Chapter 124 - Meeting Jean's Parents

Maybe their first date was not going as the way she expected. However, Jean feels happy and grateful, because she can spend time with Dave, especially because she can get closer to Dave's mother.

For her, it is very valuable and will never be forgotten.

And now, Jean is hugging Dave's waist from behind, while they both ride on Dave's motorbike, because Dave wants to take Jean back to her house.

"Aren't you going to come in first?"

Dave took off his helmet. He shook his head a little because he felt a few strands of hair covering his eyes. And when Dave did that, it looked really cool in Jean's eyes. "It's okay, I have something to take care of anyway."

"Where are you going?"

"Somewhere. I'll let you know when I get home."

Jean responded with a soft nod, but after that, Dave could see Jean biting her own lower lip while raising her eyebrows slightly. "Mmm ... Dave ..."


Jean touched her own lips with her index finger and gave Dave a look full of hope. The look that was given by Jean to Dave, looked like a little girl who wanted something but was shy to say it, and it looked very cute to Dave. Dave who understood what Jean meant immediately brought his face closer and tilted his head.

Jean closed her eyes and soon after that she could feel something chewy touching her lips. The thing that felt chewy was Dave's lips.

Sometimes, Jean doesn't understand why Dave can have chewy lips and bright colors, while Jean knows that Dave is quite active in smoking. Wouldn't smokers tend to have darker lips?

But Jean didn't want to care too much about it. Because, regardless of the shape of the lips Dave has, as long as it is Dave's lips, then only those lips will be her only favorite lips.

Also, because Dave had such bright lips, it made Jean feel like she wanted to kiss him even more.

Jean returned kiss after kiss Dave gave her, making the two of them caress each other's lips with a slow but quite passionate tempo. Every kiss she received from Dave seemed to produce a shockwave that flowed through her body in a playful way. And it was really fun, yet fascinating.

Initially, Jean only expected a soft kiss before they ended their date. However, somehow Jean couldn't ... no, but didn't want to stop the kiss.

Even though Dave had stopped kissing Jean's lips, Jean instead grabbed Dave's neck with both hands, put both hands around Dave's neck and continued to kiss Dave's lips.

But when they haven't finished doing that, the headlights coming from a car that point right into their faces make Dave and Jean stop their kiss.

Both Dave and Jean, they both used their hands to block the beam of light that dazzled their eyes. The light continued to shine on them for a few moments. Dave knew that it was done on purpose by whoever was driving the car. 

Dave was just about to approach the driver of the car, and he was ready if the driver really wanted to find trouble with him. Shining a bright spotlight on someone else's face from a car is not a good thing to do.

As the blinding lights stopped shining into their faces, a man followed by a woman almost simultaneously got out of the rear shift of what appeared to be a three-shift limousine.

Judging from the way they dress, especially by the car they are driving is a limousine, it seems they are not ordinary people.

With the limousine they were riding in, the clothes attached to their bodies and the way they walked and looked up at him. Dave knows their type of people by heart.

If they meant to interrupt his kiss with Jean by highlighting their faces with the headlights directly like that, then Dave could conclude these people were people who felt they were born of gold and felt that no gold was more sparkling than them.

Arrogant rich people.

But if Dave did not see the expression on Jean's face when he saw the two of them, Dave had hit the face of the man who got out of the car and the driver of their vehicle for being insolent to him by shining the headlights of the car directly on his face.

Dave didn't do that, because right now Jean was acting weird. The attitude that Jean was currently displaying was completely incomprehensible for Dave. Jean had never behaved like this in front of him before.

The expression on Jean's face really made Dave hold back what he wanted to do; punching those people's faces ... in the most brutal ways possible.

"Jeanice Ainsley, come in now!"

Tell the man who walks faster than the woman does. And without the slightest warning, the man slapped Dave's face. With the power of his slap, Dave could tell that the man who slapped him was taking it for granted.

Slappp! ...

Dave let out a lazy breath. For some reason, every time he gets a slap from anyone, Dave remembers in his head the first time he met Dita. Because at that time, Dita slapped him in front of the class, and even accused him of being a pervert.

It was a memory Dave didn't want to remember again no matter what.

After receiving a hard slap, Dave was now grabbed by the collar with the man's two hands as well as being roughly pulled. "Who are you?! How dare you do insolent things to my daughter?!"

"Daughter?" asked Dave back.

