Chapter 123 - Serious Conversation Between Angeline And Dave

Dave, Angeline and Jean, they finally came home by using an online taxi like when they left earlier. As usual, Dave sat in the front seat right next to the driver with Angeline and Jean sitting in the back.

They did come home earlier than what had been planned. Initially, Angeline wanted to invite Jean to go shopping together because Angeline has always wanted to shop with girls, despite their interest in certain different items, Angeline will certainly be looking forward to it.

Of course Angeline could ask Dave to go shopping with her at any time, but it sure feels different to go shopping with girls than going shopping with boys.

But because of the incident that happened to Jean and made Angeline go berserk, all plans fell apart. As a result, Jean fell asleep leaning on Angeline's shoulder in the second shift of the taxi they were in.

"Dave, I think Jean really likes you."

Dave looked a little from the front seat, "Well, if she doesn't like me, then there's no way we'll be dating."

"That's not what I mean. In my opinion, if you look at it from the perspective of a fellow woman, especially based on my instincts as a mother, the way Jean looks at you is like there's no other man in the world besides you."

Dave was silent, he could already guess where this conversation was about to going.

"What I want to know, do you like Jean as much as Jean likes you? I mean, are you serious about your relationship with Jean?"

Dave looked back while motioning for Angeline to stop this conversation. "Mom, can we just talk about this later? After all, aren't you ashamed if our conversation will be heard by this taxi driver?"

The man who drove the online taxi smiled friendly. "It's okay, I'll pretend I didn't hear anything."

Dave, who heard what the taxi driver was saying, decided to look out of the car window and see what his eyes caught, trying not to care what Angeline was trying to talk about.

Dave, I'm seriously talking to you. I wouldn't forgive you if you were just messing around with people's feelings."

"Since when was I like that?" asked Dave back who finally could not bear to open his mouth. "Besides, you know the best, that no matter how poor I am, I still have a sense of respect for other people, especially if that person is a girl. You also know that I respect the feelings of girls, and treat them well like I treat my own mother. "

"But for this, the context is very different from appreciating. I can see clearly that here, only Jean is chasing you so desperately, whereas all you do is do the things you think you need to do."

Dave let out a lazy sigh. Dave turned to the online taxi driver next to him. "Sir, I'm gonna open the car window, I think I need to smoke."

"Oh, all right, do as you please."

Dave rolled down his windshield and started burning a cigarette to relieve some of the twitching tendons in his head. And all of that was caused by Angeline.

Angeline could not forbid Dave to smoke even in front of her, because Dave had said it before, if Angeline forbade him to smoke then he would only smoke secretly behind Angeline and Dave also didn't want it to happen because it was like he did not respect Angeline as his mother.

Dave's life motto is, whatever can be seen from him is the real him, whether in front of other people or in front of his own mother. Dave is fed up with people who always pretend to be nice up front even though they have a rotten heart on the inside. He chose to show himself in front of people no matter what they thought of him.

"Dave? Can you not ignore me? We've never had this kind of discussion before."

Dave exhaled smoke from his breath in a deep breath. "So, what do you want me to answer with?"

"Why do you even ask me back? Didn't I say earlier, are you serious about your relationship with Jean?"

"I'm never half-hearted at whatever I've chosen. Whatever I do, I'll be responsible for it until the end. Because, if I'm not responsible for what I've done, I'd better cut my own cock and stop being a man. Satisfied?"

"So it was Jean that you chose?"

"What do you mean?" Dave asked back, feeling that Angeline had something to say.

"You said, you are always serious about what you choose and will be responsible for all your choices. That means Jean is only a thing that you have chosen? Did you have another choice besides Jean? I mean, is there another person in your heart?"

Dave had no idea where his mother had gotten this kind of detective ability. In fact, Dave did think about one more person when he decided to date Jean.

Because Dave didn't answer her, Angeline stroked Jean's head which was now on her thigh, fast asleep with a peaceful face that warmed Angeline's heart. "Well, after all, you're not a child anymore, and you can also be responsible for whatever you choose. My only hope is just one. That is, whatever you choose, hopefully it's the best for you. And also, I hope you don't choose Jean with such rubbish excuses based on your sympathy for her, because feelings are not trivial things that you can treat like a game."

