Chapter 120 - Like Father Like Son

Dave walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. After drying his feet with the mat in front of the bathroom door, he walked to his room. But on the way to his room which is near the bathroom upstairs, Dave looked down where there was a girl who was sitting on the sofa in his living room, she was seen having a warm conversation with Angeline, Dave's mother.

Angeline, who realized that Dave was watching them from upstairs, turned to him. "Dave, someone's looking for you."

The girl also looked at Angeline's gaze and smiled at Dave while waving. The girl is Jean. She was escorted by her personal driver who take her to Dave's house.

Dave just smiled back briefly. Angeline, who saw Dave only wearing a towel, gave Dave an unfriendly look, "Put on your clothes first, aren't you ashamed to be seen by guests like that?"

Getting a rebuke from Angeline made Dave continue his steps into the room, making Angeline just remember that Dave, the only boy she has, has a tattoo on his back. Angeline also turned her gaze back to Jean. "Please, don't be afraid of Dave. Even though he looks like a thug, he's a good boy."

Jean nodded. "Sure, mom. I'm not afraid of Dave. After all, Dave was the one who risked his life to save me during that incident in the Thousand Islands province."

Hearing what Jean said made Angeline frown, "Dave ever saved you? He never told me about it."

Angeline did tell Jean to call her 'mom', because Jean was Dave's girlfriend so Angeline allowed JEan to call her the same name as Dave used.

"This is real, mom. At that time, I was called by the student council members and they poisoned me, but Dave came to save me before they could do anything to me. He even came alone."

Angeline gave Jean a gaze that conveyed her sorrow. "Then, are you okay?"

Jean shook his head with a smile. "I'm fine, mom. It is the people who have bad intentions towards me, now they are still in the hospital, each of them is receiving intensive care. There is even one person who is in critical condition."

Hearing this made Angeline breathe a sigh of relief.

But, wait a minute ...


Intensive care?

One of them is in critical condition?

Inside, Angeline complained, "Like father like son. They both have the same hobbies, sending people to the hospital."

Angeline also remembered David again. Dave's character really resembles David, her only husband, and Dave's only father.

"What's the matter, mom? Is there something you are thinking about?"

Hearing Jean's words made Angeline wake up from her reverie. "Oh? No, there isn't. I just remember Dave's dad."

"Oh yeah, where is dad?"

Angeline smiles when Jean also calls David 'dad'. The girl in front of her did have the nature to quickly get along with other people, and that made her easily liked by others. When viewed from the appearance, even Angeline admits that Jean has an extraordinarily beautiful charm. From the way Jean spoke, Angeline could tell that she was not an arrogant child, and also had a good heart.

Inside, as a mother raising her son by herself, Angeline felt grateful that Dave had a girlfriend like Jean.

"Has Dave never told you anything about his father?"

Jean shook her head, indicating that Dave had never told Jean about David's current state. Angeline also stretched out her hand and gently stroked the top of Jean's head. "Then, let Dave tell you later when he wants to."

Even though her mind was filled with curiosity, Jean chose to nod in agreement with Angeline's request. Seeing that Jean wasn't too insistent with her own curiosity like that made Angeline happy.

Dave walked down the stairs in a black T-shirt, short jeans and a necklace which he put inside his shirt. Dave gently stroked Jean's head and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "You waited for me too long, didn't you?" Dave asked as he walked toward the kitchen to get a glass of cold water in the refrigerator.

Angeline tried to hold back her laughter when Dave openly kissed his girlfriend on the forehead in front of his own mother. She came back to remember the sweet treatment that David always gave her in the past. Looks like David's romantic nature also passed down on Dave.

However, Angeline felt a little strange about the way Dave treated Jean. From the way Dave treated Jean, somehow it seemed like he was spoiling his little sister.

Angeline shook her head softly. Maybe because Dave is the only kid and he's also a man. In fact, she thought, Jean might feel lucky if Dave treated her like Dave's own little sister. From there Angeline could read Dave's mind, that he would love and protect his girlfriend, Jean, like his own sister.

And that's really not a bad thing.

Angeline also turned her eyes to Jean. "So, do you guys wanna go on a date?"

"Yes, mom, this is the first time Dave asked me out."

"Mom?" from the kitchen they could hear Dave's voice.

"Yep, I call your mom, 'mom'. Why? Am I not allowed to do it?"

