Chapter 121 - Angeline's Approval?

"So where's your dad right now?"

Angeline honestly was a little surprised when Jean asked Dave about it in front of her. However, seeing Dave's normal face when he was asked such a question made Angeline less worried.

"Dad is at his brother's house."

"Oh, is he on vacation?"

"You can think of it that way."

Now Angeline feels strange about Dave's answer. In the past, Dave always asked when David could join them and come together as a complete family. But since Dave was growing up, he almost never asked where his father was again.

Angeline has already explained that David is still lying in a coma at Darius' house. The reason why David is not hospitalized in Indonesia so they can go to see him whenever they want, is because apart from at Darius' house, they don't know where else is a safe place for David while his enemies, Catty and Steve are still living out there.

Angeline has also told Dave about David's past. That is one of the reasons why Dave chose to leave his gangster world, he did not want to end up like his father who even had to fight desperately just to live with the people he loved.

Perhaps the fact that David had not woken up from his coma in a dozen years was too painful for Dave. Angeline knew that not only was she missing David half to death here, but Dave must have felt the same way like she did.

Angeline thinks maybe it isn't time for Dave to tell Jean about David's true situation.

"When did your dad come home? I can't wait to meet him."

Dave picked up the lingering little asparagus soup bowl, put it in the sink and left it as he walked forward, put on his shoes and went out to smoke.

Angeline gently stroked Jean's arm on the table while smiling a warm smile at her son's boyfriend. "For the time being, don't ask Dave again about his dad. Let him find some time alone, whenever he's ready, then he'll let you know."

"Have I done something wrong? I'm sorry, mom." said Jean while showing an expression of sincere guilt. Angeline just smiled in response. According to Angeline, Jean was really a good girl and also very innocent. Not much different from when she was in the past, when she first met David, Dave's father.

At that time, Angeline was still an innocent girl who was full of ignorance, much like the girl who was at the same dining table with her at this time.

"I'll wait for you in the front. Come out whenever you guys ready." said Dave as he closed the door.

Dave also took out a cigarette from the package and sandwiched the filter between his upper and lower lips. With a lighter, Dave burned the tip while inhaling deeply the fumes of pleasure, like morphine calming the twitching veins in his head.

Shortly after, Jean and Angeline walked out with Angeline locked the door of their house. Dave also ordered an online taxi because they don't have a car.

The reason they don't own a car is not that they don't have the money to buy it. The wealth that Angeline made after selling all of David's stock in Stockholm Corporation is nothing to ask about.

But because first, Angeline has indeed decided to live as simply as possible even though she doesn't lack anything. And second, she couldn't drive a car. And third, Dave showed more interest in two-wheeled vehicles than four-wheeled vehicles.

Plus, nowadays it's very easy to get a taxi with just an app that can be downloaded by anyone with a cell phone.

As soon as their taxi arrived, Dave stubbed his nicotine rod by stamping it on the ground and sat in the front seat directly next to the driver's seat, while Jean sat in the second shift with Angeline. After a few minutes of traveling, they finally arrived at a shopping center.

Anyone who saw the three of them would feel enchanted. Whether it's thanks to the good looks of Dave, or because of the beauty of Angeline and Jean.

Not a few people deliberately recorded Dave when they passed them and put him in Insta-Story, because they recognized Dave's face from an amateur video recording which had gone viral because Dave fought with dozens of students from other schools alone using his bare hands, while his opponents each wielding sharp weapons and blunt weapons.

"Looks like my son is quite famous, because a lot of people who recorded him secretly using the cameras from their cellphones."

Jean turned his head with a smile. "My boyfriend is just too handsome, am I right, mom?"

Angeline pinched Jean's cheek with exasperation. "How can you be so adorable like this?"

Jean walked beside Angeline with both hands on one of Angeline's arms, while Dave walked in front of them like a guide. Their first goal was to go to the cinema which is located on the top floor of the mall they visited to order tickets to watch.

Dave was in line while Jean and Angeline were waiting for him not far from where Dave was. Maybe because today is a Sunday, so the atmosphere there is quite busy. In fact, it's not uncommon for people to sit on the floor waiting for the movie they want to watch, because they don't get a seat in the waiting room.

Based on Jean's order, Dave bought three tickets to watch a movie called Mulan. Jean felt that this was the right film to watch with Angeline, even though she actually wanted to watch a more romantic film when it was alone with Dave.

"Jean, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, mom?"

"Tell me, how did you get attracted to Dave?"

