Dave was still silent to see what was going on before his own eyes. Jean, that girl is laughing out loud with a face that has already turned red. While a man was caressing Jean's body.

Yep, right.

Aryo, the man who was sitting holding Jean while his hand touched Jean's female parts.

Just as Dave was about to jump out, his body was being held back by someone.

Dave glanced his elbow at whoever tried to stop him, no matter that person was friend or foe.

But the person Dave tried to hit his head with his elbow was Rey. At first Dave wondered why Rey could avoid his elbow attack, but Dave just came back to remember that Rey is a pretty professional basketball player, so maybe he has reflexes above the average for most people thanks to his skills in playing basketball.

Even though Dave doesn't really know who Rey's true identity is.

"Why are you holding me?"

"Shhhhh ..." Rey told Dave to calm down while one hand took out his cellphone and started recording the action Aryo was doing for a few moments. And when Rey got what he wanted, Rey tapped Dave on the shoulder and smiled. "Okay, please rampage as you please."

At first Dave thought that after recording it, Rey would ask the others for help considering there were about five of Aryo's henchmen who were there, if added by Aryo it will be six people.

But Rey instead let Dave face them alone. Moreover, Rey said that Dave could rampage to his heart's content, whereas as far as Dave remembered, he had never shown his fighting skills in front of anyone except Dita.

Did Rey know anything about him? Does Rey know something about what Dave tries to hide from everyone?

Dave shook his head, trying to wake up from his useless guesses and immediately jumped out of his hiding place.

"Hey, who the fuck are you?!"

Dave didn't answer and immediately kicked the stomach of the first person who tried to stop him.

Aryo turned to the source of the noise and immediately threw away Jean's body that was on his lap, until the girl lay on the sandy ground. But Jean's reaction made Dave understand why the girl was willing to be harassed by Aryo.

Dave noticed it when Jean was writhing on the ground while her hands were holding the most intimate part of her body that was between her groins. This was clearly seen when Dave saw a drug package that had been torn apart. And from his experience living in a very harsh street life with the Destroyer biker gang back then, it was a drug used to get a woman very aroused and increase their hormones drastically, especially libido.

"Dave… Dave, wait Dave, this isn't what you see!"

Aryo stepped back while Dave knocked out his friends one by one.

Dave threw a barrage of blows at everyone who tried to block him mercilessly, forgetting his defenses.

Crassshhh! ...

Dave's head was hit very hard with a wood whose tip was burned. The coal powder that had been scattered after hitting the back of Dave's head was still burning.

Dave fell to his knees as a result of the attack. His gaze straight ahead, while the burns on the back of his head began to drip fresh blood.

"Hahaha…" Aryo, the man laughed with a very excited expression. "Don't you realize where this is? This is a desert island! There are no Destroyer members who can help you here! Also, because you gave me a list of absences before we left, I've already removed your and Jean's names from the timesheet, so the school knows you and Jean don't participate in activities here! And you know the most important part? I can make an alibi that you purposely kidnapped Jean here and raped her on the grounds that you lied to join the activities here. We are the Student Council, we caught you doing lecherous things to Jean, and… Boommm… I am the hero, and you are the villain. "

Dave was still silent with the blood flowing more and more profusely from the wound he had suffered on the back of his head.

Dave got back up again. And then,

Bammm! ...

Aryo hit his head a second time in the same place. Dave's head hung low for a moment while Blood poured out of the wound site. Dave straightened his head again and turned around.

Dave's face was completely expressionless. Even the look on his face didn't show the slightest expression of pain. Aryo raised the firewood stick again and wanted to hit it one more time towards Dave.

Dave clenched his right fist very hard.

Craasssshhhhh! ...

Dave's right fist crushed the firewood that Aryo was swinging at him. Traces of serious burns now printed not only on the back of his head, but also on his right fist.

Aryo who saw Dave's reckless action looked at Dave in fear as he stepped back. Aryo's remaining friends tried to gang up on Dave who was covered in wounds.

Dave also exhaled heavily, and his expression changed. He was no longer showing an expressionless face, but now Dave was smiling broadly even though his gaze were very sharp.

Now Dave doesn't want to hold back anymore.

Dave's first fist shot straight at the neck of the first person who was facing him. Thanks to that, his throat was crushed. The possibility that that person will face, if he doesn't die, then he will have difficulty swallowing food for the next few months.

The second person who was his enemy was slammed in the face by Dave very hard towards the nearest tree trunk. After this, it was confirmed that the person needed intensive care as well as surgery to repair his fractured nose and cheekbones.

Dave deliberately received a kick from the third person who wanted to gang up on him. While the man's footwear was still on Dave's stomach, Dave grabbed the man's ankle and twisted it mercilessly. Yep, you can bet he will have a hard time walking for the next two or three months.

The last person who tried to gang up on Dave froze, still holding the wooden stick in his right hand. His pose indicated that he was ready to swing the wooden stick, but when he saw his friends being slaughtered one by one, he was now very scared.

Even his groin got wet from the fear he was so scared that he peed on his pants.

Dave knew that the idiot in front of him could no longer fight back, but Dave still had no mercy on him.

Dave pushed the man's body until his body hit a tree and stomped his stomach with no kidding force. As a result, with Dave's leg on his stomach while a tree trunk hit his back, for the next three weeks he will always feel pain in his stomach like someone who is having difficulty defecating.

After knocking out the last person, Dave turned his head. Now only Aryo is left.

Dave walked over to him. Aryo knelt down and begged Dave for forgiveness.

Dave was silent when Aryo's face was level with his waist. Dave also smiled, making Aryo confused what the smile meant.

Dave held Aryo's head with both hands tightly. To be more precise, he grabbed Aryo's head with both hands then began to land his knees on Aryo's face while continuing to smile.

Dave's knees continued to land on Aryo's face repeatedly. And Aryo couldn't do anything about it, because Dave was holding his head very tightly.

Right ...

Left ...

Right ...

Left ...

From behind him, Jean could see that Dave was tormenting Aryo. The girl had tears in her eyes before she finally lost her consciousness.

Dave kept landing his knee on Aryo's face until someone grabbed Dave's shoulder from behind and pushed him until Dave took a few steps back. Dave looked at the face of the person who stopped him and fell silent.

"The video I recorded is enough to kill his future. You don't need to get your hands dirty by killing him now. Besides, what's more important is now Jean's situation."

Dave glanced at Aryo who was already lying with a face that was quite difficult to recognize because of bruises everywhere. You could say, Aryo's face was almost shapeless. Because there were countless times Dave landed his knee on Aryo's face, maybe Aryo's face was completely crushed. Or even become flat like Voldemort.

Dave also shifted his gaze towards Jean who was unconscious on the ground, not far from where he was.

As if he just woke up after going on a blind rampage, Dave raised one hand and tried to touch the wound on the back of his head. When he saw his finger was covered with blood from holding the wound on the back of his head, Dave felt a very dizzy. The whole world seemed to spin in his head, and finally Dave collapsed.

Rey crouched down and checked Dave for a pulse on his neck and breathed a sigh of relief that Dave was still alive. "Haha, the rumors circulating among gang members are true.. Dave is indeed someone who is too barbaric."