Chapter 136 - 136 Louie’s worst fear has begun

Any guy can love a thousand girls, but only a rare guy can love one girl in a thousand ways. ---- Dr. Kart Menninger

After Yuan asks the great bosses permission to go out to see Louie, he went first to Penthouse 1 to look for Harry. But he sends a message first for he knew that Harry and Luna are having time alone for a conversation. Harry and Luna are having a deep conversation when he felt his phone vibrated, as he excuses himself to Luna to see who sent him the message. Harry informed Luna that Louie is looking for him and Yuan, and Yuan is outside the Penthouse 1 waiting for him. Luna smiled to him, "Go, you also need to be with Louie" Luna told him. Harry smiled and nods his head. ​​

Harry went outside the Penthouse 1 where he found Yuan and told him that Luna knows that they will be talking to Louie. Yuan and Harry hurried up to the presidential suite as they thought it is an emergency for the continuous calling of Kim to the text messages of Louie. They knock at the door and it's Kim who opened it up.

Kim: "Finally!"

Harry: "What's the problem?"

Ethan: 'We found out something about Autumn being Luna."

Yuan (feeling nervous): "What did you found out?"

Louie: "Autumn is Luna. They are the same and she is MY LUNA…MY WIFE."

Harry and Yuan stared at him, but their thoughts were the same on how did he finds it out. "Kindly explain to us please," said Yuan. As they all took their seats at the chairs inside the room. Ethan told them the information's that they have just found out, from the doc.u.ments that Harry gave to them, the emails of the hackers M&Z, the DNA test results, the events that happened before the annual party, Sofia's downfall and most of all the Villa 8 employees. But Ethan emphasizes the most are the doc.u.ments on their hand.

Yuan: "So the investigation conducted by Harry's men is not true?"

Ethan: "Some of it, especially the information of Autumn Vallini."

Harry: "If that's the case, what are your plans now Louie? I mean, your plans about Luna and your kids?"

Louie who is still at daze while his friends are talking shook his head, "My mind seemed to stop from the moment Ethan told me the facts that Autumn is my wife Luna. I can't accept that she didn't know me anymore, it seems that she doesn't love me anymore."

Kim: "Maybe she is just pretending not to love you anymore Louie, Luna maybe want you to feel the way she felt before when the two of you are still married."

Yuan: "Louie, stop calling Luna your wife because she is not. You've given her freedom 5 years ago, she is not yours anymore."

Louie looks at Yuan with an angered face, "No Yuan! I won't accept that kind of b*lls**t thing, she is still mine…she is still my wife."

Harry looked at his friend, "If you only knew Louie that you have already lost a precious gem. You have love not only one but a three precious gem to your life" Harry told to himself and he knows that his words were also the exact words that Yuan wants to express to him. 

Louie: "Yuan, please help me to find the truth…the truth about the real identity of Autumn."

Harry: "What are your plans first Louie? If ever Autumn is Luna, what are your plans to her?"

Louie: "I plan to propose to her, to ask her hand for marriage and this time I will make it right. I will give her the love that I didn't give her before, I will treasure her and the kids for the rest of my life."

Yuan: "What if you are already too late Louie? Too late to do all the things like that, I mean Autumn is Luna just like you said; but what if she is already married to one of the men that surrounds her and the kids….your kids with her has already accepted that man as their father."

Louie stared at him but he felt that a bucket of cold water was poured unto him, his body felt numb as he didn't expect those facts from Yuan. Yuan who is his assistant and friend since childhood, Yuan who witness everything about his relationship with Luna and Sofia. Yuan wants to protect Luna but he can't show it at that time for the treasured his friendship with him. Harry looks at Yuan but he can't blame him for his words, maybe Yuan is already fed up with Louie's words about Luna.

Ethan and Kim saw how the face of Louie turned pale upon hearing Yuan's statement, his words stab directly to Louie's heart and they even can feel how hurtful those words can be to a man loving a woman he was longing to see. "Louie, it's been 5 years. There are so many things can happen for 5 years, and if Autumn is Luna; don't you think that there is someone who can provide to her that things that you didn't give to her especially LOVE, ATTENTION and APPRECIATION" Yuan added and he gave emphasis to the three major words that he knew Louie didn't show to Luna to their 8 months and 20 days of marriage.

Louie's worst has just begun… it begins from the moment the Villa 8 was occupied by a woman who resembles just like Luna….his wife. When the gifts at his company were delivered, the songs and one of the worst part was at the annual party of the Chen Corporation. He wants to dig in for more answers to his questions but the time is running out. It seems that the time for him is not enough to look for more detailed explanations. 

Louie sighed deeply, he knew Yuan's words are all true but still he was hoping that it will only be facts and not the worst reality that he can encounter. "I'm still hoping that it will not be the way you use to say. I may encounter the worst fear of Luna being married to someone but still, I am hoping to win her heart. So that I can show to her the love I have for her" he declared to them.

Ethan: "Louie, just don't do anything that will hurt Luna. This time all you need is time alone with her. Make it sure that you will do it right this time."

Kim: "You can express it to her on your performance tomorrow. You will sing tomorrow right? And the song that you will sing is the songs that you want to dedicate to her, as you have said the words/lyrics of the songs are your unspoken words to her."

Louie nods his head, "Harry, Yuan you will join us right? You will help me with this situation that I am having for Luna." Harry and Yuan nod their head, but at the back of Yuan's head how can he divide his body tomorrow, from the couple dance to his abrupt marriage to Isabele to Louie's performance. 

Harry: "Louie just make it sure that Sofia will not do anything about this, I know that Sofia will not accept the fact that Luna is still alive." 

Kim: "And she might do some scheme against Luna again Louie."

Louie: "I will not let her do it again. If I need to use some drastic measures to her just to protect Luna I will do it."

Yuan who is silently listening to them faintly smiled, "If this people only knew how strong the people surround Luna, their eyeballs might have gone out to their sockets. Ethan saw what is Yuan has been acting up, "What's wrong with you bro?" he asks Yuan as he pats his shoulder. Louie, Harry, and Kim looks at to his side and gave him a questioning look; "You seemed at ease Yuan" Kim told him. 

Yuan smiled to them, "I just felt that there will be a big surprise tomorrow that awaits us, a surprise that will give us a shock to our lifetime" he blurted out. Harry looks at him with confusion, then harry saw the hidden love bites at Yuan's neck; the good thing is that the three other men inside the room didn't saw it or else their topic will not be about Luna but about Yuan having those love bites. But unknown to the two of them Louie and Ethan already saw it, they just didn't mention it to the group for they don't want Yuan to be tease by Kim. 

"Guys what will you do if I tell you that I am getting married tomorrow?" Out of the blue Yuan ask them a question that gave them a puzzled look... The four friends of Yuan didn't know how to react to his question, Harry widened his eyes for he didn't know if Yuan will also announce to them that his fiancée is already pregnant. He didn't know the whole love story of Yuan and Princess Isabele, all he knew is that he needs to check Princess Isabele's pulse to confirm if she is pregnant or not.