"I came from different worlds, but I became sworn brothers and set foot on the way to immortality together, invincible."

"Now you actually killed Shen tiejiu, then you can only die!"

A monk beside Tianwei devil looked at Song Qingshu coldly and said with his lips open.

Song Qingshu shrugged his shoulders and said with disapproval on his face:

"Kill and kill. What else do you want from me?"

"You know, if it's not him, it's me!"

Wen Yan.

Tianwei devil sneered:

"If you die, you will die. As far as your identity is concerned, if you die, you are just equivalent to the death of an ant."

Song Qingshu lowered her eyebrows and eyes, with a cold face:

"Wait, if you were killed by my mole ants, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?"

"Presumptuous, who do you think you are and dare to talk to me like this? If you are really impatient, I can catch and kill you right now!"

A friar shouted loudly behind the Tianwei demon king.

With Shen tiejiu's death, the projection of five strong Dengxian nine riders was killed. Now there are only three Dengxian nine riders standing in front of Song Qing's writing.

However, although the number was small, the monk still had an indelible pride.

Song Qingshu looked at the man's arrogance and flicked his fingers.

There was a soft pop.

The void burst into pieces.

Then the friar screamed and flew backwards. His right arm was blown to pieces, and the streamer was filled with light.

"I said, if you talk nonsense and the dog barks more than once, I can only kill them all!"

Song Qingshu sneered, and his words were full of cold lips.

"May I ask your name?"

Tianwei devil looked at one of the nine immortals who screamed behind him and was completely angry.

So he turned to look at Song Qingshu and said with a cold smile. His eyes were full of the emotion of killing.

"Big brother! What else to tell him! "

"Now I'll arrange to kill him on the spot! I'll see how good he is! "

With a cold hum.

The last one of the nine mount immortals looked cold and stood quietly behind the Tianwei demon king.

After seeing the man's right palm tremble, the world was suddenly full of lines of Avenue array.




With four loud noises.

Four white elephants higher than the hill and more glittering than the white jade suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

Each white elephant has the supreme power to kill the strong in the divine realm. This is the four elephant ancient Saint array.

Four white elephants roared, and then waved the trunk that the three people gathered around to throw at Song Qingshu, trying to kill song Qingshu directly.

"Taoist brother, I have always appreciated your talent. Unfortunately, you really upset me. I have to offend you today."

"But now I still don't think you are qualified to let me do it. Well, you break this array first, and then discuss the strength with me."

When song Qingshu fought against four holy elephants.

Tianwei devil laughed and opened his mouth. In addition to the joking mood, the language added a cold meaning.


When song Qingshu heard this, he was so indifferent that he shouted violently:

"Soldier word decision, divine mirror skill!"

With a slight buzz, an antique mirror suddenly appeared on the top of song Qingshu's head.

In that ancient mirror, there is almost immortal immortal light.

Song Qingshu evolved a Taoist empty mirror that can kill and transform the strong in the divine realm. He wanted to use the immortality in the Taoist empty mirror to directly illuminate this ancient array into a powder in the sky.


In the daokong mirror evolved from Song Qingshu, an incomparably bright divine light shines on one of the four holy elephants.

It was an unparalleled sharp blow.

Under this blow, one of the four incomparably powerful icons was pierced directly.

The holy blood was dripping down, and there was a constant cry.

However, song Qingshu had no time to relax.

A gray mist appeared on the giant elephant just killed by song Qingshu. However, in a blink of an eye, the white elephant quickly recovered and remained powerful.

Seeing this, song Qingshu snorted coldly and killed the other three white elephants with Tianjie fist.

Three white elephants the size of a hill were chopped down by a ten thousand thick and thin thunder, and instantly exploded into ashes.

However, in a burst of white light, the three white elephants finally recovered, roared and killed song Qingshu.

"Can't kill?"

Song Qingshu looked at the four holy white elephants unharmed, and his face was as indifferent as snow.

A word fell.

Song Qingshu began to make every effort.

"Kunyi sword!"

"Bing Zi Jue, Ding, tower, axe, sword..."

"Heaven rob palm, boundless thunder world!"


In a short moment, song Qingshu has made several moves.

The four powerful white elephants were also broken to pieces. I don't know how many times, but each time the white elephant fell down, it could get up again, and its divine power remained unabated. It was still terrible.

"Really can't kill?"

Song Qingshu tore off the trunk of a white elephant and broke its divine mind.

But in the next moment, the elephant trunk disappeared into the hands of song Qingshu and appeared on the reborn white elephant.

Looking at such a wonderful scene, song Qingshu raised his eyebrows and whispered in amazement.

"Don't be in vain. This array is more difficult than the four divine beasts array just now. You can only be consumed alive!"

Tianwei devil looked at Song Qingshu's slightly embarrassed appearance under the siege of the four holy elephants, smiled and opened his lips.

Listening to the ridicule of Tianwei devil, song Qingshu was not flustered or annoyed.

Such an array is indeed quite magical. Even with the powerful array cultivation of song Qingshu, we can't see it through.


Even if you are strong, what's the use of magic?

"You have Zhang Liangji, I have plug-in is enough!"

Thinking like this, song Qingshu raised a smile at the corners of his mouth, turned and turned into a polar shadow and dissipated in the sky.

"System, help me analyze the secret of this array. The white elephant is killing and killing. It's really powerful. By the way, help me learn this skill!"

Song Qingshu looked at the four holy elephants under his body and spoke to the system in his mind.

With the in-depth development of system utilization in Song Qingshu.

Recently, song Qingshu was pleasantly surprised to find that the system in his brain was strong enough to analyze others' martial arts while learning for his own use.

This kind of learning method is much more practical than the so-called flower transplanting and grafting skills of some sects.

After all, you need to concentrate on learning the secret method in the future.

However, the plug-in function of the system can directly learn other people's skills from Song Qingshu, and is directly powerful to perfection!

"Ding, the system prompts that the four elephant ancient Saint array is being analyzed. The analysis progress is 10%. Please wait patiently."

"Ding, the system prompts that the four elephant ancient Saint array is being analyzed. The analysis progress is 20%. Please wait patiently."