Dave also put the glass that he had used to drink water on the kitchen table and walked over to Jean and sat next to her. "It's okay. I like it, it looks like you guys are closer."

Jean also smiled very sweetly at Dave.

"So, how long have you been dating?"

"It's only been two weeks, mom." Jean replied making Angeline nod.

Dave also set his eyes on Angeline. "Get ready mom, come with us."

Angeline was surprised to hear Dave's invitation. "What are you saying? You two better just go, I don't want to be a bother."

"Just come along. We haven't been out together in a long time either."

Jean took Angeline's hand. "Come on mom, Jean also wants mom to come along with us."

"Huh? Is this serious?"

Angeline turned to Dave and got a nod. She did not expect, at first Angeline thought that Dave was just going to have a date with Jean. And now Dave even asked her come along with them.

"Mmm, I don't think so, I'd better stay at home."

Dave also showed a face full of hope. "Mom … "

"Yes mom, come on." Jean helps Dave persuade Angeline even though she is also surprised by Dave's decision to invite his mother too. But Jean did not feel disappointed because Dave invited his mother on their first date as long as they were officially dating, Jean even thought that by doing so, she could become closer to her future in-laws.

Besides, Dave also bravely kissed Jean on the forehead in front of his own mother. That meant it didn't matter if Jean wanted to get close to Dave in front of Angeline.

"But I haven't showered, haven't dressed up—"

"It's okay, we'll wait."

Angeline also gave up and stepped into her room. Jean continued to smile until Angeline closed the door. Dave also stood up to make Jean curious. "Where are you going?"

"Preparing breakfast. Just wait."

Jean put her hands on the back of the sofa where she sat and rested her chin on her hands, watching Dave skillfully prepare breakfast for them.

"You can cook?"

Dave tasted asparagus soup he was cooking. "Yep." he replied, taking three bowls from the dish-storage cabinet under the kitchen table.

"Did your mom teach you how to cook?"

"Mom? No freakin' way. She's only good at cooking fried rice."

"So where did you learn how to cook?"


Jean nodded, "Can you teach me sometime?"

Dave poured the asparagus soup from the pot into the three bowls in equal portions. "Can you help me bring this to the dining table?" asked Dave, making Jean immediately do it with great care.

"But teach me to cook sometime, okay honey?"

Dave turned to Jean who was standing beside him. "Honey?"

Jean smiled to him. "Honey~."

"Can you not use such a disgusting nickname?"

Jean pursed her lips. "But, but it's cute, to call your boyfriend with some sweet-calling like that, right?"

Dave just shook his head, did not reply to anything Jean said.

Seeing Dave just keeping quiet like that made Jean feel bad. Jean also walked over to Dave and wrapped his arms around Dave's waist behind him and hugged Dave's body tightly. Jean had to stand on tiptoe to do that, because Dave was indeed taller than her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you by something you don't like. Please, don't hate me."

Dave released Jean's hug and turned around, reaching Jean's hair with his fingers and tucking it behind her ear. "Hate you? For what? It's all okay. Just get this on the table."

Jean nodded and carried a bowl with both hands while Dave brought two bowls with each hand carrying a bowl.

And when they had put the bowl on the table, Angeline came out of the room, and she looked like she was done getting ready to go out with Dave and Jean.

"Did you cook all this?" Angeline asked Dave, who only got a quick nod from him.

Jean smiled, "Come on mom, let's eat."

After Angeline sat down, it was Jean who first scooped Dave's asparagus soup. And when Jean wanted to put it in her mouth, Dave held Jean's hand, making Jean confused.

Dave brought his face closer to the spoon Jean was holding and blew the asparagus soup on Jean's spoon slowly several times before releasing Jean's hand. Dave did that because the soup was still too hot. Dave didn't want Jean's mouth to hurt because of that. Jean finally put in a spoonful of asparagus soup and smiled broadly.

"Is it good?" asked Dave who got a nod from Jean.

Angeline who saw that couldn't help smiling. Not because her son was better at cooking than her, but because of the sweet things Dave did to Jean before her eyes.

Dave is a lot like David, he really knows the best way to treat a woman.

No, even Dave is like David in the form of a high school boy.

In her heart, Angeline hoped that David could join them as soon as possible.

"David, look at your son, he has grown up to be a man who can treat women very well.. If you were here now, surely you would smile too, like me."