"Ding, the system prompts that we are analyzing this four elephant ancient Saint array. The analysis progress is 30%. Please wait patiently."

"Ding, the system prompts that we are analyzing this four elephant ancient Saint array. The analysis progress is 40%. Please wait patiently."

"Ding, the system prompts that we are analyzing this four elephant ancient Saint array. The analysis progress is 50%. Please wait patiently."


Just when song Qingshu heard the prompt sound.

In the four elephant ancient Saint array, for a moment, all flying in the sky are endless array brilliance, which is very meaningful to the powerful Avenue.

Brush la la.

There was a trace of sword Qi in the void. The sword Qi was cold and the void trembled.


The sword Qi with a width of 100 feet was quickly cut out in the green air.

in the twinkling of an eye.

With a soft sound, the four holy elephants like white jade were cut into flying ash in one breath.

However, song Qingshu was not waiting for a sigh of relief. With the strong wind in the array, the four holy colossus stood in the wind again, undamaged and more powerful.

"Hahaha, you're dead! My four elephant ancient god array can give birth to an immortal Avenue elephant. You have no way out except waiting to be crushed to ashes! "

Looking at Song Qingshu's embarrassed escape in the four elephant ancient Saint array, the man who arranged the array couldn't help laughing, looked at Song Qingshu and said coldly.

The thunder arc flashed at the foot of song Qingshu.

With a puff, the void behind song Qingshu was crushed and left the world at a high speed.

The four powerful white elephants lost their targets.

"No way out? I'll let you know right away what there is no way out. "

Song Qingshu whispered coldly, looking at the array under him and the Tianwei devil in the distance.

At this time, the devil king of Tianwei was putting his bracelet in front of him. He was also indifferent to song Qingshu, and there was a joking look in his eyes.

"Ding, the system prompts that the four elephant ancient Saint array is being analyzed. The analysis progress is 70%. Please wait patiently."


"Ding, the system prompts that the four elephant ancient Saint array is being analyzed. The analysis progress is 90%. Please wait patiently."


"Ding, the system prompts that the analysis of the four elephant ancient holy array is completed. Do you want to learn immediately?"

Listen to the prompt of the system.

The radian of song Qingshu's mouth could not help raising:

"Learn now!"

Now the system in Song Qing's book brain can be regarded as extremely powerful.

Although this four elephant ancient Saint array is quite profound, the time required to analyze it is only a few breath.

The speed of learning it is amazing.

It's less than half an hour.

In Song Qingshu's mind, the sound of mechanical gears in the system has been quickly reminded:

"Ding, the system prompts that we are fully learning the four elephant ancient Saint array, and the learning progress is 10 percent."

"Ding, the system prompts that we are fully learning the four elephant ancient Saint array, and the learning progress is 20 percent."

"Ding, the system prompts that we are trying our best to learn the four elephant ancient Saint array, and the learning progress is 50 percent."


"Ding, the system prompts that we are trying our best to learn the four elephant ancient Saint array, and the learning progress is 90 percent."

"Ding, the system prompts that we are fully learning the four elephant ancient Saint array, and the learning progress is 99 percent."

"Ding, the system prompts that the four elephant ancient Saint array has been learned. Now transfer the skill to the host's mind..."

With the sound.

In Song Qingshu's mind, array patterns were immediately full, and even his deep starlike eyes were full of Xiaguang, brilliant and wonderful.

A brush.

What song Qingshu saw in front of him was no longer a powerful array, but turned into a Tai Chi diagram that was either black or white.

There are yin and Yang in the Tai Chi diagram.

The two points tumbled under the gaze of song Qingshu.

With a grunt, the two points blend together, and four kinds of colorful rays rise up. In the rays, there is the uncertainty of the evolution of all things in the world.

Tai Chi begets Liangyi.

Two instruments produce four images.

Four elephants play all things.

A simple array is a prototype of the world.

Song Qingshu looked at the prototype of the world and sighed in his heart. His understanding of the true meaning of the avenue was also higher and stronger.

In the twinkling of an eye of song Qingshu.

A holy white elephant waved its trunk as thick as a giant branch and smashed it at song.

With a dull bang.

The elephant trunk, which was stronger than refined steel, was broken into rosy powder, and the holy elephant fell down and died completely.

"This boy has strange power flowing?"

"No! Let's fight together and kill him! "

Tianwei devil looked at the colorful eyes of song Qingshu and felt the danger from Song Qingshu for the first time.

Then Tianwei devil drank all his life, raised a fist and smashed it at Song Qing.

The man in charge of the four elephant ancient Saint array looked at the glow in Song Qingshu's eyes and didn't slow down.

At this time, he heard the cry of the Lord Tianwei and hurriedly answered yes. Then he wanted to host the other three holy elephants to kill song Qingshu town.

"Your array is good, but it's a pity that the four giant elephants have no residual interest of the road mark, but there has never been a real flow of the road breath."

The man who controlled the array just took a deep breath, calmed himself slightly, and then wanted to control the three holy elephants.

Just then.

Song Qingshu's guidance came quietly from all directions and surrounded him.

"You! Presumptuous! I've arranged the array for more than 80 years. I'm a great array master. How dare you comment on my array? "

Listen to song Qingshu's sarcasm.

One of the nine immortals, who was a little older, couldn't help roaring angrily.

"Believe it or not."

After saying these words, song Qingshu's body moved very fast and turned into an electric light, intended to turn into a floating light and shadow.

With a puff, song Qingshu appeared beside the man.

With a slap in the face of the sky robbery thunder, the light and haze of the avenue flowed and made an extremely clear sound.

Song Qingshu's speed is so amazing that even the four elephant array has flaws, which is difficult to intercept song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu threw a big slap in the face and hit the man flying sideways.


The holy red blood splashed half a Zhang high, and most of the man's face was directly slapped by song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu's sudden palm made the man bloody and his chin disappeared. His figure flew like a broken string kite and hit the stone wall in the distance.

There was a loud noise on the stone wall and dust everywhere.

Song Qingshu wrote that the palm wind from the heaven robbed palm shook wildly, which shook the sky, and hundreds of ancient trees were broken in an instant.


The four elephant ancient holy array was smashed.

The four sacred images that seemed immortal dissipated in the sound of mourning.

It was only song Qingshu's palm that caused such a terrible scene