Chapter 134 - 134 The Wu Triplets and the Three Knights

Dreams do come true. I know, because mine came true on the day I met you ----Anonymous 

The Wu triplets accompany the twins very discreetly to Penthouse 2, they said to the twins that they have a surprise for them on that room. When they entered the room the kids were very delighted to see the great bosses of HADES especially Duke Lawrence their grandfather. Dimitri introduces the Wu triplets to the great bosses one by one and he also told them that Luna already paired them up to the Knights. The twins' run towards them and pay their respect to them and the Cheung Elders and their grandma Lily.​​

Dawn: "How are you all Great Grandparents?"

Winter: "Why is it that grandpa Timothy and grandma Clarisse not here?"

Duchess Anastasia: "My dear Winter, they need to attend a small gathering about the orphanage that your mom wants to build at City of Wise."

Countess Helen Rose: "But don't worry they are updated about the news of what is happening here and they told us that they miss you both so much.

Dawn: "Oh before I forgot, this is mom's friends and as Uncle DJ told you; mom already paired them up to the Knights. You won't disapprove if we if they will become members of the court?"

The great bosses pampered and dotted the twins' so much, they want them to be happy as always and they all nodded but the knights shook their heads. The knights already knew that the twins' are seeking the blessings of the great bosses for whatever plans they have on their minds. The Wu triplets are blushing crimson red upon seeing the interaction of the twins to the elders of HADES, Ryder also told the great bosses every information of the Wu triplets as it was their protocol. They've also done the same thing to Yuan after the evil plan to Isabele and him.

Countess Grace: "Luna did a great job by pairing her friends to the Knights, girls don't hesitate to bully the Knights okay. Even the twins' will help you to bully them, and don't worry as Marco's mother; Ms. Jessica Wu you have my blessing to bully my son."

Marco: "Mom! don't you dare say that…..the twins already bullied Yuan for Isabele."

Countess Grace: "I don't care! Just produce bunnies to us so that the twins' will not be lonely at the palace. And so that Duke Lawrence will not bully us about having grandchildren. Luna and Francois is already married and they might have another bunny on the way. I envied Lawrence for having a twin bunny. So both of you, Marco and Amber….produce an heir or heiress immediately!"

Yuan laughs and the Ladies of the court giggled. "You just don't want to become the guinea pigs of the twins' and you are threatening to be bullied by women of the court" Countess Helen Rose announces. "Mom! you didn't know what happened to Yuan that day when the twins' played a trick on him, and now look at him…..he is very pitiful. His neck has so many red bites, and he is suffering from stomach ache since last night" Alexei complained to his mother. 

The Wu triplets want to hide for what they have heard to the bosses of the HADES…. "It seems that the Elders of the HADES is selling their children" Cassie whispered to her sisters. "I will also sell you to a man if you are going to produce bunnies like the twins my dear sister Cassie. I love to play with adorable bunnies like them" Samantha Wu whispered back to Cassie. Jessica is silent and looking at Marco, she is studying his body language of how he is managing to explain to his mother about the twins' planned love matchmaking to Yuan and Princess Isabele.

Rosela: "Yuan and Isabele will also partake the couple dance together with Luna and Francois."

Duke Lawrence: "Yes, and Lady Lily and I will also join the two lovely couples."

Scarlet looks at her dad, "Dad, do I and Dimitri will also joining the couple dance since we are now an official couple?"

Countess Grace: "Everyone who has a couple will join the dance after the dance of the two newlyweds. Since Luna and Francois will only be having their blessing in front of her ex-husband and Yuan will be having his wedding to Isabele."

Alexei: "Yuan, do you have any suggestions?"

Yuan: "Ahh, about the wedding and the couples dance…I don't have any suggestions nor comments, but I need to inform my parents about the wedding and don't worry about them because they will love to see me getting married."

Dawn: "Grandma Grace, Beautiful Amber has already a date. Mom set her up to Dr. Si who has beautiful eyes. Is she will also joining the couple dance?"

Countess Grace who loves to dot Dawn for she just looks like the late Princess Jeuel, "Oh yes my dear Dawn…..and also the Knights with their muses….they will have a separate couple dance" the Countess declared. 

The Wu triplets look at each other, they are not expecting for the decisions of the great bosses of HADES. Scarlet giggled as soon as she saw the faces of the triplets, "Don't worry ladies (as she looks at their side), you will just dance a simple sweet type of dance" she informed them. 

Samantha: "Meaning….Xavier will be my partner? Jessy's partner will be Marco and Cassie's will be with Alexei?"

Amber: "Yes, don't worry Ms. Jessica; my brother is a tamed human being. It is you, Ms. Samantha, that I am afraid of?"

Xavier: "Why?! I am a tamed human being also….. Atty. Samantha Wu, don't believe her."

Prince Stephen: "So you are Atty. Samantha Wu…. The forensic lawyer." And a wink was given to her. Samantha becomes nervous from the smiles of the great bosses, Xavier shook his head for he already knew that this family of his will sell him out. Marco and Alexei laugh out loud while the ladies of the court went to the side of the triplets. "We will just explain to you all" Rosela whispered to them. "Let's go somewhere private so that we can explain to you why is Uncle Stephen has a wicked smile on his face," Amber told the Wu triplets.

Jessica: "Sammy, have you offended them before in your past trips? I mean to your conventions and other types of meetings from another country?"

Cassie: "Before you answer the question, dear Sammy, let's all go to the theater room so that we can talk about you and the young general."

They all went to the theater room but out of nowhere 3 HADES people went to their side and gave them a drink, the Wu triplets didn't suspect anything when the people of HADES gave them a different one from the drinks of the ladies of the court. Scarlet already knew what is going on, Amber and Rosela also have a hunch but didn't utter any word. But unknowingly the 3 knights already saw that and before they can react the twins' intervene by saying to them; "Oh our Handsome Uncles, don't you dare snatch their drinks….remember we have the blessing of the great bosses" Dawn informed them and that's the time that Dimitri and Ryder laughs.

Alexei: "Mom! Dad! You gave blessings to the twins?!"

Marco: "How could you sell us…. We are your sons!"

Xavier: "Even though my parents are not here… I think I'll have a migraine attack for you my uncles and aunties."

Lily Cheung giggled and when Duke Lawrence heard it he stared at her with admiration. "Elder Lucas and Elder Eva didn't care anymore if their daughter will have another love of her life as long as she is happy and it was not James Su, its okay with them. 

After the drink, Amber saw how her parents gave her the signal to shoo them away as they will have their own set of meetings. The Knights saw that and they both shook their heads, "I think the three of you are dead meat tomorrow and make it sure that you have the stamina for whatever the outcome of the twins' planned plot to the three of you" Yuan told them. 

"The good thing that is happening right now is that the twins' are not plotting against us Jamil" Ryder informed them as he was massaging Sapphire's shoulders. Audrey giggled, "Because of Jamil and Sapphire dots the twins' so much that's why they didn't include us yet" Audrey replied to him. 

"And the twins' already got their wish for Scarlet and me," Dimitri told them. "Yuan, don't confirm to Louie about Luna's status. We just need to see how he will react if he saw them getting married tomorrow" Ryder informed Yuan. Yuan nods his head when suddenly he felt his phone vibrated. He took it out and saw that there are too many missed calls from Kim and a message from Ethan informing him if he could come to their room because they are having a meeting about Autumn's identity.