"Dave, where are you? Aren't you coming?"

Jean's voice sounded as if she wanted to cry when she asked Dave about this via the Line Voice Call application.

"I'll come, I'm taking a break in the Rest Area with Dita."

"Rest Area? You went with Dita? What did you go with?"


"What?!" shouted Jean which made Dave move his cellphone a little away from his ear. "It's dangerous, Dave. What if something happens on the way? And you don't have a driver's license either, if you get caught then you can't come here, then what should I do?"

Dave chuckled when he heard Jean lecturing on the phone, as well as Dita because now Dave had turned on the speaker and put his cellphone on the table so Dita could also hear what Jean was saying.

"Are you praying for us to get into an accident on the way, and since Dave doesn't have a driver's license we have to stay overnight at the police station while you guys have fun there?" now Dita is talking to Jean.

"Dita, if something happens to Dave because of you, then I won't talk to you again in class!"

"Why is it Dave that you're worried about? Shouldn't it be me?"

"Anyway. Just remember that! Dave, you be careful on the road too."

Dave also brought his face closer to his cellphone which was lying on the table. Without realizing it, Dita hasn't turned her face back after talking to Jean, so the distance between Dave's face and Dita's is less than an inch. "Okay, I'll hang up."

Dita was silent as she looked at Dave's face from such a close distance. She caught a glimpse of Dave's lips moving as she spoke the words before hanging up the line with Jean. Dave's lips, which were bright enough for someone who used to smoke, made Dita somehow blushed because she looked at him from such a close distance.

Dave switched off the line with Jean and took his cellphone and then leaned back in the chair he was sitting on. Dita also just realized from her reverie of Dave's seductive lips.

No, she shouldn't think about things that she thought were still very taboo like that.

She had never kissed a man before. Even with his ex fiancé.

Yep, Dita was engaged before because of an arranged marriage by her parents. Her fiancé was named Alexander Xaverius, the son of the owner of a hotel company. Now Alex is a third semester student at a private university in Singapore, majoring in business management.

The reason why they separated is still covered by Dita. What is clear, their parents still do not know that they both have canceled their engagement, even though the one who canceled it was Dita with a unilateral decision.

"Are you rested enough? Should we continue now?"

Dita agreed with Dave's invitation and followed him to where Dave had parked his motorbike.

Dave reached out his hand to take Dita's backpack and put it on in front of his body like before, but Dita refused Dave's offer. "It's okay, I can bring it myself."

Dave finally got on his motorcycle and was followed by Dita. Their journey to the Thousand Islands province continued.

They arrived at the port and ordered a ship to take them to the place where their activities would take place. Dave put his motorbike in the vehicle check-in and saw the buses rented by his school were already there too.

Dave and Dita finally arrived at one of the islands in the province. Jean, who saw Dave from a distance, immediately ran towards Dave, leaving the water she was boiling in a pan on the fireplace made of stones with wood and dry twigs as fuel for the stove.

Jean hugged Dave's body while showing an expression as if he wanted to cry. "I thought you won't come."

Dave turned to Dita who was beside him. Dita immediately walked away from Dave and Jean, she didn't feel like bothering them both.

In her mind, she believes that Dave and Jean are not just friends. And it made her heart broke a little.

Dita still didn't understand why she felt that way to Dave. Though she hadn't known Dave that long, seeing Jean hugging Dave like that, it felt like something had been snatched from her heart.

What Dita didn't realize was that the feeling she was currently feeling in her heart was jealousy.

Yep, the girl was jealous of Dave who was being hugged by Jean tightly.

Dave continued to look at Dita's back and got even further. Dave finally patted Jean's shoulder. "I'm here now."

Finally Jean released his hug on Dave and covered her face with both hands then turned and crouched down to cover her embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I accidentally hugged you. I mean, that wasn't an accident, I do really meant to hug you, but I didn't meant to ... I was just too excited, I'm sorry."

She realized, she should not do that carelessly. But her worry about Dave not coming all this time continued to float in his mind, making her just hug Dave without realizing it.

Dave smiled and put his hand on the top of Jean's head, who was still crouched over her face, then ruffled her hair slowly. "It's okay."

Jean stood up and still covered her face with both hands, not yet daring to look directly at Dave because of her embarrassment.

"Where's my bag?"

"Inside the men's tent." said Jean who still covered her face.