Jean chuckled. Angeline's question was like an older sister's question to a younger sister. When viewed from the point of view of ordinary people, they do look like sisters because Angeline's charm seems to transcend the thing called 'age'.

"Mmm, how shall I ... At first, the first time I saw Dave was when we were in the school hall. At that time, we were still in the first day of orientation. Then when Dave was told to do push-ups by the student council members, he looked like a very strong man. Mmm, maybe it's a woman's destiny to like a strong man, because we do have a feeling of wanting to be protected, don't you think? "

"Ooh, so you fell in love with Dave at first sight?"

Instead of feeling embarrassed, Jean nodded happily. That girl is really adorable. "Then, what happened next?"

"Then ... Then ... At first I was afraid to had a conversation with Dave first, because he almost never showed any expression. Never mind a smile, he only talks very rarely. If Dave gets a question from anyone, Dave only answers with a very short, but precise answer. "

"Dave is like that." said Angeline, echoing Jean's words. "Then, what's the story so that you two can become close?"

"So, the story is like this. When I first entered class, Dave was slapped by my friend, her name was Dita. Dita said that she slapped Dave because Dave glanced at her chest, even though Dave said he wanted to see Dita's nameplate."

"What are you saying? Dave was slapped by someone?" asked Angeline, raising her voice slightly.

Jean was a little surprised. "It's like that, but now it's okay, because now Dita has also become Dave's close friend."

"I see. Alright. After that?"

"After that, what else do I want to say? I forgot. The point is, when Dave went to the cafeteria with Rey, I was invited. Right at the cafeteria, Dave's attitude was not much different from his attitude at the dinner table earlier. We ordered fried rice but I forgot to tell you I can't eat spicy. Dave ordered me a new dish that wasn't spicy, and when I ran out of water to drink, Dave moved my suction to his drink and gave me his."

Angeline could see a reddish tinge printed faintly on Jean's cheek.

"Then, when Dave rescued me in the Thousand Islands province, I realized something."

"Realized what?"

Jean tightened her hug on Angeline's arm while showing her puppy-eyes that could make any man who saw her would be willing to do anything for her, even though Jean never practiced it on just anyone for personal gain. "Mom, if, only if, if my relationship with Dave is going well, would you accept me as your daughter-in-law?"

Angeline couldn't help laughing. Apart from being overly cute on Jean's face, the question that the girl asked was also quite a tingle on Angeline's stomach.

Angeline pinched Jean's cheek. "Did you hear what you just said? You guys have only been dating for two weeks, and you've been thinking about it? You better think about your education first. Be a diligent student at school."

"But mom ... If it's like that, I hope you will accept me as your daughter. I promise I will be your best daughter ever! I also promise to look after and protect Dave with all of my heart!"

Angeline could no longer bear the behavior of her son's girlfriend who hugged her arm at this time. "Okay, my decision depends on Dave. If he really wants, then there's no reason for me to reject you. But, back again, it all depends on Dave."

Jean's eyes also seemed to glow, seeing her like that made Angeline smile widely.

"Okay, I promise I will try really hard to get Dave to marry me."

"Woah, look at you. You better focus on your future first."

"There's nothing wrong with struggling from the start. Also, why should I focus on my future, if Dave is my future?"

Hearing what Jean said made Angeline unable to hold back her laughter anymore. "Are young people today really good at spit out romantic words?"

Dave also came with three tickets that he already held. "What are you two talking about?"

Jean released his hug on Angeline's arm and turned to Dave. "Your mother has agreed if we get married in the future, right mom?"

"Married?" asked Dave who turned to Angeline. Dave could see that his mother was trying to hold back her laughter. Dave also turned his eyes back to Jean. "Are you too bored with school, until you talk about marriage with my mother like that?"

Dave's words even made Angeline unable to hold back her laughter anymore. Jean pursed her lips instead. "Huh? That's not what I meant!"

"If you get married, then you will be expelled from school. Didn't you read the rules during orientation?"

"Daveee! That's not what I meant!"

"Hahahaha ... Ouch, my stomach hurts ... Hahaha, gosh, why can my son be so funny like this? Please, stop ... I Can't~"

David was still staring in confusion, Angeline laughed out loud while Jean still pursed her lips.

Looks like Dave does have a very fatal flaw. Behind his extraordinary good looks, he is a person who is very insensitive to a woman's feeling.

Looks like this time it will really bring the three of them even closer.. With Dave even rarely chatted with Angeline at home, their date seemed like a real hit.