Chapter 125 - Finally, David Is Awake!


Dave stared back into the eyes of Edward Winson, Jean's father sharply as if not blinking at all. But the sound of the cellphone ringing seemed to interrupt the tense atmosphere.

Edward took the cellphone from the pocket that was inside the suit he was wearing and saw the name on his cellphone screen. Edward also made a gesture as if he ordered the house security to replace him to drive Dave away.

"Yes, sir, I have arrived in Indonesia ... Oh yes, I will hold a meeting as soon as possible ..."

Now the person standing in front of Dave is a private security guard who works at Jean's house. "Just go home, kid, don't cause trouble anymore."

Dave was about to punch the security guard in the face if his cellphone didn't ring either. He saw his mother's name written on the screen of his cellphone, made him hold back his anger and turned around to pick up Angeline's phone.

Of course Dave felt very angry, because for him, anyone could make fun of him and he wouldn't care about it at all. However, in this world, no one should insult his family, whoever it is, Dave will never forgive him at all.

"Dave, are you still at Jean's house?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Dave tried to hold his anger as hard as possible, he didn't want Angeline to hear his angry tone, because that would make Angeline worry.

"When are you coming home?"

Dave turned back to look into the eyes of the security guard who was already holding his iron rod, preparing to beat Dave away if Dave didn't immediately leave the place. "Maybe it will take a while, what's wrong?"

"I got good news about your father. Later, I will tell you when you come home."

Dave was silent for a moment. Now he is between two options.

On the one hand, Dave did not accept the words of Jean's father who openly insulted his family as he said earlier. It doesn't matter if he is being insulted, but if his family is being insulted, Dave is not the one who will just let this thing go.

But on the other hand, the news from his father, David, is the thing he has been waiting for the most as long as he lives. And because Angeline said it was good news, Dave had never felt this good before.

Finally, after fighting inside, Dave finally decided to reduce his anger, considering that the person who insulted his family was the father of his girlfriend. In his mind, the news from his father who had been lying in a coma for more than sixteen years was far more important than his own ego.

Then, I'll go home now, "said Dave, who made Angeline grin from across the phone line.

"Be careful on the road, my dear son."

Dave disconnected from Angeline and immediately got on his motorbike, started it and sped up the gas on the motorbike so that the roar of the motorbike sports engine that had been bore-up was quite deafening for anyone who was near him, even the security guard looked angry at Dave's actions.

Dave deliberately did that, pulled the gas lever of his motorbike to the maximum but had not yet entered the motor gear, making it make a very noisy sound.

Dave finally drove his motorbike away from Jean's house and headed straight for his house where Angeline was waiting for him to share the good news about David.

In his heart, Dave still has a grudge with the words of Jean's father who openly called his family a family of sycophants, beggars and disgusting. But it can be resolved later. Now, she just wanted to hear the news about her father whom she had been missing every second of all this time.



Dave, who took off his shoes quickly, ran into the house and found Angeline sitting on the living room sofa.

Angeline tapped the sofa for Dave to sit next to her. When Dave sat down, Angeline immediately hugged Dave's body and shed tears.

"Your father ... "

Dave didn't understand the attitude Angeline was showing him. "What happened to dad?"

"Your dad ... David ... I was just contacted by Hellen, and she said that David ..."

Dave was silent and didn't want to interrupt his mother's sentence, who kept on pausing because of her crying. Dave felt that his mother's crying did not hurt his heart.

"David is awake… Dave… Your dad… David is awake from his coma."

Dave had never felt this way before. He was very surprised, happy, and grateful at the same time. Tears also escaped from Dave's eyes. Dave, who almost never shed his tears, now couldn't hold back his own tears. He returned his mother's hug equally tightly without saying anything else.

In silence, they felt happiness that they had never felt before.

After feeling satisfied crying, Angeline was the first to release her hug to Dave. Angeline rubbed the trail of tears on Dave's cheek with her thumb, trying to calm the tempo of her breathing by taking a deep breath and then exhaling slowly.

"When will you face the promotion grade exam?"

Dave was still sniffling a little, but he also immediately caught his breath. "Next week."

"Try to get the best score you can, and after that, we'll go visit your dad."

Suddenly Dave's eyes showed doubts that could be felt by Angeline, making Angeline wonder why Dave even felt hesitant after she said that they were going to David's place together?

"Why? You don't want to meet your dad?"

Dave shook his head. "It's not like that. Of course I really wanna meet dad. But, I'm afraid."

"Afraid? Because?"

Dave turned his gaze down. "I'm afraid, if I don't grow up to be the child he hopes for. You know yourself, even I have a tattoo on my back, which symbolizes that I am a member of a group that can be categorized as social trash. I'm afraid that he will be disappointed in me."

Angeline smiled and hugged Dave's body again. "Listen to my words. In this world, no one loves you more than mom and dad. You also know that your father was willing to go into a coma for a dozen years to take care of me while trying to give birth to you. So, whatever you are, trust me, your dad won't mind. At all. In the eyes of your father and mother, you are the most valuable thing we have. So, I ask you to throw that thought away, because I know that you are a good child. And until whenever, you will always be our pride. "

Dave, who just stopped crying a few seconds ago, is now shedding tears again.

Adonis Daveline Stockholm, who was so respected and feard by even the other gangster members out there, literally shed tears and cried without holding back at all.

Angeline said nothing more. What she wanted to say to Dave had already been said, so Angeline just continued to hug her beloved child's body tightly.

In silence, Angeline tried to strengthen Dave.


In the front yard of a house located so close to the beach, a man who has awakened after a dozen years is lying in a coma is seen sitting in a wheelchair. Even though he still looks very fragile, his good looks are not lost in the slightest.

David Stockholm. A legendary mafia who is feared as the Demon Prince. A husband to Angeline, and also a father to Adonis Daveline Stockholm.

The man sat in a wheelchair, staring at the vastness of the sea that stretched as far as the eye could see. Enjoy a very beautiful sea view with a clear blue sky above it.

Next to him sits Darius, David's older brother, who is showing the photos on his cellphone screen.

Those are the photos Angeline sent him. Angeline was very diligent in sending Darius photos of how Dave grew up. From the photo when they just moved to Indonesia, the first day they go to elementary school, until Dave has grown up to be the very handsome boy he is today.

At the moment Darius is showing it all to David. David kept shedding tears when he saw the photos shown by his brother Darius. Even David smiled when Angeline sent a selfie of the three of them showing the faces of Angeline, Dave and the girl Angeline said she was Dave's girlfriend, Jean, with Angeline holding her cellphone to capture their portraits.

David is very happy to hear that Angeline and Dave are still living as a happy family and have not forgotten him even for a single second while he was still lying in his coma.

The worry that David had felt so far had completely disappeared seeing Angeline and Dave living happily like that.

The last time David saw Dave was, when the child was just born before he fell into a coma until now. But now Dave, his son already has a girlfriend. Hearing Angeline say that Dave's girlfriend is a nice girl made David even more excited.

From the photos he saw, David could tell that Jean is a very beautiful girl. David also felt happy that Dave had such a kind and beautiful girlfriend.

It won't be long until David is finally able to meet Angeline, and also Dave, their first child whom they had been waiting so much for his birth.

David just couldn't wait for that day to come.