"Yes, she is my daughter. Why?"

Jean grabbed the arm of the man who was gripping Dave's shirt collar with both hands. "Dad, don't hurt Dave!" whined Jean with a face that showed a sad expression, while the woman pulled Jean's body away.

"Jean, come with me into the house!"

Jean tried to let go, "No, mom! I don't want to come in!"

"Oh, now are you smart enough to argue with my words? Come with me into the house, now!"

Dave could see Jean being carried by the woman forcefully and straight into their yard through the gate.

After the two of them were out of sight, Dave's gaze returned to the face of the person who until now is still clutching his shirt collar tightly with both of his hands.

"What did you do to my daughter earlier, huh?!"

Dave looked at him with data. And as usual, Dave didn't show any expression on his face, even though his two eyes gave him a pretty sharp gaze. "We kissed."

Slapppp! ...

Once again, Dave got slapped in the same part from the previous location of the slap. Even though it was quite painful, it was nothing for Dave. He could endure it even a hundred more slaps. To him, the slap was nothing compared to when he received a punch from the leader of the Destroyer motorcycle gang, Martin Imannuel.

But the question is, is Dave willing to receive another hundred slaps from people who don't seem to want to release his grip on the collar of his shirt?

"How dare you--"

"Your daughter is the one who asked for it. I just gave her what she wants."

Slapppp! ...

Again, Dave was slapped again in the same place. Dave's reaction had started to change after that third slap. But Dave still held it by exhaling a deep breath and staring back into the eyes of the person who had slapped his face three times, still not showing any expression.

"So you want to say that my child is a cheap girl who asks to be kissed by a beggar like you, is that what you said?!" the man in front of Dave raised his voice even more.

The sound of Jean's whining and crying is no longer heard, it seems that Jean is already inside her house. Seeing the behavior of Jean's parents made Dave wonder, did Jean's parents always behave like this every time they came home from abroad?

If that was the case, Dave could not imagine a very soft-hearted person like Jean having to deal with these two old men. Left to work abroad, only to leave her alone with a household assistant, of course Jean must have missed her parents very much. However, if his parents have this kind of attitude, Dave will feel sorry for Jean.

Dave wanted to let this go. Three hard slaps to the face didn't bother him at all, because the man in front of him was the father of his girlfriend. Dave tries to think about this situation as positive as possible, maybe they are both just a parents who love their children so much that they become very protective of her.

But there are things that are still on Dave's mind. Why did Jean experience an incident that almost took her future and also disturbed her mental state so that she was afraid to meet any man at that time, even though her mental condition had improved now, they didn't come home immediately to see the condition of their child, but instead more concerned about their work?

This made Dave doubt that Jean's parents really loved her.

Dave did not want to drag on guessing the nature of Jean's parents, he chose to be patient waiting for an annoying moment like the one he is currently experiencing until it over.

"I got a report that my daughter already has a boyfriend, and it turns out that, that person is a delinquent kid like you! Now, you better get out of here, and don't expect you to hang around with my daughter anymore, you disgusting bum!"

Whether it was a bum, a disgusting person or whatever, such insults had almost no effect on Dave. He never cared what other people said to him.

Jean's father finally released his grip on the collar of Dave's shirt and pushed him roughly and then put both hands on his waist. "I didn't think that a disgusting beggar man like you dare to approach my daughter. What are you after? Money?"

Dave remained silent, not wanting to waste his energy arguing with the kind of stubborn old-rotten-brain guy who was scolding him.

"Or you turned out to be born in a beggar homeless family, so you become this disgusting person?"

Dave's heart stopped beating for a split second. Dave's initial intention of just letting this go, disappeared instantly.

Dave's blank gaze and expressionless face now drastically changed into a sharp gaze that had a killing aura and was also very intimidating to anyone who saw it. "What the fuck did you say earlier? My family is a beggar homeless?"

"Yes, because they can't educate their children properly, so their children become sycophants like you!" said his girlfriend's father who emphasized the arrogant impression in every word he said.

Dave also smiled and stepped his feet closer to the man in front of him until the distance between them was only one inch away.

Dave looked up slightly so that their eyes met each other. "Lemme tell you one thing."

"What?" he asked with a defiant expression.

"You can insult me ​​as you please. But when you insult my family," Dave hung up his sentence and smiled a big smile as he continued to stare at him very sharply.. "That could be the last thing you say."