Chapter 30 - CONDITIONS

Name:Meridian's Devil Author:s_cosmos
The explicitly arrogant man giving his outright rejection walk out of the room casually, heeding no attention to the bewildered state of mind of the girl left behind.

However, the girl was as well resolute in not being left behind this time. She had seen ample people vacate from her life until she had accepted and obdurated to stay alone and by herself. But today, after a millennium or as she felt it to be, she was insistent on not allowing that man to leave this shelter alone.

And so she, as well, got off the mattress and followed him behind, almost tripping in her steps as her foot stuck at the end of the folded blanket, she cursed in her mind. But she was swift enough and therefore luckily caught up to him in time.

Hearing soft paced footsteps right behind him, he turns to see Yue slowly jogging up to him. He had calculated of this event occurring already, he knew when he turned down her humble request that it would only perturb her and he grinned before he entirely turned his tall frame to look at the stumbling being.

"P...please..." she pants, trying to catch her breath before continuing, "Please take me with you."

She stares at him, and before she knew in rapid movements invisible to the naked eye, she was pinned against the corridor wall.

Her orbs dilate at the incredulous happening. She wriggles her wrists under his hands pinned on either side of her head.

"What do you have to offer in return if I take you with me?" Yue narrows her eyes into a questionable thought to his precipitous yet sensible inquiry. What does he want? What do I even have to offer....He deliberately imposed this horrendous statement.

"Anything you want." she speaks under the immense load of the desire to be along him and to get to the palace. And she realizes right after at how reflective her words were when she witnesses a conquering grin form on his lips. She gulped, knowing it was to late to take it back. How could she be so dull-witted to say an open to interpretation offering? But her mindset of winning over him and getting him to allow her on his journey to the castle had rendered her gambling anything and everything she could possibly bring to the table.

He quirks his eyebrow to her response and she instantly regrets her words. He chuckles huskily and loosens his grip at her hands, which she bashfully lets fall to her sides in a languid motion.

"Fine. I'll take you with me." An elated exhilaration conquers her anxiety in a matter of few seconds, hearing him concur to her request of accompanying him to the fortress. She beams a smile in his direction which lasts only so long. She couldn't bring herself to believe that he had given up without putting up a formidable fight. But at least that was what she thought.

"However, there are a few conditions to it." The exhilaration disappears as soon as it surfaced. Obviously he wouldn't be kind enough to take her free of cost. 'He fancies to establish an exchange relation between the two of us now, does he?'

She retraces her arms from her side and folds them across her chest, slightly miffed at the thought of yet again heeding to his domineering attitude. And, since she anyways did not have any other alternative for survival in this foreign world, she ought to relinquish her pride and desires under his authority.

"What is it?" She lets out a dejected sigh and he leans against the opposite wall casually. Such that they both stand right in front of each other, reclining on different walls. His hands habitually tucked neatly in his trousers and the light glistens upon his precisely defined core muscles.

The playful smirk of his is averse of receding from sight. He clears his throat as he begins to put forth his so called 'conditions' "First and foremost, you will accompany me and stay alongside me at all times,"

'Well, that isn't that bad, is it? Being with him is alright with me.' After all Yue did wish to stay along him. That was only advantageous for her. Having a powerful man like him around her at all times would only benefit her in times of distress as was the case back in the forest.

"As my servant." she furrows her eyebrows as he further elaborates on the formerly unfinished statement that in what sense she was supposed to stay along him. Yue's lip curls in wonder almost immediately as he finishes his first nonsensical condition.

A sense of self esteem seems to swirl up inside Yue and she scoffs at his words.

"Be your servant? As if!! Who do you think you are?" she spats back in an argumentative tone, precisely how it should be. It was such a disgrace to let someone treat someone else this way. He was being all too high mighty suggesting such a preposterous command according to Yue.

He stares widely at her in bewilderment, but Yue stares right back at him, reluctant to break her stance. She watches him lightly push himself off the polished wall that he leaned against.

She swallows almost in a submissive manner as he scoffs in return and walks towards her. There's something so formidable about the way he walked. 'His entire existence is compelling, I won't deny that at all..' Yue struggles to any longer maintain her gaze at him.