Chapter 115 - 115 The unexpected turn of events

We often fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time and do unexpected things ----Anonymous

"Peaches, the Moon finally said yes to the Knight. They are now bounded as one….a happy couple. You can come here tomorrow. I love you. Please come here tomorrow. ---- Isabele."​​

Yuan read the message of his fiancée while they were eating. Yuan chocked and coughs as he reads it, he didn't expect the turns of events at Luna's life. There might encounter a problem that's why they let the Viscount and Luna be married, but still, he is very happy to get the news. He took another glance at his cellphone and read it again and again, the good thing is his phone is in silent mode and you can only feel the vibration if someone is calling for sending a message.

Ethan saw that Yuan's eyes were shocked upon reading the message, Louie chuckled to see the expression of his eyes. "What's the matter, Yuan?" Ethan asks him. "Did Ms. Celine wants you to warm her bed tonight?" Kim butts in, "Who's Ms. Celine Yuan? Do you have a love life now?' Rebecca Alberts showered him with questions.

Yuan: "Nothing's wrong Ethan, it's just that Ms. Celine is asking if I could see her tomorrow. Atty. Alberts, yes I do have a fiancée now and if her parents permit us I'll marry her next year. Kim….Ms. Celine is not like other women whom you know."

Louie: "You can have a day off tomorrow Yuan, spend some time with your fiancée tomorrow. Don't do the same things with Luna before, I never did spend time with her." 

Yuan nods his head, Ethan and Kim didn't question him any further and Rebecca just kept silent.

Rebecca suddenly remembers that she needs to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to process Louie's divorce papers, she also reminds Louie about the request that Sofia is asking him. "I don't think I can give her request on that day Rebecca, I just don't like seen by others being with her even the slightest minute on that day. Just don't inform her yet, I'll tell her that I decline her request" Louie informs his lawyer.

Yuan: "Louie, before I forgot I just want to remind you that you need to check-in at the Mystic Hotel on the 22nd, everything is already settled and you just need to bring your parents with you. Ethan and Kim are also staying in your assigned suite. The Vin Card will be given on that day."

Kim: "And what about you Mr. Lover Boy? Where are you going to stay?"

Harry: "Do we still need to ask him that Kim? Of course, he is staying with his fiancée. And for myself, I already have my suite."

Ethan: 'Does the Vallini's and Vendari's pay for it?"

Yuan: "I think so, I think the Wu family gave them a huge discount for it."

Louie: "Have you manage to inform Ms. Audrey about our performance on that day? I mean the songs that I will sing for Autumn?"

Yuan nods his head and faintly smiled at him. "Louie, I have a question for you, What if Ms. Autumn is Luna then she is already married to Viscount Francois, what will you do?"

Louie stared at him intently, "If Autumn and Luna is the same person, I will be the happiest man living at City A. She can't marry the Viscount because she is my wife….my Luna. And if she is already married to him, I will steal her from the hands of that man, she only belongs to me, Yuan. Maybe, Yuan, she is suffering from amnesia that's why she can't remember me…us. I will make her remember us….me and especially the love she gave to me."

Harry: "You can't do that Louie. Your divorce to Luna is legally accepted by City A government. So it means that she can marry anyone she wants. You must let her be happy Louie."

Ethan: "Louie, we don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our paths for a reason."

Kim; "Enlightenment please bro."

Ethan: "Whether Autumn and Luna is the same person, both women give you a feeling of contentment.

Yuan: "Louie maybe now you realize the importance of Luna to your life…. Now that you realize that she is the woman you love and treasure but what if you are 5 years too late."

Kim: "When you meet the one who changes the way your heart beats, dance with them to that rhythm for as long as the song lasts. Louie, even you atone yourself to her….you still have to prove yourself to her."

Louie and his friends are all silent upon hearing Kim's statement. Louie can feel that Yuan is hiding something from him but he can't read his mind right now, Harry bids goodbye for he said that he needs to do something at the hospital and he will apply for a vacation for 3 weeks. Yuan went to the room that Louie gave to him, and Ethan and Kim start their search about the hacker who just sends them the messages.


Su Residence

"Mom, do you think Louie will accept my request? Do you think we can still sleep together in one room that day? Please help me mom" Sofia told her mother, she still hopes for Louie to give her a second glance…. She is also hoping if they can be still husband and wife on that day. "Let's pray for that My Darling' Suzy replied.

James: "Pack up your things that we will bring to the Mystic Hotel. Ms. Belikov message me that on the 22nd we need to be there. They provide a suite for the three of us."

Sofia's eyes glow upon hearing her father, "Dad is Louie will be joining us to our suite? If not, can you ask the receptionist about the room details of Louie?" she asks her father like a crazy obsessed lover. "I am sorry Sofia, the Wu triplets ordered their employees to disclosed all information of their guests even if you are related to the" James informed his daughter.

James feels bad for her daughter, she is not in a proper state of mind right now, Suzy, on the other hand, curses Louie for what he has done to her daughter, but she also thinks that she was also to be blamed for what Sofia is acting right now. But still, if Louie loves her daughter he won't do this kind of thing to her, she also curses that Lady Autumn Vallini, if she doesn't show her face to Louie the marriage of her daughter will not be like this. Lady Autumn Vallini is the ghost of Luna Su….the The person she doesn't want to see. The events that are happening to their lives right now; "Is this the karma that I get from being so greedy? I just want to change my life ever since I become the secretary of James Su" Suzy whispered to herself.


Villa 8

"Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, don't go home anymore. Please stay here for tonight. We need to catch up on the lost time for us" Luna told her Mother and the Elders; she is very happing celebrating her marriage to Francois. "No my Moon…. We will not get your precious time…. You need to double your time for giving me a triplets" Lucas told her; "My Moon, if you wished for us to stay here for tonight. We can stay but not for you…. It is for our bunnies…. We want to spend more time on the twins" Eva her grandmother informs her also, "Hey! Am I not your daughter that you miss?!" Luna shouted enough for everybody to hear it and they laugh onto it.   

"Luna, you need to spend your time to Francois, don't worry about your Elders we will take care of them," Scarlet told her. "Yeah, Mom….You can make bunnies for us to play with" Dawn buttes it; "Moon, we will take care of the clothes of Aunt Lily and the Elders so you don't have to worry anymore. Just spend time with your husband" Cassie added fire to the conversation.

Luna's face blushes crimson red to hear the orders and demands of everyone. Francois chuckled then he carried her bridal style and announce to the crowd: "Excuse me my guest but I think I need some time alone with my Queen. I need to fulfill my promise to the Elders and the twins' so if you will excuse us."

Francois carried Luna back to her room when the door closes. Winter immediately took his cellphone and type some codes again, Ryder who is sitting beside Sapphire saw it and he wondered what is it "Winter what are you doing?" he asks his nephew. "Oh Uncle Ryder, I need to put some music at mom's room. I just want to add some climatic effects and sounds when they are having a very strenuous workout" Winter explained.