Chapter 114 - 114 Baroness Lauren wants to have Viscount Francois backs to her life

"The secret of happiness is freedom, the secret of freedom is courage."– Carrie Jones

City A International Airport​​

A plane from Italy just landed an hour late than the expected time that was expected by the representative of Mystic Hotel. He needs to fetch a certain VVIP client who checks in to their hotel for Christmas and New Year celebration. On his hand the name BARONESS LAUREN was written, the Baroness and her assistant will be celebrating the holidays at City A to find the Knight that she wants to see. The Knight that she wishes to meet and will be asking for forgiveness and she wants that Knight to be back in her life.

Lauren: Kate, do you make arrangements to our hotel about our preferred suites."

Kate who is Laurens' assistant since she was 18 years old nods her head. "If this Baroness only knew that the man she was looking for is having his wedding today, I'm sure she will be devastated again," she told to herself. Kate got the news from some of her friends at the Vendari's palace that the heir of the family is getting married as of the moment.

Kate: "Baroness, don't you think this is a little embarrassing to your side. I mean after you broke your engagement with Viscount Francois for a certain director; then you want him back again to your life because you didn't get what you want from that director."

Lauren sighed as she heard the statement of her assistant. She has been on her side since she was 18 years old, she knew all her escapades and her dark secrets. What her assistant said gave her a stab to her heart. "If I need to get back my title and status to my family, the condition that my parents gave to me is to marry the Viscount" she replied to Kate while she is getting her luggage and put in a trolley. "Ever since I cut off the engagement with Viscount Vendari, my family disowned me….they took the status, privileges', and title from me; and since Bernard didn't want me as his wife and breaks with me, I don't have anyone to my life except for you" Lauren informs her.

As they both pushing the trollies, Kate saw a man holding a name tag with the Baroness name. "There is our guide Lauren," Kate said while pointing to the man. They went to the man and gave their identifications, the man help Lauren to push her trolley and went to the car waiting for them at the arrival gates.

While they are on board the car and it smoothly drives to the Mystic Hotel, Kate receives a video message; one of her friends sent her the ongoing wedding of Viscount Francois to the woman he called "My Queen". Lauren didn't pay attention to what Kate is watching, the good thing is that Kate wears earphones so that Lauren can't hear a thing from the video, and Kate didn't show it to her.

Kate: "Lauren, I just want to ask this silly question."

Lauren: "What is it?"

Kate: "What will you do if you will found out that Viscount Francois is already married to someone nor let's just say he is engaged to be married to someone? You see…'s been 5 years that you didn't see each other, and for that 5 years there are so many things that could happen."

Lauren: "No…. he can't marry someone that has no royal blood…. And I know that he can't love someone else because he is madly in love with me. I am the only woman that he adores. But if he already marries someone else, maybe this is my karma for letting him go. For letting go to my grasp a man who is ready to offer his life just to be with me. "

Kate felt pity to her boss and friend upon hearing those words, if she could only tell her that she is 6 years too late…. Too late to win the heart of the Viscount for he already found someone. Lauren saw Kate's facial reaction, "Why? Is there something I should know? Do you have any information about the relationship between Francois and some women?" Lauren asks her; Kate shook her head, "The only news that I have is that the Vendari siblings are here at City A with the Vallini's because they are going to have a collaboration project with a certain Louie Chen" she replied.

Lauren is still staring at her and faintly smile. "I hope you can arrange a meeting for me to him Kate…. I will be happy if that happens. I know Scarlet is always with him, and I know by heart that Scarlet is angry with me for what I have done to her twin brother. I just hope that they already have forgiven me."

The vehicle in which they were riding was stopped in front of the hotel, they both didn't realize that they are already at the front of the Mystic Hotel. "They said that there will be a Charity Gala that will be held here on the 24th, The Vallini's are the organizers of it. Would you like me to ask Ms. Audrey Belikov for invitations?" Kate ask her as they got off the car and get their luggage. "You see, if the Vallini's are here it only means that the 4 Knights and the Ladies of the Court are also here" Kate added.

Lauren never answered her and just kept silent, they walk towards the front office to ask for their reservations. But they were surprised that the rooms they want are not available for the meantime; "I thought you have a reservation for our suites Kate?" Lauren irritably asks her assistant. "Oh my My….This Brat strikes again," Kate told to herself. "Lauren….first of all, you have just asked me to make a reservation yesterday and to the events right now it's so hard to get a nice suite that will be pass to your taste. And we only have limited budget princess, remember you don't have any status nor any name in the circle of the royals" Kate answered back irritably too. Lauren can't do something anymore because what her assistant has just said is the truth about her, she just stomped her feet and just accept the available rooms.

As the two of them went to their room, Lauren can't complain to Kate. She has a limited budget, and some of the money they used for this trip is Kate's money. She made a plan when she was at the City of Wise that she will seduce Viscount Francois, drug him and they will make love and she will tell him that she was pregnant with his child and they must be married by end of the year. Then her status of being a Baroness will be given to her again. Kate knew all her plans, she doesn't like it but how can she protest…..Laurens' thirst for the title for a long time…she misses all her extravagant life. Lauren is the one who helps her a long time ago for her father's illness and that's why she devoted her life to her.

Kate just chuckled as she remembers all Lauren's plans when she meets the Viscount again…if she only knew that the man she wants to be back in her life is no more available. Kate excuse herself to Lauren for a minute and she went to the bathroom, with her phone on her pocket she went to the bathroom and there she deleted the video of the Viscount's marriage. "It's better to be this way that you can't have the Viscount to your life Lauren, you left him before and cause him a broken heart and a shameful life 6 years ago. Now that he found happiness, even I am your assistant for so many years I won't allow it. I won't allow you to ruin Viscount again" Kate uttered silently inside the bathroom. 

Before she comes out of the bathroom, she manages to send a message to Pearl; Pearl is the Vallini and Vendari's bodyguard. Pearl is also her friend before, they just cut off their ties when Lauren did a shameful thing to Viscount Francois. "Pearl, the brat baroness is here at City A and she is looking for the Count. I am just informing you that she had plans to make the Count be hers again. We are here at the Mystic Hotel. --- Kate"

Kate hopes that Pearl will read her message, she hopes to see her friend again. Then suddenly she heard a sound "DING". She held her phone and saw a familiar name on the screen on her phone "PEARLY". She read it and chuckled, she knew that the whole HADES ORGANIZATION hates Lauren for what she has done to their boss.

"Katie….the Count finally bonded as one to his Queen. They will be consummating their marriage later on. Thanks for the information and I will let the bosses knew about the brats' presence to the City A. Take Care. ----Pearly"