If I fall in love with someone, don't tell me about their past. I was not there, I love what I see now, it's all that matters. ---- Anonymous

As Sheik Jamil announces the winner of the jewelry set and when he called the Wu family to acknowledge that the proceedings will be donated to the orphanage that they are managing Louie and his parents and also the Su Family were very surprised. They are assuming that they are up to something, Suzy wants to make a scene but James glared at her as he also glared at his daughter Sofia.​​

Audrey: "Now we will proceed to one of the main highlights of this event. As everyone knows that the Chen Corporation will have a collaboration with the Vallini and Vendari Companies. As a sign of camaraderie and friendship, we will have a performance."

Jamil: "But before anything else, we would like to call Duke Lawrence Vallini and Lady Lily Cheung on stage as they will announce something to everyone."

Everybody was silent when the couple went up to the stage, James is staring at the stage as he was seeing his wife in the arms of another man. James' heart beats so fast, he thinks he can't breathe for he was surprised to see his ex-wife… alive. All along he thought that she was dead, just like what his wife said to him years ago.

Jamil handed the microphone to the Duke, the atmosphere inside the venue drops into negative degrees for he emits a very cold aura, Lily' hands were intertwined to his tells everyone inside the venue that she is his woman for he grips it with protection. 

"What did I missed about my mother this time My King" Luna whispered to Francois as she was nervous for the scene in front of her. Francois is assessing the situation, he search for his sister and Dimitri for instructions but they are nowhere to be found; he also search for the twins but it seemed that they are busy at the technical committee, then a cold stern voice was heard.

Duke Lawrence: "Good Evening, I am Duke Lawrence Joaquin Vallini and I am the chairman of the Vallini group of companies. Tonight we will celebrate the collaboration of my family's company to the Chen Corporation and I hope for a fruitful relationship. And tonight I want to call on my daughter….. Lady or shall I say Countess Luna Autumn Jade Vallini Vendari and her husband Viscount Francois Andrei Vendari on stage."

Louie shut his eyes upon hearing the introduction, and when he opens it Luna and Francois are already walking on stage. This is it….his worst nightmare. A nightmare that he was expecting, Ethan and Kim are shocked that their guess was right----Autumn and Luna is one person. Sofia's eyes widened and gasp, "She is ALIVE! Luna is ALIVE" she mumbled.

As the couple walks to the stage, there is an audio-video presentation flash through the screen at the side of the stage. The image of Luna and Lily was flash then the begun his message to the two lovely women beside him. Then the song Lily used to sing to Luna was heard (youtube.com/watch?v=w9An1jqHT6k) then the images like a movie were seen, both women were stunned seeing their pictures from the time when Lily was pregnant with Luna up to her birthday before Lily was kicked out from the Su Mansion. The only thing was James was not included in those pictures; James was teary-eyed watching the video but how come the Vallini's and Vendari's got those pictures then suddenly he heard Sofia's words "Why is Butler So here? Is he invited also?" Right there and then James saw Butler So at the table of the Cheung Elders. "There are so many surprises awaits for us tonight, and I think everything that is happening here right now is our retribution for what we have done to Lily and Luna" the voice of Andrew Lenrue was heard. 

While everyone was watching the video the twins' are making the moves for their mother's wedding in just a minute away. They are just waiting for the go signal of the other great bosses. Dawn pushes the button of her watch that she was wearing and it gave a vibration at the watch of the Duke. It indicates that it's time for his proposal to their grandmother. 

Duke Lawrence: "Ladies and Gentlemen…. Luna my daughter, here in front of you and everyone in this city. I would like to ask the hands of your mother Lily Cheung for marriage."

Luna gasps, the twins clap their hands, James and Suzy felt astounding for what they have heard. James stood up as he can't believe it….no he can't accept it. He can't accept that Lily will be marrying someone for she was hers. All people of HADES gaze to James in unison as they emit a killing and deathly auras that gives shivers to all people of Phantom. The Knights and Ladies of the court were surprised that the great boss has finally opened his heart to someone, the ladies of the court were all happy and the Cheung Elders are smiling.

Winter and Dawn: "SAY YES!"



Louie was shocked upon hearing the words of the Wu triplets, "So they already knew that she was Luna and they didn't tell me?"

"Yes Dad, you can marry my mother" Luna answered as she can see the sparkle on her mother's eyes and she looks glowing at the side of her adoptive father. "Finally the three of you are now family" Dimitri announces from the table of the Knights, Ryder and Dimitri went to join them as they all hug each other. "You two love birds will explain everything to me after this event" Luna whispered to her mother and father as they hug each other. 

