Chapter 213 - 213 The Great Bosses meets Lily Cheung’s Past (3)

He will never know what he lost because let's be honest, he never knew what he had. ---- Unknown Author

Lily is now very clingy to Duke Lawrence and she is not pretending at all but for James she was, James got this idea that Lily just wants him to get jealous. "Why are you doing this Lily? Why do you have to act and used Duke Lawrence just to get Edward and my attention? Why do you want the two us to get jealous by that act of being clingy to the Duke?" James mockingly said to Lily but on his eyes, there's a hint of regret, jealousy, and envy. ​​

Lily laughs "Who said that I am acting James? I am not using Lawrence just to gain your attention and especially Edward? Both of you are already married to the woman who loves you very dearly and will fight for you, they will fight even the heavens about so that you both will not leave them."

James was astounded when he heard Lily's statement, as he gazes at her as saw that the way she looks at him is full of hatred and disgust. 

"You see Mr. James Su, I don't care about My Lily's past. What important thing for me is the present and the future of what we will be having with our kids and grandkids. Those things that you will never have because Sofia is already a barren woman, she got so many abortions since she was still young and she is Director Bernard Dantes's bed warmer. Bernard Dantes is Baroness Lauren's fiancée right now and he just used your daughter for his deeds and Sofia used him just to get Louie Chen" Duke Lawrence's cold voice was heard. 

James closed his eyes, he knew about Sofia's schemes for Luna but being Bernard Dantes's bed warmer is a different story. Sofia is a model and actress, a famous one, there are bad rumors about her reputation but he didn't pay any attention for he was busy with their company. Someone says that she climbed the bed if Bernard Dantes just to get the highest-paid movies, and some say that it is not only Director Dantes bed that she offered her body, even some producers and organizers in the modeling industry. 

"I didn't know what happened to Louie why he divorced Luna, but as far as I am concerned he didn't want Luna to leave him. Maybe because of what happened five years ago, when Luna almost get drowned and if not for the help of the hotel manager of Mystic Hotel she may have died that time. That's the day I've seen Luna that she has just have had enough of Sofia's schemes and the cold treatment of Louie towards her" Edward voice out. 

"But still Louie forced himself towards Luna that day, he just can't control himself towards Luna even though he already has Sofia. Then after that, he was very happy to sign those doc.u.ments and he didn't mind introducing Sofia to everyone that she is the woman he loves on the day Luna left the Villa 7" Prince Stephen said as he can't shut his mouth anymore. 

Duchess Anastasia: "I am not expecting this kind of interrogation, to be quite fun. The three of you are spouting the words and yet you didn't show even have the slightest asking for forgiveness to our Lily. We are not yet finished with the reports that we have in our hands and yet you are confessing some bits of pieces of information to us."

Viscount Christian: "Wifey, let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Mia Chen will not confess all her dark secrets in front of her husband that she is the reason why Edward got drunk the day that they have s.e.x and that scenario was witnessed by our Lady Lily. She will also not reveal to everyone that she conspires with Suzy so that James and Lily's married will be ruined because she promised Suzy that she will help her for Suzy help Mia to ruin the relationship between Lily and Edward."

James and Edward: "What! What did you do that?!"

James: "I've never touched you, Mia! We never have been intimate before because I don't like you as a person, so technically I am not Louie's father! Why did you do that! The only woman who caught my interest was and will ever be is Lily Cheung and not you, and not even Suzy! Suzy is just a bed mate for me but Lily...Lily doesn't like to engage in an intimate relationship not unless we will be married and I know Edward knows it."

"I feel disgusted after I wake up and saw you n.a.k.e.d beside me that day Mia, I am just a coward for not explaining and fight for what I have feel for Lily. If only I chase her, and explain to her everything maybe you are not my wife, and Luna will be my daughter. I just feel ashamed and so small to myself when the times I see Lily crying while hugging Allen, and I will admit that I am jealous because I am the only one who has the right to hug, console and coax her. My only mistake was that I still believed you when you said that Allen and Lily had a relationship, even though my heart and mind told me that I was still the man she loved. I was furious with myself when I saw him marry James, and I knew I was wrong because I betrayed him." Edward said as his tears were non-stop flowing to his eyes, this is the third time that Edward cries that hard. The first time was when Lily marries James, the second one was when he found out that she died in a car accident. 

