Fang Qi winked at Miao Miao. They walked slowly in front of each other. As long as the torch of the holy flame was still burning, those things could not attack them. When they had just gone into the black body, they had disappeared into the black body for a short time.

Miaomiao suddenly remembered and said softly, "this thing has the ability to regenerate, and the thing that grows is like a human shape, but it has no original ability. This newly grown thing is a powerful magic weapon to drive away evil spirits and diseases. "

She had just finished, and there was a shock under their feet, and the soil under their feet seemed to have something to arch out. Although Miaomiao said it clearly, they were still thrilled. They hurriedly jumped aside and saw something arched out of the soil below, but it was as white as a mushroom. Seeing that this thing was tall, he began to spread the branches and slowly became Tao Fen.

One or two can be understood, but in the blink of an eye, it will grow into a large mushroom shaped like a taufen, which is really frightening.

But Fang Qi bent down to study the appearance of the humanoid taufen mushroom. He thought it was really lifelike. It was as big as a real person. If he wasn't careful, he couldn't see whether it was fake, let alone the fake made by the wax museum. There was no expression at all, so he said, "if you start a humanoid modeling company, it must be hot. You see, it's like taufen himself. Ah, Miao Miao, otherwise you'll get a mushroom shaped one. When you're away, I'll sleep with it and won't feel lonely. What do you say... Miao Miao? "

Originally, if Fang Qi spoke like this, he would have to go brain by brain, or he would go foot by foot, but as soon as Fang Qi turned his head, Miao Miao disappeared and her torch fell to the ground. Now Fang Qi was flustered. It was said that Miao Miao disappeared after saying so few words. There was not even a movement.

Hurriedly picked up the torch and took photos around. He raised his voice and shouted, "Miao Miao? Miao Miao! Squeak! " He hurriedly contacted her with his thoughts, but his thoughts were sent out, but he was as silent as a mud ox into the sea, and there was no response at all.

Fang Qi, like a child who has not been weaned, once left Miao Miao, he felt distracted, his left eye jumped, and his mind turned sharply: just now the fallen flower exploded, Miao Miao said there was a big one. Will it be taken away by that thing? I didn't find out how fast the monster was!

Fang Qi made a rough judgment and estimated that it came from the depths of darkness, because at the beginning, the fallen flower appeared there. Put the two torches together, hold the sword in one hand and rush out for a few steps, but turn your head and run back in your mind. Put the torch close to the cluster of taufen shaped mushrooms and light it.

Miao Miao said that this thing has the function of expelling evil spirits. I'll see if it was caught by the above things. Cut down a few trees and put them away for standby. Watching the burning fire of the cluster of human shaped mushrooms, the sky burst into flames in an instant, and the space was very bright. The flames rose, and the evil spirits circling above couldn't stand such baking. It was as if they were filled with gunpowder. The "hiss" burned into flying fireballs, and burst into tens of millions of sparks. They were colorful and flying, just like fireworks.

But Fang Qi didn't want to see the fireworks here. With the help of the light of the fire, he looked ahead. Although the fire was large, it could only illuminate such a large piece, and could not illuminate the darkness as thick as ink. Fang Qi couldn't observe any more. He ran to the front and called for the worker: "Miao Miao! Miao Miao! "

I don't know how far it was when I ran out. There was a gloomy wind below, and the torch blew loudly. Fangqi suddenly stopped, because there was a deep cliff at his feet.

"Miao Miao!" Standing on the top of the cliff, Fang Qi shouted wildly below, but there was only a whistling wind below, but there was no movement. Not only now, but even the slightest light can't be seen.

Fang Qi thought that if he didn't do it twice, he couldn't pull down the gourd and sprinkle oil. I'll give it up! Thinking of this, I wanted to jump down, but at this time, a voice sounded behind me: "deflate!"

Fang Qi suddenly turned his head and held a torch to illuminate the back, but he didn't dare rush over, because he couldn't feel Miao Miao's existence in his mind. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! Maybe it's the ghost of the fallen flower.

"Miao Miao?" He shouted three or four times in a row, but there was no movement in the dark. Now he was sure that the flower must have been killed by them. It must be very angry to rake, so it would make all kinds of strange sounds. Maybe it would imitate the sounds of Gabriel and Lucifer later.

My God, no matter what evil it is, it's better to have all kinds of changes. No matter how it tempts me, I can't be bewitched by it. Otherwise, let alone save Tao Fen, even Miao Miao can't be saved. He spat over there and cursed, "grandson, you have the ability to challenge me alone! If I'm afraid of you, I won't call you Zhao Ritian! "

I heard a strange laugh from the dark place. If it was laughter, it would be better to say that it was an old man with tracheitis. He didn't breathe at all. He coughed and had to bow into shrimps. The movement was very strange. The sound was very uncomfortable. Fang Qi's sea of Qi was shaking and choppy. He quickly covered his ears, held his breath, and suppressed his manic mood with the help of internal alchemy.

I was secretly surprised. What kind of monster is this? I'm a practitioner. I can still be shocked by your cough. What a powerful internal Qi?! However, he also confirmed from the side that the demon is not the father of the "fallen flower", but may be its Godfather.

The word "Godfather" already represents an indescribable ambiguity. Maybe the "fallen flower" burned at that time was a mother, otherwise how could it have a godfather? It's illogical and unscientific.

"Hey, the thing hiding in the dark, are you the godfather of the fallen flower? I killed your little lover. Aren't you very upset? Come out quickly. It's a mule or a horse. Come out and slip away. I killed you too and asked you to accompany your little lover. "

Fang Qi is not serious. Even in this environment, he didn't forget to run the train all over his head, stimulate rich associations, force to find a godfather for the monster, and make a mess of his little lover's godfather. If Miao Miao is here, he must be punished again.

However, there was no godfather of the "fallen flower" in the dark. Instead, the sky rose and suddenly appeared a batch of flames. The flames seemed to burn in the sky out of thin air, and suddenly the surroundings became bright.