Chapter 135 - 135 The Wu Triplets and the Three Knights (2)

When the Wu triplet and the Ladies of the Court went inside the theater room, Samantha can't encompass her curiosity about the meaningful looks to the eyes of the great bosses of HADES.

Samantha: "Princess Amber, I just want to know what's the meaning of your father's look to the other Elders? I'm worried if I offended them"​​

Amber: "Oh no Darling….you didn't offend the great bosses. But the truth is your name is quite familiar to us."

Samantha: "I never meet anyone of you before…. Except for Xavier."

Scarlet gave her a meaningful smile and look, Cassie and Jessica giggled. "Maybe you became famous to them after meeting General Xavier my dear sister" Cassie teases her. 

Rosela: "Enlighten us on how did you two meet?"

Samantha recalled how she met Xavier in Russia in one of the conventions for forensic lawyers and the military as the speakers. She also told them how she and Xavier banter to each other but she didn't know that time that the young general has royal blood.

Cassie: "How come the great bosses knew her (as she points her forefinger to Samantha)?"

Rosela: "Xavi did a background check about her, but that time Xavi didn't do a thorough investigation because he was interested in your sister."

Scarlet: "Xavi also has many pictures of you….he ordered his men to take pictures of you that's why the great bosses knew you especially Prince Stephen."

Amber: "Because my Dad is Xavi's boss at the military regiment at the City of Wise."

Rosela: "The time he had the conference at Russia, he just confessed to Luna about his feelings towards her; but Luna told my brother that she sees him as a big brother and she can only love him as a brother."

Cassie giggled as she shook her head, "Luna is the only child of Aunt Lily and Mr. James Su, we as her friends treat her like our own sister. She wants to have a brother older than her, that's the reason why she likes Yuan so much. She treats Yuan as her brother and Yuan treats her like his younger sister for Yuan doesn't have any siblings."

Jessica: "You also didn't know that time that he was Luna's friend."

Scarlet: "We are protecting Luna that's why we never called her by that name before, especially when we found out that Louie is searching for her. And Luna already requested us to give the Wu family protection against the Chen's and the Su's."

Amber: "We assigned shadow guards to your family, but we didn't have the slightest idea that the Atty. Samantha that Xavi has a crush, is the Samantha Wu who is Luna's best friend. 

Cassie: "That's a relief! Now Atty. Samantha Wu, you will be having a couple of dance with the young general of the City of Wise."

Amber: "And you Ms. Cassandra Wu will be partnered to Pretty Isa's brother; Dr. Alexei Voronov. While Ms. Jessica Wu will be a partner with my brother Chef Marco Manzini." 

Jessica: "I don't think that I am qualified to be your brother's date tomorrow?"

Scarlet: "Who said so?! Ms. Jessica, Luna is the one who partnered the three of you to our Knights. The characters and attitudes that you have are the qualifications that Luna used to be the Knights' future brides."

Wu Triplets: "BRIDES!!!!!"

Amber: "Yes! Once you partake the couple dance with the Knights you are already the ladies for them especially when it is Luna's idea. Don't worry all you three need to do is BE YOURSELF."

Cassie: "Our parents will be delighted if they will get the news of us getting married but they still didn't have the idea that Luna is still alive."

Scarlet: "Don't worry, the Knights and Luna have taken care of that task. Later you will meet your parents." 

Amber: "And your parents will meet Lady Lily and the twins."


Penthouse 2 Living Room

Prince Stephen; "Alexei, make it sure that the three of you will meet the parents of the Wu triplets today. Arrange a meeting of them with our dear Luna and the twins."

Alexei: "Yes Dad, and I already assigned Eros and Ares to accompany them."

Xavier: "Uncle/Sir, we will be going now. So that Luna will not have a suspicion that you are here and we are plotting something to her."

Marco: "We will just bring the twins' with us."

Duke Lawrence: 'Just make it sure that the Wu triplets will become the future brides of the Knights. Luna will get upset if you didn't try your best."

Dawn: "Don't worry grandpa….. My handsome brother already did our part for that and the knights will not intervene."

Winter: "We will make it sure grandpa that the Knights will not be celebrating Christmas and New Years without a lady on their side."

Alexei: "Twins, we knew that you both like for us to have a lady on our side, but please promise us; your Knights that you won't intervene for whatever decisions we will be going to make, okay"

Dawn: "Okay my Dear Prince Alexei, but you also have to promise me and my handsome brother that you will have Lady Cassandra as your lady and not just any woman. We will not accept anyone to your life except for Lady Cassandra Wu."

Prince Stephen: "It seems that the twins already set their hearts to your future bride my son."

Countess Grace: "Alexei, the twins' knew that their mother won't set the three of you to any woman that she didn't know. Luna just wants to see that your future brides will pass to our taste as your mothers."

Marco: "Yes Mom, we all know that; but the twins' have to promise that they won't do to us what they just did to Yuan and Isabele."

Winter: "Yes we won't do that to you, my dear Cheffy. And we promise to the three of you that we will not intervene."

Xavier: "So that's settled… we will court the Wu triplets according to what a man should do to a lady."

Dawn: "But we didn't promise to the three of you that the ladies will be exempted for our sweetness so that they will celebrate New Year with us at the City of Wise."

The great bosses laugh whereas the Lily Cheung and Cheung Elders shook their heads. "The twins' are really wicked when it comes to their uncles Duke Lawrence" Lily told the Duke. 

Duke Lawrence: Lawrence…just call me Lawrence. And yes the twins' are like that; they seemed to be m.a.t.u.r.e to their age."

The other great bosses, the Knights, the twins' and Duke Lawrence's sons stared on the two as they flirt again in front of them. Ryder wants to shout on them to have their room for the flirting that they are having. Jamil, Sapphire, and Audrey were just observing them for they have a hunch that the great big boss of the HADES finally opens his heart to a new love.

Duke Rainer: "Call us to our first names… We like it more if you will call us on our first name Lady Lily."

Countess Grace: "Yes, and since you are Luna's mother; you will be a member to our ladies of the court."

Duchess Anastasia: "You are also welcome to our palace for the New Year Lady Lily, and Chung Elders. Since Luna and my son is already married, we will celebrate New Year as one big happy family."

Dimitri: "And they won't take NO for an answer. They will ask us to kidnap you if you will not approve to their likings Elders."

Dawn and Winter: "We will not take NO for an answer too."

Lucas Cheung: "Okay we will celebrate New Year with you all."

Eva: "And I think someone here is already preoccupied on that day." 

Then all of them begun to look at the side of Lily Cheung and Duke Lawrence. "Luna will be delighted for this" Sapphire whispered to her brother, "Look at the twins' twinkling eyes, I think they are plotting something to the two newly love birds to come" Audrey whispered back.

Jamil looks at the twins and saw how the spark of the eyes of the twins' is lighting up while looking at Lily Cheung and Duke Lawrence. "I think the Knights didn't realize that the twins' are planning something to the newly love birds to come rather than them and the Wu triplets" Jamil also whispered to the two ladies at his side. 

But Dimitri's eyes are much more observant to them, he already knew that the twins' are starting their movement to the Duke as they are already talking through their body language. "The twins are not plotting against the three of you, but to the Duke. So don't worry and we will just wait on what the outcome of their plans against the great boss" Dimitri whispered to Alexei as he went to his side.

Alexei sigh deeply, "But still I hope the twins didn't put something on the drinks of the Wu triplets a while ago."

Xavier: "If ever they put something on it Amber will report it to us, don't worry I think we are ready for any outcome of that thing."

Marco: "Let's just wait and see. But I think we need to focus more on the event tomorrow."