Chu Nan immediately suffocated.

What he said just now was to say a lot of details of Pamela's own mind killing method.

And these details can never be known through a simple fight, only Pamela can tell him personally.

In this way, isn't it equivalent to admitting that he stole the devoid mind method from Pamela in front of his majesty gremein?

"Don't be nervous." Seeing the change of expression on Chunan's face, his majesty grimayne smiled and waved his hand. "As I said, it's over and I won't hold you accountable. But you must give me an account of Pamela."

"What account?" Chu Nan was stunned.

"For example... How about marrying her?"


Chu Nan's shock was no small matter.

It's not easy to get the good news from his majesty grimayne that he hopes to dissolve his engagement with royal daughter vianne peacefully, but now let him marry Pamela?

If so, isn't it a waste of his previous efforts to toss about so many things these days?

Looking at the shocked expression on Chu Nan's face, His majesty grimayne laughed: "I'm just kidding. But to be honest, I hope this joke will come true. You see, Pamela is the only girl left in Prince salimore's descendants. If it weren't for your help, she might not survive the park hunting meeting. Now with your help, her own problems have been solved and her long-standing wish has been fulfilled. If she was allowed to marry you, she would be very willing, but you can win All the legacy of Prince desalimore. You know, Prince salimore is a very outstanding figure even in the whole history of the dikland royal family. His family heritage is huge and much richer than you can imagine. "

Chu Nan's face was black: "Your Majesty, this joke is not funny at all. If I turn around and marry Pamela, what will vianne Nair think?"

"So this really belongs to the greed of young talents. If you were an adult, you would never make the same choice as you." His majesty grimayne shook his head. "Although you don't have to marry Pamela, you must be responsible for her."

"Responsible? Responsible for what?" Chu Nan is a little confused.

"As you said just now, Pamela's Kung Fu problems have not been completely solved, and you are the person who knows these problems best. Since you helped her through the first difficulty, you have the responsibility to continue to help her solve the next problems. Otherwise, she will continue to practice Kung Fu and die again in a few years. Aren't your previous efforts in vain? And this trial around you and her, and These things have become jokes these days. Do you want things to end up like this? "

"That's what happened." Chu Nan looked relaxed, opened his hand and said with a calm smile: "Your Majesty, in fact, my original intention was to follow up the skill problems encountered by the Royal daughter Pamela, but because of this matter, I'm worried that I can't continue to have any contact with her in the future, and it's even more impossible to discuss the devoid mind method with her. I didn't expect you to say that now, that..."

"Your contact with her is your personal friendship, and no one will limit it." With a big wave of his hand, his majesty grimayne answered Chunan's questions with ease. "After this trial, no one will question Pamela's disclosure of devoid mind to you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Chu Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know what's going on, since his majesty grimayne said this sentence, it proves that the matter has finally been solved. The dikland royal family will no longer set him the crime of stealing to learn the devoid mind method. He can even continue to discuss with Pamela to improve her devoid mind method, and there seems to be a proper way to solve the engagement with royal daughter vianne. Is there anything more satisfactory than this result?

He never thought that the audience with his majesty gremein would get such a better result than he thought, which made him look at his Majesty's eyes full of gratitude.

The great emperor clearly knew what was going on in all things, but he chose to deal with it in this way. Should it be said that he had a special preference for Chu Nan?

Perhaps aware of the meaning in Chunan's eyes, his majesty grimayne laughed: "don't thank me. If you want to be grateful, thank yourself. Your performance can always exceed my expectations. I tell you the truth, I have other intentions for these arrangements, not just for you."

Chu Nan said, "no matter what your Majesty's other intentions are, this result is what I expect, and I'm still grateful to you."

"If you really appreciate me, please help Pamela. If you can solve her problem, it will be a great help to the whole dikland royal family. Compared with this credit, these things are nothing." His majesty gremein also said positively.

"Yes, I will do my best." Chu Nan responded loudly.

"Well, I'm finished. You can go now. Don't delay me in building a house."

"Building a house?"

Chu Nan was stunned. He found that his majesty gremein walked to the boulder on one side again, drank softly, and raised a boulder again with physical strength alone. He immediately understood what he meant.

Thinking of his majesty gremein's previous actions, Chunan looked around strangely, and then looked at all kinds of strange buildings in the dikland Palace on the glacier peak. He couldn't help but gasp when he remembered the rumor about the dikland Imperial Palace heard in the media reports.

Well, as the most noble emperor of the galaxy's largest empire, his majesty has to build his own house

Chunan saluted his majesty grimayne deeply and quietly withdrew. The two maidens who brought him in followed him and took him to a small house outside the palace.

"Wait here. The elders will pick you up later."

After an elderly maid explained to Chu Nan, they left together, leaving Chu Nan alone in an empty room.

Chu Nan is a little strange. Is there no one to take care of him and not afraid of him running around?

However, on second thought, this is the imperial palace of the Declan Empire, which must be heavily guarded. According to media reports, this imperial palace of the Declan empire is actually a place with far more symbolic significance than practical significance. There are no valuables in the palace and there are basically no people living in it. Even if Chu Nan runs around, he can't do anything. Naturally, there's no need to guard him too much.

But this unprotected posture inevitably reminds Chu Nan of something he was going to do.

At the next moment, the spy shadow skill of the hidden dragon in southern Chu was launched, and the figure disappeared out of thin air.