James and Louie were all eyes to them, it seemed that they are one big happy family. James clenched his fist as he wants to snatch his lost family and hide them from the people that surround them. After a minute or two everybody clapped their hands as the proposal of the Duke gave a positive result. "I will make a much better proposal to you My Lily, a proposal that you'll never forget," Duke Lawrence said and it is enough for everyone to hear. Those words gave a stabbing pain to James' heart, as he watches the scene of Lily being happy to the man whom Luna considers to be her father. He remembers that after he kicked Lily out from his mansion Luna didn't call him Dad nor Father anymore, she just called him Mr. James Su for she can't accept that he has another family 3 days after he kicks out her mother. 

"In our family, if a proposal has been made; it was sealed by song nor a dance or both. So to my dear parents, it's time for your seal. Twins."

Then the song (youtube.com/watch?v=ccOYCO-4vLs) was played in the background. "My Lily, can I have this dance with you," Duke Lawrence said to Lily as he offers his hand to her. Lily accepts it and they got down the stage and begun to dance. 

Rica: "The song fits for Lily, it seemed that she found a new love of her life.'

James glared to her upon hearing those words, "No! Lily in mine and mine alone. No man can have her, if I need to kidnap her to be with me I'll do it" James said and enough for Suzy and Sofia to hear it. As it seemed that he doesn't mind if his wife and daughter are there with him. 

As the song ended, It is Dimitri's turn to speak on stage. He was observing the people around, his gaze to Louie's table, and smirk to him. Pearl who is observing her master from the stage already got the hidden message of that smirk. 

Dimitri: "The next names will be called are going to perform on stage, they are the precious gems of HADES. They are the love of the people in our City of Wise. I would like to call my niece and nephew the twins Dawn and Winter."

Everybody clapped their hands, James, Louie, and Louie's parents stood up to see the twins. Louie wants to rush over them and hugged them, he wants to shower them with kisses, Sofia can see the longing through Louie's eyes; she knew that Louie is eager to have his child, and from what she can see the twins are his spitting image especially the boy named Winter.

Winter: Good evening to everyone, my beautiful twin sister and I will play a song for all of you."

Dawn: "Each song is the unspoken words of our mother to a person whom she used to love and care. Don't worry our daddy which is Viscount Francois Andrei Vendari gave his blessing for this performance. Brother"

As the guests await, the lights dimmed and the spotlight was directed to the twins. some of the HADES people went in front of the stage as a buffer crowd especially Eros, Hermes, Artemis, and Soteira. The first song was played by a piano and a violin, the song broken vow was heard and the melodious voice was heard; the voice of Sapphire was heard (youtube.com/watch?v=po8k1rY-Fq8) Winter is playing the piano and in violin was Dawn. 

Louie shut his eyes upon hearing the first stanza of the song, he knew he have heard Luna so much. He didn't give her the love and care that she deserves…. Now he regrets it. Everybody in the hall was teary-eyed as the performance goes on. Mia and Edward also regret, they've lost a talented grandchild as they watch them perform but what hurt the most was the children gave the unspoken words of their mother to their son. 

Then the images of Luna were flashed on the screen, from the moment after she was saved at the train station, while she was pregnant with the twins, and up to the moment of what she was right now. After the performance was ended a video interrupted them, the video of Francois carrying Luna while she was on labor. The twins' wants their father to see how their mother survive giving birth to them. Lily was in tears upon watching that video, "that was the time that Francois almost killed Alexei because they can't suppress the labor pains and Alexei can't perform giving birth to Luna" Duke Lawrence whispered to Lily.

After the broken vow performance, the twins shifted to another song. The song Moon River was played (youtube.com/watch?v=F510kxoq_Eg), on the piano was still Winter but now its Dawn's voice can be heard. "The song the Luna always plays at the Mansion," James Su said and it is enough for Louie to hear it. "Luna trained the twins just like her mother trained her" James added. 

Then the third song, the song which Luna dedicated to Louie. The song which Louie knew from the diary as he read it a few weeks ago. The song (youtube.com/watch?v=ESwbDLRwEY0) was heard and now it is Ryder's voice was heard but the orc.h.e.s.tra accompanied the Winter to his piano. 

Then Louie heard Pearl, "Are you Surprise now Mr. Louie Chen?"