Dave continues to follow the public transportation that Dita is carrying. Dave followed suit keeping a sufficient distance not to make Dita realize that she was being followed. When the public transportation stopped at a bus stop in front of a private hospital in the Depok area, Dita also got off.

Depok is a city in the West Java area, very close to East Jakarta.

Who does she want to visit?

Are her parents currently hospitalized?

Dave stopped his motorbike where he could see Dita until Dita entered the hospital. But the strange thing was, every officer working at the hospital bent over as they walked past Dita.

Really not a typical behavior for hospital employees.

Seeing that, what Dave had in mind were two possibilities.

First, Dita's parents are high government officials who are being treated at this hospital. And the second possibility is, Dita's parents are the owners of this hospital.

When Dave could no longer see Dita, Dave returned to speeding his motor sport to return home.

When he got home, Dave could smell the familiar smell on his nose the first time he opened the front door.

Yep, the smell that he smelled the first time he walked into the house was the smell of Angeline's homemade fried rice.

Dave took off his shoes and walked in to find his mother, Angeline, who was sitting on the living room sofa holding her iPad, watching Korean dramas that never left her daily life.

Hearing the sound of footsteps made Angeline pause the drama she was watching and then turned around. "Has my handsome son come home?"

"You can see it by yourself, can't you? Why should you ask again?"

Angeline smiled after hearing Dave's rather harsh answer. The woman knew that despite the coldness of her son, Dave was a boy who loved her very much and would not think twice about protecting her. "After changing clothes, the food is already on the dining table. I just finished cooking—"

"Fried rice with half cooked eggs." Dave interrupted Angeline's words as he stepped up the stairs to the only room upstairs, that is his bedroom.

Dave locked his door from the inside when he entered, threw his bag on the floor and unzipped the bomber jacket he was wearing and threw himself onto the bed, lying down with his hands spread wide and closing his eyes.

After closing his eyes for a few moments, Dave opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling of his room, where on the ceiling of his room there is a three-dimensional image of a burning skull that he painted himself using spray paint.

Dave does have a hobby of drawing graffiti or murals. Until now, he still likes to go out in the middle of the night to draw graffiti on walls that look abandoned. Although some people think that what Dave did was an act of vandalism-visual-based crime, Dave thinks that what he did was an attempt to beautify the scene.

Instead of having the precious walls covered with the attributes of political parties and also indecent scribbles, he better make them beautiful. At least to make it more pleasing to the eye.

Dave's way of seeing the world is different from most children at his age. His social environment, which was quite harsh in his youth, allowed him to think from a completely different perspective from most people. Especially people who worship the two naïve beings named 'Justice' and 'Peace'.

According to Dave, an ordinary life is a very boring thing. While he can still breathe, why not live life to the fullest?

Although Angeline often reminded him, that the things he thought were his way of enjoying life he might regret in the future, Dave still adheres to what he believes. As long as whatever he does does not disturb and harm other people, then he still feels it is normal to do so.

And thanks to his association with the saddest motorcycle gang in his area, the Destroyer motorcycle gang, makes him have a different meaning in terms of 'bad kid' which is always viewed differently in society.

According to him, as long as the aim of doing these things is to enjoy the lifestyle he lives, not to show off so that he gets praise and also as long as it does not harm others, then it is fine to do so.

That is why he decided to quit being a member of a motorcycle gang whose job always disturbs the public.

Although sometimes, his identity as a former member of the sadistic motorcycle gang does not always bring bad influence, but makes him have its own advantages. For example, when the incident with Aryo at school earlier. By showing the Destroyer tattoo on his back, he can get out of trouble easily.

From inside his jacket pocket, Dave felt his cell phone vibrate. He also took it out, unlocking the screen with a combination of 0420 which is a combination of the month and date he was born, which is the twentieth day of the fourth month. In the notification bar at the top of his cellphone screen, it says 'Jeanice Ainsley added you by phone number'.

Dave opens his Line application and gets a message from Jean.

Jean: Hi!

Jean: Hi Dave :)

Jean: Have you arrived home?

Jean: Dave?

Jean: Am I bothering you? Sorry if I really bothered you :(

Dave chuckled softly and replied to the barrage of messages coming from Jean.

Dave: Just arrived home.

No need to wait long for Jean to reply to Dave's message.

Jean: I see. Hehe :)

Dave: Where did you get my number?

Jean: From Rey. Sorry, I didn't tell you before.

Rey? Dave never thought he'd ever exchanged cell phone numbers with Rey. After thinking for a while, Dave realizes that his cellphone was once forcibly taken by Rey. Maybe at that time Rey took the number without permission. When Dave checked the contacts on his Line, he found a name that reads 'Admiral Tien-Peng', and the profile photo of that strange contact was a lizard's tail that had fallen off from the lizard's body. Without asking the identity of the contact, Dave already realized that it was Rey.

Dave also changed the name of Admiral Tien-Peng to the name Rey Hendarto. He doesn't like strange names on his contacts. Dave went back to his private chat with Jean.

Jean: Dave? Are you angry?

Dave: No.

Jean: I thought you were angry. Okay, I want to go to sleep, it's past my nap's time.

Dave: K.

Jean: You don't want to know why I'm late for my nap?

Dave let out a lazy breath. Is it important to know why someone is late for a fuckin' nap?

Dave: Y?

Jean: Because I was waiting for you to reply my chat, hihihi :D

Dave: O.

Jean: Okay, I'm going to sleep right now.

Dave just read without answering. If he replies, their chat will never end. That's how Dave reads Jean's character.

With the car that picks up the girl when she comes home from school, her way of talking and also her scheduled activities, even she also has a schedule for naps, maybe Jean is the typical child who was spoiled by her parents's wealth since she was a child. It didn't mean anything to Dave's thinking, it's just that Dave likes to read people's personalities. Nobody knows since when Dave had a strange hobby like that.

Just as Dave wanted to throw his cellphone on the bed, there was a new message from the person who had named himself on Dave's Contact Line as Admiral Tien-Peng.

Rey: Finally we met, Wong Feng Hu. Now, feel my strength, the dragon sword technique splits the breast!

Rey: I mean, the dragon sword technique splits the sky!

Dave chuckled at the sudden message he received from Rey. Maybe Rey still thinks that Dave is still not aware that Rey has stored his number secretly on Dave's cellphone. In fact, Dave had noticed before.

Dave : Wong Feng Hu my ass. Just cut the shit out.

Rey: Don't you know who I am? I am the supreme royal commander of the Joseon dynasty, Admiral Tien-Peng!

Please, anyone knows that the Joseon Dynasty originated in Korea, while the identity he used was from China.

Dave : [middle finger emoticon]

Rey doesn't reply anymore, which makes Dave feel relieved and finally throws his phone on the bed. Dave got up and took off his uniform one by one. From his reflection in the mirror, he could see that his body had several scars from sharp cuts. Even though the wounds no longer hurt, they were still scars and seemed like they would never go away. Seeing the wounds on his body, made him remember his dark days as a social trash.

After finishing changing clothes, Dave came down and sat down at the dining table. Opened the food hood and found a plate of fried rice with half-boiled eggs served by Angeline. For him, it doesn't matter even though this morning he already ate fried rice at school, as long as it was made by his mother.

In the end, Dave ate Angeline's cooking calmly.