Duke Rainer chuckled as the words of James and Edward was heard by them, "You only now realize that Lily was a simply a woman worth fighting for, fighting hard for love, and for you, two men who are Lily's past what will you do now for she is not available anymore. And even though you would do anything to get her back it's too late, just like what Louie is going to do with Luna. 

"I am sorry" a very low tone voice of a woman was heard, Mia was now sobbing for she didn't realize and just got to know this time that Edward hasn't move on with his former girlfriend and he has just married her because she was pregnant with Louie that time.

"It's too late for that my dear wife. I am going to divorce you and I'll talk to my parents and Louie about this, I will submit myself to be monk rather be married and grow old with you Mia. You were not satisfied with me when you got and you married me and you even managed to conspire with Suzy to hurt Lily especially you hurt Luna as well. You can't bring back the past nor change it anymore, your words of sorry can't change everything that you have done to me and your son" Edward said as soon as he heard Mia's words of sorry to them. 

Mia: "So that's the reason why you included a very hurtful song on the day of our wedding. That song was our wedding dance although I knew the message of it you insist to dance to that f*&ckin song!"

Edward: "Yes! Because that song is my unspoken words for Lily! The lyrics of that song were the words of the promise I gave to her but it was broken due to your greediness for love and attention. I do remember that I said and promise to Lily that I will stay with her forever but I left her without saying goodbye, Allen gave me a beating that's why when we got married I have bruises. I was afraid that time when I witnessed Lily getting married to James for I was not prepared yet to give her up and until now I am not prepared to let her go! And even the day I die she will be the only woman I love and will only LOVE!"

BOOM! Mia heard inside her mind and she felt in her heart, a ticking bomb that stabs her into bits of pieces. It killed her a thousand times. "What about the song La Vie En Rose?" Mia asks Edward as her tears flow to her face.

James: "It was Edwards and Lily's song. La Vie En Rose was played at our wedding as our wedding dance song then she whispered her thanks for me and told me that was her and Edward's song of love. I am jealous that time but it subsides instantly when she sang it while we dance, I just imagine that she is singing it for me. I know that song because if she puts Luna to sleep she always sings it to her."

Then suddenly the song La Vie En Rose was heard inside the music room, then again Lily suddenly sings the song but this time it was not Edward who accompany her to the song but it was Duke Lawrence. Edward stared to the couple and then there is a sudden pang of pain in his heart, he was jealous and envious to the Duke. After the song, everyone claps their hands except for the three-person who is seated in front of them, Ivan and Nikolai look at each other as they already knew that their new Lady Boss is quite evil also for torturing the emotions of the three-person who are seated in front of them. 

"My Lily, that song was very nice but my song for you is different. My song for you is like a story of how we met and the way we fall in love and the way our daughter Luna ave her blessing to us" Duke Lawrence said to Lily as he stared at her eyes and pinch her nose. 

Prince Timothy, Prince Stephen, and Duchess Clarisse: "GET A ROOM LAWRENCE JOAQUIN!"

Duke Rainer and Viscount Christian: "We are working here!"

Duchess Anastasia, Countess Grace, and Countess Helen: "Hey! Do that later!"

Lucas Cheung: "It would be good if the two of you will give me another grandchild!"

Marcus Wu: "Lily Behave!"

Leah: "Don't feed us dog food even though it is all around!"

James and Edward were both astounded for they didn't know that Lily is quite bold in the presence of the Duke while Mia was still crying and she was trying to process the words that her husband have just spouted out. "This is my end! No! I will not divorce you are MINE!" Mia said to herself. 

"Are you two jealous?" Countess Grace asks both Edward and James who are both glaring daggers to Duke Lawrence. Edward retrieves his gaze and bowed his head while James is still looking at his ex-wife. "Why do you have to do this Lily? Edward asks her. 

"Oh! It is not her idea for you three to be interrogated, Sweetheart. It is our idea for the three of you to suffer, and it was our idea for the three of you to know all the darkest secrets of your so-called wives" Duchess Anastasia answered Edwards' question.