The film they watched in the cinema was over. The lights in the cinema room, which had been turned off on purpose, are now back on. Many in the audience were still seated in their chairs, trying to adjust their eyes to the suddenly changing light in the room.

Jean got up first and stretched her arms into the air as wide as she could. Watching a movie that lasts more than two hours in a dark room where the temperature is quite cold with a super soft chair makes anyone lose most of their energy to move.

"Woahhh, this movie is cool!"

Angeline also stood up and her arms were immediately hugged by Jean's two hands and the two of them walked away leaving Dave who was still sitting in his chair looking at his Instagram homepage.

Seeing posts about him that are currently viral on social media makes him want to vomit. To him, people were just too exaggerating about what he was doing in the amateur footage.

"Is it hard to fight a dozen weak high school kids like them alone?" Dave thought to himself. Maybe fighting them was easy for him, and maybe he was the only one who thought it was. He stood up and stepped out of the cinema room.

Dave found Angeline standing in front of the women's toilet. "Where's Jean?"

"She's going to the toilet," said Angeline and handed Jean's small bag that she's holding to Dave. "This is your girlfriend's bag."

Dave didn't refuse and immediately put Jean's shoulder bag on his shoulder and stood next to Angeline to wait for Jean to come out. But something a little odd caught Dave's wary eye.

A janitor walks into the women's restroom carrying a trolley. She wore a hat that covered almost half of her face with hair tied in a pony-tail, the tail of which was passed through the hole at the back of the hat.

However, the hair on the left ear looks quite strange because of its curly shape, while the back hair ponytail is so straight. And for some reason, the shape of her chest was sticking out in a strange way.

Shortly after that, Jean came out of the toilet and immediately hugged Dave's body. Jean was always spoiled like this to him. But when Jean hugged Dave, he could feel Dave's strange eyes, like Dave was waiting for someone.

Who was Dave waiting for in front of a ladies toilet like that?

Was Dave going to have an affair even in their first two weeks of dating?

"Hold your bag." asked Dave who returned Jean's small shoulder bag to the owner of the bag and walked towards the female janitor who had just come out of the toilet carrying the trolley he had brought in earlier.

"So Dave is cheating on me with the janitor madam?" said Jean which was heard by Angeline. Angeline turned and saw Jean, who seemed to want to cry.

Angeline turned her gaze back to Dave, who was now stretching out his hand and grabbing the janitor's hair.

Wait a second ...

"What's Dave grabbing that woman's hair for?"

Srrraaakkk~ ...

Dave grabbed the janitor's pony-tail and pulled roughly. Instantly, her hair and hat lay on the floor. And a second later, the cleaning lady turned into a curly-haired man wearing quite thick make-up, holding his head with both hands.

Everyone who saw that also rounded their eyes, including Jean and Angeline.

It wasn't a female janitor, but a man disguised as a female janitor.

The man looked like he was about to take a thousand feet to run, but Dave was already choking him by the neck and slamming his body against the wall while continuing to grip his neck really hard.

"Kheukkk! ... P-p-please, I can't fucking breathe—"

Bammm! ...

Dave punched the man hard in the stomach, causing fresh blood to drip from the corner of his lips. That person immediately fainted with a condition that was unconscious on the floor.

Dave slammed down the trolley he had been carrying and left a small camera lying among the scattered things on the floor.

Dave took it and handed it to Angeline to inspect its contents. Angeline, who saw what was in the tiny camera, could not contain her anger.

Angeline handed the tiny camera back to Dave, "Destroy that thing!"

"Why must it be destroyed? Couldn't this be evidence--"

"I told you, destroy that damn thing! Do you know what's inside that fucking camera?!"

Angeline snapped at Dave, hinting as carefully as possible that what was inside the tiny camera recorder was Jean's female part that was urinating.

Dave opened the camera and took out the small memory card that was in it and put it in his jacket pocket. He also walked back to the man who seemed just about to wake up after receiving a very hard blow from Dave in the stomach earlier.

Dave sat on the stomach of the man who was lying on the floor, making him grimace in pain because the pain from the previous beating was still so intense.

