Fang Qi never dreamed that the goblin Godfather did not appear, but caused a huge fire. The flame was like biogas or natural gas in the air. It jumped straight towards him from all directions and burned. In an instant, it burned to a place less than ten meters away from him.

He suddenly remembered that Miao Miao said that the "fallen flower" didn't have a godfather. It also had a larger mother. To what extent, they had never seen it. Was it that the hemp of the "fallen flower" was angry to see the cubs destroyed and wanted to destroy them?

Er, although Fang Qi is not necessarily afraid of it, he hasn't seen that huge guy until now. Where can he find it? But through the flames flying all over the sky, he still saw the environment here.

If he didn't believe in evil, he felt as if he had returned to the place of Jerusalem. The abyss under his feet was the roaring Jordan River. In fact, they passed through Damascus and did not visit the lower temple mountain. It is not only the birthplace of several major religions, but also the place where several major religions have been fighting for thousands of years.

How could he appear in the temple mountain? Fang Qi also felt that he couldn't be forced. It is said that the place is the origin of God, but it is also the source of evil. I don't know how many people died in the war caused by religion. It hasn't stopped from the first religion to thousands of years later.

The fire soon surrounded him. The whole world was like a golden world, and the world was golden again and again. The flame overflows the world like running water, and the whole world is like plating a layer of gold and shining. This kind of gold has the solemn solemnity and hope like the rising of the morning glow, and the sadness, desolation and even loneliness like the setting sun. This feeling is very wonderful. Fang Qi can't tell why this opposite emotion breeds, which can make people feel the vicissitudes of life with heaven and earth in an instant.

Standing in a golden world like a 3D movie, Fang Qi saw countless believers in various costumes running and fighting together, the clouds in the sky flowing rapidly, and the sun and moon changing. The temple mountain is also burned and rebuilt, and the reconstruction will continue.

Just then, he saw a bearded guy standing next to him holding a broken wall, looking at the direction of the holy city, caressing the wall and crying. He cried, and his tears were absorbed by the stone.

Fang Qi thought: the cliff is piracy! Meng Jiangnu had been in the Central Plains for a long time. She was not satisfied with Qin Shihuang's job transfer to her husband. She just went to cry. As a result, she cried down the Great Wall. He seriously suspected that Meng Jiangnu's husband was engaged in the bean curd residue project and would fall down only after being investigated and dealt with. Is this guy crying down the wall?

He came forward and patted him on the shoulder: "man - er, sir, I heard that this place is very short of water. Crying is an irresponsible performance. It not only wastes water resources, but I'm afraid someone will check your water meter and charge you for water pollution. Ah, that's right. It seems that like me, I'm also a poor man. I don't dare to cry when I hear about the charge. "

The guy sighed, "you don't know. It's our holy city. Don't you feel bad to see someone burn your house and build it on your house?"

Fang Qile had a stomachache: "that's why. You're so stubborn. People burned your house. You can't build it in another place. Is there gold, silver or dragon veins in this place? Will there be a real dragon? Really, I've been playing for thousands of years and now I don't stop. You don't feel tired. I feel tired when I listen. " The brain suddenly brightened, "cake seller! Are you the cake seller on the temple hill?! "

Blackbeard grinned. "You know me, it's not easy."

Fang Qi shook his head: "it is said that I must have had more nightmares during this period of time before I had such a ridiculous dream. But it's fun to play with you in your dream. I don't understand why you are fighting for such a broken mountain. It's not a magic disease. "

Blackbeard shook his head: "I don't understand. I think there must be a reason for existence."

Fang Qi shook his head: "no, I think you all have an idea that you want to lower others. You don't accept me, and I don't accept you. As a result, it's like several children fighting for a toy they don't like at ordinary times. As a result, it's like this."

Blackbeard shrugged. "Maybe, religion, as you said, is a few urchins. There is no reason to say."

Fang Qi looks very ordinary. He is not handsome yet. How could he be remembered by thousands of people? He immediately thought of an important question“ Oh, I see. In fact, you were forced at the beginning. You don't want to leave this place, just don't want to be forgotten. The more they fight, the more famous people will become, and finally become a great religion to spread the world. Wow, it's still your routine. Compete with some famous people in later generations. Hey, hey. "

The black beard was a little embarrassed. "Well, it seems so."

Fang Qi's brain hole opened again: "I want to discuss a profound problem with you. Where did you hide my wife?"

Blackbeard smiled. "You're really interesting. I just thought you wouldn't care about others. As for Tao Fen's anxiety, it seemed that she didn't sell his pastry in the distance... "It's natural that she didn't worry about it.".

Fang Qi urged, "Tao Fen is pregnant with Satan's son. Can you watch the demon king come out? I really don't understand you. Earlier, I thought you were sitting in the office. No matter what happened, you're a business ape who eats all day and waits for death. Explain to me what's going on. "

"You believe in Buddha, don't you?" Blackbeard asked again, "so you fell into the river and prayed for the blessing of the Buddha. Did the Buddha immediately drive the fire dragon foal to pull you ashore?"

Fang Qi shook his head firmly. "That guy is not credible. I know there has never been a savior in the world. Everything depends on himself. When the Buddha comes to save you, I'm afraid you'll be drowned. "

Blackbeard smiled, "that's right. Almighty God is like lubricating oil. You can apply a little everywhere, but you still have to do things by yourself."

Fang Qi was worried. "I have two of your treasures. Tell me if you want to go back. If you want to go back, go and take it away, so as not to harm others. "

Blackbeard knew it and said calmly, "the so-called baby is just someone else's belief. If you think it's just a piece of junk, it's a piece of junk. Now you see, religion is that most people believe in you before you can call it religion. Otherwise you are nothing. "

Fang Qi added: "we have traveled many places. Now I seriously doubt that you are the people left over from the previous solar period, or that you are specialized in washing your brain."