Chapter 29 - TAKE ME WITH YOU

Name:Meridian's Devil Author:s_cosmos
Evaluating the continuous concatenation of affairs since its inception, that is ever since she met Wu. All she had accomplished was to indirectly allocate him strenuous work to do for her. Initially to shelter her, then later to heal her, foraging and bringing about a warm fabric for her to wear, which she arrogantly refused to wear. And then after indulging in an unfruitful argument, following her traces to locate her and then protect her from a rabid beast. Then carrying her all the way back home...

As she reflected upon her journey with him, she frowned at how selfish she was being and at all points how she was the one who emerged as the ungrateful brat. She thought to herself that she should reflect more appreciation of his kind services.

While she was lost in her own muddle of thoughts she heard him sigh heavily. Something about his sigh lead her to be under the impression that he was perturbed and bothered. She stared up at him with her doe like eyes. He stood casually beside her bedding on the floor and peered at the fire. It wasn't in fact the fire he was engaging his gaze in, he was spaced out into his own zone of discord playing out in his mind.

"I will leave tomorrow." A sense of worry looms in his voice, and hearing him announce his desertion made Yue feel anxious. She didn't want to be left alone in the middle of a dense forest full of unknown and unspecified species of creatures. Furthermore, some part of her didn't want him to go...

She also desired to ease his worries, and whatever internal conflicts he was going through but for that she needed to earn his confidence.

"There will be a maid to attend to your needs by tomorrow or the day after that, so don't worry about that." His gaze falls upon her and she doesn't look away this time. But he tears away the stare and commences on leaving the room instead. Each time he looked away from her enchanting eyes, was as though he was restraining himself from indulging in something he knew he couldn't carry for an elongated period.

"L-listen...." he halts in his steps instantly and turn halfway to look at her. She hadn't really counted on for him to heed to her words and listen. She blinked briefly before continuing, "I know that all I have done up till now is to only add up to your burden but I have one last request to make." His body rotates entirely her way now.

Yue pulls a strand of her dispersed hair behind her ear as she looks down at her hands, mustering the courage to put forth her urges. Her fingers wallow in a fiddle and she takes a deep breath before proceeding further.

"I...I don't want you to leave." Her gaze shifts from her fidgeting fingers to his feet that advance towards her and her heart yet again initiates a faster beating. Instead of standing beside her or even crouching beside her, he sits in front of her at the edge of the mattress. The mattress sinks at the edge with his weight and she shortly meet his dazzling gaze.

"What I mean is...." she coughs pretentiously as she pondered upon to find the right words to form her request, "I don't know anyone around here, and I don't want to be left alone here in the forest-"

"First off you're not a burden," Yue conceals a smile at his words and allows him to continue, "And secondly, you won't be alone, I told you a servant would be here to accompany you." she blankly stared at his clever response. She nibbled on her bottom lip and looked down again, his response only made it appear as though he insisted on him leaving, but of course it must be indispensable. 'How do I formulate this...'

"And I can't stay here, I must go to the Palace at once, as you heard out there." He speaks and thereafter begins to shift his weight in order to get up, ending the conversation on his part. Her heart fastens at the thought of him leaving, she didn't know why but she didn't wish to be away from him.

It was probably an overwhelming feeling of fear of being in an unknown world, and by now his actions had earned him her confidence and trust. He saved her and sheltered her, and that's almost enough of a ground basis to entrust him.

"If you have to go then take me with you!" she blurts out at last, she herself wasn't ware of her persuasive heart that coveted him. She hears him scoff in response to her non pensive words. He continues to shift his weight however now instead in her direction than in endeavoring to stand up.

He leans towards her, his eyes lingers on her face, and soon his lips curve at the edge to form a raffish smirk.

"No." Giving out his outright rejection to her proposal or rather a humble request he gets off the mattress and continues on leaving the room.. Yue's mouth remained agape at his straight denial and she pouted as he evacuated from the room.