Seeing Jean still covering his face like that made Dave chuckle softly. "Why are you still covering your face like that? It's okay."

Jean lowered her hands slightly, and as her gaze met Dave's, she covered her face again.

From a distance, someone's voice was heard screaming. "First graders, all gathered by the beach, now!"

Dave turned to the source of the sound and turned his gaze back to Jean. "Student council members have already called. You can go first, I'm going to the tent to get my bag."

Jean nodded and ran away from Dave. Dave also smiled, "You weird girl." Dave muttered and walked toward the men's tent. Each tent will be occupied by five people, and his class has three tents for boys and four tents for girls. Dave put his cellphone and cigarette into his bag and walked towards the beach where all the first graders had gathered and lined up according to their respective classes.

The hustle and bustle of all the students who intervened with their closest ones suddenly turned silent when the sound of screams rang out in their ears.

"Shut up!"

Aryo. The man was again showing off a voice similar to that of the megaphone.

"You think, we bring you here for a vacation, huh?!"

Almost all the first graders cast their eyes to the sand on which they stood, not daring to look directly into Aryo's scary face. Only Dave did not feel intimidated at all by the attitude shown by Aryo at this time.

"At the beginning I told you, in one hour you have to finish making tents and cooking water. Why are there still classes that haven't finished their assignments?! Do you think my words is just a fucking joke? Do you think I'm a fucking joke right now?!"

Everyone was silent, did not dare to make a sound. But Rey actually messed up by muttering words that made the people around him couldn't hold back their laughter.

Rey closed his eyes, slipped the fingers in his hands and clenched his fists and prayed, "Homina homina homina, all hail the magic conch ... all hail the magic conch ... "

Some of the people around him couldn't help but laugh at what Rey was muttering. Of course it caught the attention of Aryo and other student council members.

"Those of you who are laughing, get your ass here!"

Several students glanced at each other while continuing to lower their heads. Finally Rey stepped forward on his own and stopped his footsteps right in front of Aryo.

"Why are you laughing? Aren't you going to respect your seniors? How can people appreciate you, if you don't respect other people?"

Rey did not answer Aryo's words, but Rey did not take his eyes off Aryo's eyes, making Aryo feel offended by Rey's attitude.

"Who is the class president of this ignorant kid? Get over here now!"

Jean walked to the front of the line trembling. Dave who saw this wanted to come forward to defend his friends, but one of the student council members held him and immediately whispered to Dave, making Dave not do what he wanted to do before.

"Are you the class president?" asked the person standing next to Aryo who was also one of the student council members who were there.

"Y-yes I am."

"Then, why can't you discipline your class members? Do you think being class president is just to check the student abscess list, huh?!"

"N-n- ... No, sir."

"What? Speak clearly! What did you say just now?! I can't hear you!"

Dita, who just wanted to come to defend Jean, but suddenly Dave held her hand. Dave also whispered a few words to Dita, which made Dita reflect on her intentions, even though she already knew the reason why Jean was shouted at the front there, Dita still felt sorry for the girl.

"Why don't you say anything? Why? Are you no longer able to be class president? Are you going to just give up?!"

Tears dripped from Jean's eyelids. Her body trembled violently.

"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

The stream of tears was getting heavier, her body was shaking violently.

"Do you know what your mistake is?"

Jean shook her head slowly while continuing to cry. And a moment later a second grader from Briston Gal Private High School who is also a student council member named Rayu walked over to her, carrying a birthday cake for Jean.

"Your mistake is, you didn't realize that we wanted to give you a birthday surprise."

Cheers filled the edge of the beach. All the students sang the theme song for Jean's birthday excitedly.

Of course, Jean, who is already considered the idol of a first year student, has a lot of fans both in their generation and even among the upperclassmen.

Jean's cry turned into a cry of happiness. Dave and Dita walked forward to congratulate Jean.

But the surprising thing happened, Jean hugged Dave's body tightly and hid her face in Dave's chest while continuing to cry.

Of course that made two people stare at Dave with hate. Randy and Aryo, the two of them gave Dave a look full of hatred. Even Aryo forgot the identity of Dave who was a member of the Destroyer motorcycle gang.

Dave didn't want to spoil the moment Jean was having by refusing a hug from Jean in front of many people like this, even though he didn't realize that there were two people who had secretly planned bad things for him.