One day you will find someone willing to try. That person will stay. ---- Anonymous

As they all eat their meals, Lucas and Eva Cheung took out something from the paper bag that they are carrying and gave it to Lily. Lily was surprised to see it for she didn't like to have it anymore, these are the jewelry that Suzy wants to have but she secured it to a vault at the bank that her father was a client. She wants to give it to Luna before she got married but Suzy makes some schemes that made James angry and divorce and kick her out from the Su Mansion.​​

Lucas: "I think it's time for you to get rid of these pieces of jewelry Lily."

Lily: "I'm planning to donate it to the auctioned Dad, and I know Luna will be happy to see that I've already got rid of every piece of memory of her father to my system."

Duke Lawrence: "I'll send a message to Dimitri to include this piece of jewelry to the auction and this will be the last piece to have bidding."

Prince Stephen: "We will highlight that one after Jamil and Audrey will announce that piece; you two will enter the venue. From that point James Su ---- your ex-husband will be surprised."

Viscount Christian: "Not only James Su will be got his surprise but also our Moon. Remember, she doesn't know our presence."

Duchess Anastasia: "I know she will cry like a baby when we show ourselves to her, especially on this occasion that their union will be blessed by us."

Duke Rainer: "Timothy and Clarisse are not here but, they've sent a video message and it was now secured by the twins."

Lily: "I want to see what James will do after he will see me. Especially the mother-daughter duo."

Duke Lawrence: "Don't worry My Lily….We will show them that you will be the start of the night beside Luna and the twins."

After their meal, they all went to the living room to plan further about the event, Duke Lawrence send a message to Dimitri about the jewelry. He also told him about keeping it a secret to Luna, and they are also forbidden to take a bid to the said set of jewelry. Dimitri agreed and he asks Eros to get the said item so that they can secure it and put it in the list of items to be auctioned.

After Eros got the jewelry set, the great bosses planned how to torture James Su, Suzy, and Sofia and their family friends uniquely. They want to torture them emotionally and mentally, but Lucas wants to take revenge more than that especially to Suzy who has schemed a lot to his daughter.

Countess Grace: "Lily My Dear, you will wear a quite provocative gown. We have to highlight your curves and we have to show everyone that you are a gem that James Su must not let go."

Duke Lawrence: "Grace Manzini! She is My Lily now. No one must see those curves beside me."

Countess Grace: "Lawrence Joaquin, your future wife must show to everyone that she has already moved on with her past. She will be wearing the latest gown in our country. Lily dear you will be wearing a sleeveless Crepe fit and flare bridal gown features a bateau neckline, sheer Lace covered sides, Lace butterfly back, covered buttons to hem, princess-seamed skirt, chapel train.

Countess Helen Rose: "I think that back will highlight your pearly white skin. But Lawrence you must not mark her at her back tonight."

Prince Stephen: "Lawrence you have to behave for tonight if you don't want to feel the tempers of this woman with us right now."

Duke Rainer: "Yeah, and you two must have strength for tomorrow's event. Remember, we will take part in the blessing of Luna's union to Francois and we will also tell the whole City A that Yuan Xi is now a part of our family."

Viscount Christian: "We will also give our blessing to them since Isabele is now pregnant with Yuan's child"

Eve Cheung: "We will have a new baby?! Then we must give the necessary precaution especially Sofia and her friends are here. There is one woman who likes Yuan Xi."

Duchess Anastasia: "We will take care of them, don't worry about it Elder."

Eve Cheung: "Aw sweetheart, don't call me Elder. Call me mom, all of you are now my children since Luna is your daughter. But this man beside me (she pats the back of her husband Lucas) you call him Elder okay."

Lucas (he shakes his head from left to right): "Why are the women that we love bullies us? They are the only person that can bully us."

Everyone laughs as they heard the words of Elder Lucas that bullied by his wife but he can't do anything. "Our wives also bullies us, Father, it's just that they know their number 1 rights to us." Duke Rainer told him. "And the Knights and even my two sons are already trained by that kind of system." Duke Lawrence added. 

The wives of the great bosses, Eva Cheung and Lily laughs for what the men around them have said; Lily felt that this man who is seating beside her will pamper her for as long as they will live together. She also felt the security that James has never even shown to her and even the pampering side. James only gives her gifts if he did something wrong to her if he is guilty of something. "Lily my dear, are you alright?" Duke Lawrence asks her for he was already staring at her but she seemed into a trance. 

"Yes my love, I am okay" she replied to him. Lawrence and everyone who surrounds them was surprised upon hearing the terms of endearment she has just called the Duke. "So you're finally my woman My Lily, and you will not take it back you've finally said it," Lawrence said to her full of excitement. Lily nods her head and smiled at him, for her she wants to take another chance to love again. She can feel that this man will do anything and everything for her. 

Duchess Anastasia was in tears upon witnessing how happy Duke Lawrence was, she now can say to Jeuel's grave that her man has finally had move on from her death. "Wow, I prayed for this to happen. It's here and it's happening now Christian" she whispered to her husband as her husband wipes her tears. "I know….we all prayed that Lawrence can finally set free from his loneliness "Christian whispered back. 

On the other hand, it is Prince Stephen and Countess Helen Rose who is also watching them, "I know they both deserve it all. The best, the most honest, most beautiful and purest love in the world" Countess Helen Rose whispered to Prince Stephen. "James made the biggest mistake in his life, just like Louie Chen did to Luna" he also whispered to his wife.

Elder Lucas and his wife Eva smiled as they witness how sweet the smile of their daughter Lily to the Duke, they knew that she have opened already her heart to him. "If James will only know that our Lily has finally moved on from him and if he will see how beautiful Luna and how adorable the twins' are he will regret it for the rest of his life," Eva said and it is enough for everyone to hear.

"Father, I seek for an apology to you" Duke Lawrence suddenly said to Lucas Cheung; the Elder Cheung gave a confusing look, "why son? ask Eva Cheung.

"I gave my surname to the twins' for they need it to be listed in the family registry. That time, Luna and Francois is still in the middle of getting to know each other and it is only this year that Francois confessed to her. But the twins' remains Vallini (then he looks at his Vendari friends). If you want we can make them as a Cheung" Duke Lawrence declared his statements.

"Leave it as it is, the surnames are very important in your family tree especially the statuses. Luna and Francois already promised us that they will make another twin or triplets then it will be a Vendari. I have only 1 wish Lawrence and Christian." Elder Lucas replied and ask the two great bosses.

Viscount Christian and Duke Lawrence look at each other and answered in unison "What is it, Father?"

Lucas Cheung: "I want you to teach Louie Cheung and Sofia Su a lesson. A lesson that they will not forget, I know our Moon is taking her revenge but she doesn't like bloodshed or someone will get hurt physically. I want the both of you to put a mark on them that every time they will see those marks they'll recall the things they've done to our Moon."

Duke Lawrence and Viscount Christian look at each and look back at Elder Lucas, "Yes Father, we will make some plans after tomorrow's event. We already knew that after tomorrow, the Chen and the Su family will make a move about the incoming storm" Duke Lawrence replied.

Lucas Cheung: "Very well…. Thank you."