Chapter 52 - The Battle Between Two Predator

David removed tree branches blocking his path. At first glance, David could conclude that it was now several minutes after midnight. Because of the bonfire he had set up, David didn't hesitate to leave Catty asleep alone. And because the moon is shining brightly, even though it's not a full moon, David dares to go out to find animals for him to hunt, because after all they haven't eaten anything since falling from the parachute.

His stomach was completely uncompromising. All this time, David seemed to be attacked from within his body. Even though David is someone who is very strong and also feared in the battlefield, David is still a human who can lose to hunger.

David crawled from behind the bushes, with himself in the shadows, David stalked a little deer that had somehow separated from its mother. Deer are indeed independent animals who like to travel alone thanks to their agility which can easily avoid danger. Although not too fast, the legs possessed by a deer can avoid the dangers that come to it by jumping very agile. And don't forget their horns that can be used for self-defense in times of emergency.

However, these independent animals will not leave their mothers if they are not mature enough.

David was hesitant to hunt down the little deer, as this unusual phenomenon made David's anxiety increase dramatically.

Where did the mother deer go?

However, the longer David thought, the more his hunger killed himself from within. There was no longer time to hesitate, before he actually starved to death.

Quickly, David lunged at the young deer, put his hands around his neck and knocked him to the ground and then tried to break the young deer neck before the mother came because of her screams. David also curled the young deer with his legs curled around the deer.

Several times David's body was slammed on the ground as a hard kick from the two hind legs of the young deer tried to kick David's body, but for him, Hendrick Brasco's punches were hundreds of times more painful than the stag's leg attack which was about to become his dinner meal.

Craccckkk! ...

The sound from the neck of the young reindeer that David had just broken was so painful. Poor deer. But David didn't care, because he cared more about his hunger than pity for the animal, which seemed to be separated from its mother.

David was back on his feet again, just about to drag the fawn back to where Catty was, but a growl from behind the thicket behind him made him smile very broadly.

He knew what the growling sound was from. David had heard that type of growl many times when he served in the jungle with members of the legendary mafia syndicate Hendrick Brasco in the past.

The pupils that glowed from reflecting a gray light from the moon were visible through the darkness. With just one look, David could predict what animal was growling at him from behind the thicket.

In less than five seconds, the beast that was growling at David revealed itself, showing a massive body covered in thick hair, very sharp and bloodied claws and fangs, and a height of up to two and a half meters.

"I didn't expect to meet a powerful predator in a place like this." David said to the animal that was now standing in front of him.

The brown bear, or commonly known as the grizzly bear, is one of the fiercest predators. Seeing the bear roaming around during non-hunting season, made the bear standing in front of David at this time belonged to the insomniac bear species, which has a temperament so severe that it can attack anything nearby even when it's not hungry.

With drops of blood streaked across the grizzly bear's fangs and claws, now David knew where the mother deer had gone, whom he had just broken its neck a moment ago.

It might be easy for David to kill a furious adult grizzly bear if he holds his beloved sniper rifle, but with no weapon in his hand, of course this will be a one-sided battle because the grizzly bear has natural weapons attached to his body-- claws and fangs.

"Raaaaawwwwrrrrr! ... "

The grizzly bear roared so loudly that David reflexively covered his ears with both hands. The roar was so loud, it was more painful to the ears to be heard directly than the sound of a high caliber machine gun.

David smiled broadly. "Hey Benedict, do you have some fucking sore throat? Your voice has turned terrible."

The bear is about the height of one of the great former generals of the legendary mafia syndicate Henrdick Brasco that David has placed in the top three of his list of targets for revenge, Benedict Rivaro.

That's why David imagined Benedict standing opposite him right now, not that grizzly bear with blood-stained claws and fangs.

The bear lunged at David suddenly, causing him to jump aside and fall to the ground. The bear raised its big hand again and tried to tear David mercilessly with its sharp claws without giving David a chance to dodge.

