Catty opened her eyes slowly. Her whole body tingled from the effects of the poison of the poisonous snake that bit her last night. The sound of burning wood gradually turning to charcoal accompanied by owls and nocturnal beasts interlocking as if into a harmony that slowly helped her regain her consciousness.

But there was something strange about a bonfire that was several meters in front of her. It was no longer just a pile of burning wood, but a medium-sized, hairless deer at the top of the fire, its neck parted in half hanging by the logs that kept it from falling into the fire below.

Next to the fire sits a man who is already familiar to her, looking at the venison which already emits a rather seductive smell while enjoying the nicotine sticks that he pinches with his index and middle fingers.

Catty tried to get up but her body was still too weak to move. The effect of the snake venom left inside her body was really at work, leaving her completely helpless. Even so, she still believes David's words that with Catty's endurance who is trained as a former S.W.A.T elite team, the remaining poison that is now flowing through her veins will not kill her.

She will only feel the pain for the next few days, and let her immune system work to neutralize the poison.

Even so, further treatment is also needed. As soon as they reach the closest settlement, David will find a way to treat Catty.

In truth, Catty still didn't understand what David meant to help her. Catty has publicly waved the war flag on David. All she knew so far, David would not forgive anyone who became his enemy indiscriminately.

Catty also tried to kill Angeline by blowing up her chair in the sports arena during the Stockholm Corporation annual sports week celebration. As far as Catty knows, David loves Angeline very much and will not hesitate to kill anyone who threatens Angeline's safety.

Plus Catty recently killed someone who was important in David's life. Ainsley, someone who David already considered to be his own little sister, caused David to lose control of himself and caused his human side to become overwhelmed with anger and a sense of murder.

Catty will never forget the time when David lost control like that. The handsome man who loved his wife so much suddenly turned into a demon in human form who would destroy anyone, no, whatever was in front of him.

Even though Catty knows the horror of the figure of David Stockholm who is highly respected and feared in the Underworld as a mafia who holds the title The Prince of Hell, Catty still doesn't expect David to have that side when he gets out of control.

Maybe thanks to his dark life filled with bullets and blood for years to affect David's mental slowly. The mental attacks he was subjected to might have caused David's demonic side to form itself without him noticing.

In reality, pulling the trigger on a firearm required tremendous mental strength. The feeling of taking someone's life wasn't something that could be described by mere words. Every time David takes someone's life, the image of the suffering and pain experienced by his relatives and close people always haunts him even when he blinks.

It is an absolute retribution for every murderer. Mental attacks are the most deadly attacks, because they can kill someone slowly from the inside without him knowing it.

Perhaps, if anyone else had to live a very dark life that smelled of blood and combined with ammunition cartridge's smell like David's, they would end up in a mental hospital.

But it was different with David. The mental attacks he received from surviving his dark life formed a different side to him.

The moment when David lost control of his mental state was the moment where David expressed all the mental pain and burden he had felt during his years of living in the circles of the Underworld.

When David goes out of control, all the bloodthirsty feelings of murder, and the imagery of the thousands of people he has killed so far, all become one, turning him into a real demon camouflaged in a human body.

It is different from being possessed by a spirit. In David's case, the devil who took over his body when he went out of control was the result of his own mental burden.

Maybe it is more accurately called an Alter Ego.

Alter Ego is a second self that is believed to be different from the average person or the actual personality. This term was used in the early nineteenth century when personality disorder disorder was first described by psychologists.

Alter ego is also used to refer to each person's different behavior that is displayed in certain circumstances.

And David's alter ego exactly matches the nickname he bears in the Underworld; The Demon Prince. A monstrous creature that could and could kill anyone within his line of sight indiscriminately, and of course merciless.

Although Catty is not really sure about that, there is one thing that Catty knows for sure.

Nobody can stop David when he has completely lost his human side.

And that's what made Catty get the final draft of her revenge plan against David. Catty will make David out of control and lose his human side and become a complete devil. Even though Catty realizes that she will not be able to survive if that happens either, at least by losing him control over himself, David will kill those around him, which makes Catty's revenge against David even sweeter.

But Catty can't think of that right now, because the important thing she has to do is keep on surviving until she can carry out her final plan of revenge against David.

David turned his head to find Catty had her eyes opened. He grabbed a leg of a deer that felt ripe and threw it at Catty. The ripe venison landed on Catty's thigh who sat leaning against the tree.

"Eat it. I have no responsibility if you die."

Catty smiled crookedly, "So as long as I'm not dead, you still have responsibility for me?"

David didn't answer her and broke another stag's leg for himself.

"Come on, just be honest to me, the reason you haven't killed me right now isn't because I saved you from free fall from the helicopter you dropped when you got out of control, right?"

David swallowed the venison after he chewed it. "Just shut your fuck up, or I'll change my mind right now and break your neck before you talk any more bullshit."

Catty just gave a crisp laugh and chose to eat the meat that David had thrown earlier and hoped David didn't really break her neck for now.