"So, you like peeping at people peeing, huh?" asked Dave who smiled at him, still sitting on his stomach so he couldn't go anywhere. "Here, I returned it to you, so that you can see it until you are satisfied."

Bammm! ...

Bammm! ...

Bammm! ...

Crassshhh~ ...

Dave slammed the tiny camera lens repeatedly into the face of the man who had been disguised as a female janitor to film the women urinating in the toilet.

"Please, stop! T-that hurt!—"

Dave did not care, he kept slamming the camera which had even been destroyed into the man's face. Until the security from that place came and tried to pull Dave's body away from him.

Angeline deliberately did not stop Dave's brutal action against that person, because she also personally felt very angry with the person who was being beaten up by Dave.

Dave and the person whose face was almost shapeless were brought in by some of the cinema security personnel.

Jean who saw that was surprised, "Mom, why did they bring Dave too?"

"It's okay. Let's follow them."

Angeline and Jean follow where Dave is taken and arrive at a special room. Angeline broke into the room and slammed her palm against the table violently. "Call the person in charge of this theater ... As well as the general manager in charge of this mall, now!"

Seeing the beautiful face of an angry Angeline made them do what Angeline asked. The four of them waited until the manager of this shopping center came.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. How can we help you?"

Angeline grabbed the man's curly hair, which was battered by Dave recently. "Now, tell me what this means?!"

The manager of the shopping center looked at the people in charge of maintaining the security of the mall and only got a head shake, which showed their ignorance.

"Don't pretend to be fucking stupid in front of me! Why are you dumb-heads hiring such lecherous people like this? Do you know what this bastard is doing? He disguises himself as a female janitor and goes into a ladies-only toilet to fucking record people's groins while they're peeing! "

Dave fell silent. This was the first time he had heard Angeline speak so rudely. During this time, Angeline has always been kind even to people who have been unfair to their families.

And as if he just realized something, Dave took out the memory card he had kept earlier and threw it on the only table in this small room.

Angeline also released her grip on the person's hair whose face had been made very different from the one on his identity card because of the bruises and also the injuries caused by the small camera fragment which Dave kept slamming into his face brutally and mercilessly earlier.

"If I don't get a satisfactory explanation from you about this incident, I'll fucking sue all of you! Don't think I can't."

"Sorry, ma'am ... But, can we talk about this carefully first? There may be some misunderstanding here. First, we never hired this person, and we also don't know where this guy got the uniform as well—"

Slammm! ...

Angeline again slammed her palm against the table violently and gave an extremely sharp, murderous gaze at them. Dave who saw that shuddered. He just found out that his mother who was always gentle and also loved him at home could show such a scary look like that.

It was true, nothing was more frightening than a mother who was on a rampage.

Maybe in the future, Dave will not dare to miss the breakfast that Angeline makes before he goes to school, no matter how late he will arrive at school.

According to him, his mother is currently hundreds of times more terrifying than the quadratic equation formula.

"Was your negligence my fault? Was it the fault of people having their crotches recorded? Is that what you mean?"

"That's not what we meant, ma'am. Yes, we were wrong—"

"That you can admit your mistakes! Is it that hard to admit your mistakes? Do you really like to feel that you are the most powerful and you are always right? People like you really make me more disgusted than having to chew a rat carcass with my own mouth!"

Dave widened his eyes even more at the words of his mother who even for someone who had joined the cruelest motorcycle gang in his area felt that the words uttered by Angeline were too harsh to be heard.

Dave understood why Angeline could be that angry.

Because the crotch that was recorded by the bastard who was sitting next to him was Jean's crotch. And this also shows that Angeline has put her heart in Jean.

Somehow in his heart, Dave didn't feel something that he should feel right now.

But it is not that important to think about right now. The important thing now was to see Angeline properly without missing a second, because Angeline who was in the highest level of anger like this was a very rare sight for Dave.

And Dave felt, this is a spectacle that should not be missed in the least.. Don't know but, Dave felt it was quite exciting watching his mother getting at that level of anger towards someone else like that.