Their attacks almost broke the battleship in half.

The four battleships fell directly to the ground, and the soldiers inside were shocked and dizzy.

They bombarded them from a distance again, killing many soldiers directly inside the battleship.

After all their true energy was consumed, they completed their mission and returned to Ye Liuyun's cave world to speed up their recovery.

Ye Liuyun and his clones were already catching soldiers from the guard camp.

At this time, the Death Legion had already rushed forward, dividing and surrounding their front army, and some enemy soldiers had begun to surrender.

The soldiers of the Wolfhound Legion also began to gather together to rush to avoid being surrounded by more and more soldiers coming off the battleship.

Now that the army does not have a unified command, even if the soldiers from the other warships completed their formation, they did not go to reinforce the front army.

The commanders could all see that the front army was hopeless, so they were executing orders to retreat.

Once they withdrew, the front troops and the guard battalions were all left alone, and eventually those who remained had no choice but to surrender.

The Wolf Hunting Legion, Feng Yang Legion and Sharp Knife Regiment all immediately recovered where they were.

Pei Yong also immediately brought people out to accept the surrender, replaced the death army, and allowed them to seize the time to restore their combat effectiveness.

At the same time, Qin Peng was leading a million-strong army to cross directly to intercept the 700,000 enemy troops who had escaped.

The area opposite them was not yet occupied by them, but none of the defenders in the cities dared to intercept this million-strong army.

Ye Liuyun asked everyone and the wild beasts to return to the cave world to speed up their recovery, while he rushed to reinforce Qin Peng.

Qin Peng led a million troops to stop the 700,000 defeated soldiers.

But he didn't expect to be able to stop them all. He just focused on intercepting three groups of 100,000 troops, and let them rush out with the rest.

The soldiers he led were all ordinary soldiers, whose combat effectiveness was insufficient and could only be filled by numbers.

But as soon as Ye Liuyun arrived, the situation immediately changed.

The four half-step super-powerful warriors had already recovered some strength and caused heavy damage to the enemy as soon as they took action.

Although the wild beasts have not fully recovered, their physical strength is already strong, and their formations will be scattered when they run rampant in the army.

Ye Liuyun and his clones were the leaders who led the monsters to kill each other.

These three armies of 100,000 people soon became a piece of scattered sand, divided and surrounded by the army led by Qin Peng.

With the shock of the half-step super god and the impact of the wild beasts, the soldiers who were scattered quickly surrendered.

In the end, Qin Peng successfully captured all these soldiers.

At this time, all the 300,000 troops of the Death Legion had boarded the battleship and pursued the opponent.

Ye Liuyun asked Qingpeng to guide the battleship and chase the four hundred thousand troops that escaped.

The other party also discovered that Qingpeng was chasing them, and guessed that it was giving directions to the army behind them.

But they sent their strongest soldiers up and they were no match for Qingpeng.

In desperation, they had to split up and run away to see who was lucky enough to escape.

Qingpeng really didn't know who to chase for a while, so he could only ask Ye Liuyun.

"Chase those in a straight line first. They escape the fastest. Kill them first, then go back and intercept the other teams."

Ye Liuyun also made a decision immediately.

So Qingpeng led the Death Army to the defeated army that was escaping in a straight line.

The warships of the Death Legion marched faster than the large army. They went around to the front to arrange their formation, and then rushed towards the 100,000-strong army.

The Wolfhounds, Fengyang Legion and Sharp Knife Regiment rushed to the front, and the other party couldn't stop their impact at all.

Ye Liuyun also caught up immediately. However, he did not join the battle. Instead, he and three clones chased the army all the way.

This time they wanted to completely capture this million-strong army to expand their military resources.

Ye Liuyun and his clone did not pursue them, they just stared at them with golden eyes and followed them from a distance.

After the battle of the Death Legion is over, let Qingpeng lead the battleship to rush towards the defeated army that the clone is staring at.

In this way, the Death Legion pursued these deserters thousands of miles away, determined not to let them escape.

None of the troops stationed along the way dared to intercept them, so they just watched them running around in the territory.

The last group of 100,000 defeated soldiers fled directly into a county city, hoping to use the protective power of the county city to avoid the attack.

In order to reduce the casualties of the Death Legion, Ye Liuyun took action and cooperated with the Death Legion to directly attack the county.

Those deserters were all picked out from the county and city, but in the end they did not escape the fate of being captured.

Chang Yufeng's army was completely defeated this time. Excluding those who were killed and those who escaped, the number of prisoners was up to 600,000.

With these 600,000 soldiers, the Death Army will be even more powerful after they go back and reorganize.

In the future, even if he faced an attack by a million troops, Ye Liuyun would not need to take action.

After all the troops returned, Ye Liuyun also handed over all the captured prisoners to Yu Xiaofeng.

From now on, he no longer has to worry about this army. There were more than 7,000 soldiers from the escort battalion captured in this battle.

There are also more than ten divine generals and more than twenty divine soldiers from the Celestial Camp.

The power in Yu Xiaofeng's hands now is enough to cope with the attack of a million-strong army.

Yu Xiaofeng and other commanders also happily began to reorganize various armies.

Ye Liuyun, after he and everyone around him recovered, rushed away from the demon clan, preparing to go there to help Black Mountain expand its territory.

The weakest among them now is the demon clan.

After nearly a year of development, Montenegro has not trained many strong people themselves.

The realm of those who arrived later is still not enough.