Fortunately, David's body, which is accustomed to dodging bullets from automatic firearms, allows him to avoid attack after attack launched by the fat bear.

"Why are your movements so slow, Benedict? Looks like you have to lose weight. Hey, where did you get those hairs from? Did you buy chest hair growth medicine at the online shop and accidentally rub it all over your body? It's all over your body, surely those lowly bitches you usually hire to accompany you at night will have a hard time looking for your tiny cock, especially now that it's covered in very thick fur. "

David continued to taunt the bear who was on a rampage while avoiding the attacks that were thrown at him.

David paused after making a huge backward jump and stared into the eyes of the grizzly bear in front of him. Showing an expression ready to kill hundreds of people in an instant, as he used to show on the battlefield.

"Raaaawwwwrrrrrr! ... "

The bear roared again, but David now stood still and gave a murderous look that was even scarier than the predator's two and a half meter gaze in front of his eyes.

The grizzly bear opened its jaws wide and lunged at David.

Crassshhh! ...

David did not jump to avoid the bear's attack like he had been doing, all he did was tilt his body, tying the bear's sharp fangs into the large tree trunk behind him. Without further ado, seeing the opportunity that had come, David grabbed the bear's left eye and pulled it out mercilessly, making the bear howl in pain and roar with his fangs still stuck in the trunk of the big tree.

His fist clenched and threw a hard uppercut towards the bear's neck from below and punched the bear in the face which made the bear stagger to the side. Several of its fangs were left on the trunk of the large tree that the bear had bitten earlier.

David bent over to avoid the swinging hand of the bear that was trying to shred David with its claws, throwing a two-punch combination that hit the bear's belly very hard.

By losing its left eye like that, the grizzly bear's movements became slower and more disorganized. Sometimes David just dodged a bit as the bear swung its paws. Maybe in the bear's vision, the bear managed to hit David, when it actually didn't.

David jumped sideways to avoid the horizontal claw strikes from the bear's two hands and twisted his body, sending a back kick that hit the bear's waist.

David throws three hits on the part he just kicked, jumps backwards to avoid the bear's claw, and continues to smack the bear's body which is covered in a combination of flesh, muscles and super thick fur.

No matter how thick the armor the bear had, it would not be able to withstand the brutal attacks David continued to throw at him insistently. Moreover, David is getting easier to avoid the backlash of the bear who only has one eye.

Bammm! ...

David delivered a devastating blow to the grizzly bear's lower jaw and sent the two and a half meter predator back a few steps. The bear looked like he could no longer use his two hands because his bones had been crushed by David's merciless attacks that continued to hit him with both hands.

The two monsters who had been fighting so fiercely had stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. David's fist was shaking violently too. Maybe after the fight was over, David would feel excruciating pain in his both fists.

The adrenaline generated from this extremely brutal fight allowed David to ignore the hunger and pain all over his bones.

However, with David's body condition already so exhausted, he might not be able to continue the fight with that two and a half meter grizzly bear.

Fortunately, the bear has a survival instinct. Even in a rage state, he will withdraw from the battle once he is badly injured. The bear left David on all fours, howling in pain.

David closed his eyes and looked up at the sky as he continued to try to reset the tempo of his breathing. Before finally smiling very broadly and starting to burst out laughing.

In fact, he had never faced a wild beast barehanded in his lifetime. Only this time he felt the sensation of fighting one of the world's largest predators with his own two fists.

"Did you fucking see that, old man? I managed to beat up a fucking giant bear who was running amok. And I managed to make him fucking run away like a pussy." said David as if speaking to his late adoptive father, the legendary mafia boss Hendrick Brasco.

David laughed very loosely, still unable to believe what he had just done.

It was really a very rare fight that happened in his life.

Now he can go back to where Catty was asleep and burn the deer he had hunted earlier to fill the emptiness of his stomach.

The extremely brutal battle just now was beyond human reasoning.

David is a real monster, not the raging grizzly bear.