The duckland palace occupies a large mountain on this glacier, but of course it can't completely occupy the whole glacier.

Even the continuous mountains and rivers are not completely covered by ice. Not far from the palace, a mountain much smaller than the peak where the palace is located stands there.

The shape of this hill is strange. It can not only see the ice layer on the surface, but also see a large area of emerald trees that should never be seen in this dimension and climate on the hillside. At the bottom of the hillside, all kinds of strange rocks are stacked together, completely blocking the route to the foot of the mountain.

However, the strangest place of this hill is not here, but at the top of the mountain.

When you look up, you will find that the top of the hill is bare, but it shows a deep red color, as if the whole mountain is composed of deep red stones and soil, and you can hardly see any other color.

The reason why it is "almost" is that on the top of the mountain, there is a pure white cabin standing there quietly, which is particularly eye-catching against the dark red background.

Chu Nan fell from the air and fell out of the hut without any error.

The hidden dragon espionage skill kept his body almost completely invisible from beginning to end, so that no one found him all the way from the palace.

Looking at the pure white cabin in front of him, Chu Nan hesitated and determined that the cabin should be the destination he was looking for.

The hill outside the palace is completely consistent with the features described by the venerable quidillo, and there can be no mistake.

But he didn't expect that there was only such a small house on the top of the mountain, which was completely different from the side hall of the imperial palace he expected.

On this point, the kudiluo venerable did not have any description at all. He just told Chu Nan that he would know when he came.

"It can be seen at a glance, but..." Chu Nan quietly touched the side of the hut, looked left and right, and couldn't find any other place where there might be Tibetans. He had to continue to touch the hut reluctantly and planned to observe through the window before making a decision.

When I was about to walk to the wall of the hut, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the hut. Then the people of the hut were opened and a slim figure came out.

Chu Nan looked at the man in amazement and found that the man was a middle-aged woman. Although his appearance was obviously not young, from the perspective of facial features and overall appearance, the young man should obviously be a beautiful woman with noble and cold temperament. It was obvious that he would not be a maid in the Imperial Palace.

"Could it be that he is the one that Lord quidillo asked me to find?"

Chu Nan secretly scolded kudiluo in his heart.

The Star Warrior of the United States of America asked him to come to the imperial palace of the diklan Empire to find someone, but there was no video data provided. It was just that when Chunan came, he naturally knew that even if Chunan went to the place and saw people, he was not sure whether the person he was looking for was the one kudiluo Zun asked him to see.

Just as Chu Nan was ready to cross his heart, he simply showed up and asked directly. The middle-aged woman suddenly turned her body and just looked in the direction of Chu Nan.

Chu Nan was surprised.

Was it found?

Then he shook his head, which was impossible.

Although the hidden dragon espionage skill is only A-level skill, it is a skill specially taught by the star level martial arts master kudiluo. This skill is much stronger than some S-level martial arts. Chu Nan used this skill to avoid the exploration of countless powerful martial arts masters, including several star level martial arts masters.

The middle-aged woman can't feel a strong breath. It can be seen that she should be an ordinary person. How can she know that Chu Nan is here.

However, even if he was not found, Chu Nan actually planned to show up and ask clearly, but he was worried that such a sudden appearance would scare the other party, so he planned to go back and appear in another direction.

However, as soon as he started, the voice of a middle-aged woman suddenly sounded.

"What is your relationship with quidillo?"

The middle-aged woman's voice and temperament were as clear and cold, but Chu Nan's ears seemed like thunder, which immediately made him stay in place.

Really found out?

And was directly exposed?

Chu Nan's thoughts flashed in his heart and put aside the last trace of doubt in an instant.

This middle-aged woman is definitely the one quidillo asked him to find.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan restrained his breath, put away the hidden dragon spy shadow skill, appeared from his hiding place and saluted the middle-aged woman.

"Excuse me, is it master anise?"

The middle-aged woman swept Chu Nan up and down and hummed softly.

"Why? This coward didn't dare to come, so he sent you as a child? This guy is still as selfish as before, so he doesn't worry about you being caught and killed by the people in the palace?"

Chu Nan smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said, "Lord quidillo has done a great favor to the younger generation, and the younger generation will repay him. As for the fear of being caught... If you are not sure, the younger generation will not come and die by himself."

Before coming here, the venerable kudiluo didn't provide Chu Nan with much relevant information, but only said the characteristics of the hill and the name of the woman he was looking for. Chu Nan didn't know anything else, but from anise's sentence, it was enough to reveal a lot of information, which made Chu Nan's mind wander.

Anise snorted again and asked, "come on, what did he want you to risk coming to me for?"

Chu Nan smiled bitterly and spread out his hands: "master quidillo originally asked me to bring the keepsake, but after coming to the dikelan Empire, the younger generation experienced too many bitter battles. Everything on his body was completely destroyed, and the keepsake was also thrown away. He couldn't take it out."

"The keepsake is not necessary. It's enough if you know the hidden dragon espionage skill." Anise shook her head. "What I want to ask you is, didn't he ask you to bring a few words when he asked you to come?"

"Of course there is." Chu Nan looked at anise with a strange look and paused. Then he coughed softly and said, "master quidillo asked the younger generation to tell the elder. He thought for forty years and finally determined the answer in his heart. If the elder was willing to see him, he would come by himself. But if the elder was unwilling, he didn't dare to disturb the elder's cleaning."

Anise's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile with a little irony.

"Why? It took him 40 years to finally find the answer? That's really gratifying."

Chu Nan frowned.

Judging from the reactions of kudiluo venerable and anise, the relationship between them may be a little subtle. When kudiluo venerable asked Chu nan to find anise, he was full of expectation, and anise's reaction was so cold, how did he get back the kudiluo venerable?

Chu Nan thought he should try his best to help himself on the rotating arm of Perseus, and even spared no effort to fight with the Otto Buddha.

"Well... Master anise, do you have the contact information of Lord quidillo?"

Anise glanced at Chu Nan faintly: "why do I have his contact information?"

Chunan smiled awkwardly, raised his left wrist, revealed the personal terminal he bought when wandering in topur a few days ago, and motioned to anise: "if you like, I can contact kudiluo zunzhe now and let you meet. What do you think?"

"Why should I see him?" Anise asked coldly.

Chunan scratched her head. Judging from anise's reaction, she was afraid that she had a deep resentment against the kudiluo venerable, but this reaction also showed that she still cared about the kudiluo venerable.

Maybe... Knowing the reaction of anise now, the venerable quidillo should also be satisfied.

"Well... Elder anise, can you leave your contact information to your younger generation?" Chu Nan asked tentatively.

Anise frowned slightly. She glanced at Chu Nan again and suddenly asked, "what's the relationship between you and quidillo?"

"Younger generation..."

Chu Nan was about to answer, but anise shook her head, suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed it with one claw.