After a moment of silence, Dave opened the conversation again. "Is it wrong if there are other people I also pay attention to besides Jean?"

"Liking someone, it's not something we can control, because the heart determines that, not common sense. How do you feel about her?"

Dave smoked his cigarette and returned to puffing nicotine fumes into the air. "I don't know. On the one hand, I have many reasons to hate that person. She is stubborn, doesn't respect the people around her, always acts as she pleases. But, somehow until now, I still can't hate her at all. In fact, when she's near me, my heart feels warm. It feels like I'm near you. The warmth that I feel from her is the same as how I feel when I'm with you, mom."

Angeline nodded slowly. "So, how do you feel about Jean?"

"Jean? Like you said, she was always the one who chased me. The nature that Jean has, is the opposite of the nature of the person I mentioned earlier. Apart from Jean's appearance which I even admit she is a very beautiful girl, regardless, when I was with her, I feel so comfortable. And somehow, I have a desire to protect her. This is different from just feeling sympathy for her."

Finally Angeline smiled. Now Angeline understands how Dave feels. Dave's true feelings are, Dave not only sees Jean as a girlfriend, Dave also sees Jean as the figure of a younger sister he wants to protect. Angeline felt that there was nothing wrong with that, because in the past David also often treated her like a little sister who wanted to be spoiled, before David was seriously injured and left him lying in a coma, because David tried so hard to protect Angeline who was giving birth to Dave at that time.

Hearing Dave's answer which satisfied her curiosity enough, made Angeline stop to continue talking about it with Dave. At least she had heard it herself from Dave's mouth that her son would take full responsibility for whatever he did.

But, wait a minute ...

Fully responsible?

Remembering that word, made Angeline have another thought in her head.



Angeline was hesitant to ask it, but this is a very important matter which cannot be delayed anymore to be asked. "You and Jean, you guys haven't done the sort of thing that's on my mind, have you?"

Dave, who heard Angeline say that, frowned. "What do you mean? Actually, what do you want to say?"

"Well, you said that you will be fully responsible for whatever you choose and whatever you have done. You, didn't get Jean pregnant, right?"

Breeeaaaakkksssss~ ...

The taxi they were in stopped suddenly, making everyone jump. Jean also woke up from her deep sleep.

Angeline shot the driver a look of displeasure. "What happened, sir? Why did you stop suddenly like that? Do you want me to give a low rating of your service on the application?"

"S-sorry, I was just shocked. Sorry, ma'am."

"Besides, why do you have such thoughts?" Dave said to Angeline.

Jean showed a confused expression as she stared alternately at Angeline and Dave. "What are you talking about?"

Neither Angeline, Dave nor the online taxi driver they were riding in did not answer Jean's question.

Dave picked up a medium-sized bottle of mineral water that was in a nearby door drawer, twisted the lid of the bottle to unseal it and gave it to Jean. "Drink it first, your throat must be dry after falling asleep like that."

Jean took it and drank the water Dave gave her slowly and then gave it back to Dave. "Here you also drink, as an active smoker, you have to drink lots of water to keep your blood viscous. You know what? My uncle had a thickening of the blood in his body, making him have to go to the hospital every week to clean his blood."

Dave threw the cigarette tip out the window and closed the windshield again then took the mineral water bottle from Jean's hand and drank it right away.

"Jean, aren't you bothered by Dave's smoking habit?" Angeline asked Jean.

Jean shook her head, "No, I'm not bothered, not in the least. Because, I love Dave the way he is."

"Kheukk! ... "Dave choked at the words from Jean. Quickly Jean took out a tissue from her small bag and held it out to Dave.

"Drink slowly, otherwise you will definitely choke!"

Nobody wants to comment on that. Angeline just smiled because not only Dave, but Jean also really cares about Dave. If only they were real brothers and sisters, Angeline would be the happiest mother in the world because she had them both as her child.

Behind Dave's cold nature, he really cares about the slightest thing about Jean, treats and takes care of Jean very well. Likewise Jean, who always wanted to be with Dave and could accept Dave the way he was.

They are both so adorable.