Chapter 214 - 214 The Great Bosses meets Lily Cheung’s Past (4)

"Oh! It is not her idea for you three to be interrogated, Sweetheart. It is our idea for the three of you to suffer, and it was our idea for the three of you to know all the darkest secrets of your so-called wives" Duchess Anastasia answered Edwards' question. 

Edward: "Secrets?"​​

James: "What dark secrets?"

Duke Rainer: "Who wants to go first?"

Viscount Christian: "I think we must have Mia first since she is already here, but the first rule still applies. Mia Chen, you must not intervene nor interrupt anyone of us, your punishment this time is different from the first one. The first one is slapping but at this point, we will give you a mark so that you will remember us."

Edward: "Excuse me, Sire, if I may speak."

Prince Timothy: "What is it, Mr. Edward Chen?"

Edward: "You can do whatever you want to Mia, if you need to teach her a lesson do it for the next few days I am planning to file a divorce with her, and in the case of the twins' I'll protect them for what my parents will have to do. I know that they still want to have an heir as for Louie is their only chance, I will tell them what my son has done and he no I mean we have no rights for the twins."

Duke Lawrence: "Are sure that you can fight with your parents?"

Edward nodded, "This is my atonement with both mother and daughter, and I know I didn't protect Lily and Luna well enough from my wife and sons' wrath and schemes but now I will protect my grandkids towards my parents."

Countess Grace: "Let's start now, don't make any interruptions."

Duchess Anastasia: "I will be the one to read because it concerns both my daughter in law and her mother who is now the future wife of my friend and being the mother in law of Luna, I have the right to give punishment to those who have hurt her. Now Ivan please get spikey so that Mia Chen will how to be humiliated in front of many people."

Ivan bowed as walks away to get Spikey but on the back of his mind why is it him assigned to get the ferocious monster to his cage. "Why do you think Duchess choose Spikey?" Irwin asks Nikolai in a very low tone. "I think they didn't feed Spikey since yesterday and Mia Chen has an Ailurophobe, although Spikey has been trained by Prince Xavier, Jamil, and the twins still he is very ferocious if he is not accustomed to the smell nor the scent of the people around him he tends to eat them up. Ivan was one who takes good care of Spikey since Sheik Jamil gifted the cat to the twins" Nikolai answered Irwin's queries. 

Lily: "Spikey?"

Leah and Marcus: "Who's Spikey?"

Lucas and Eva: "Is that a dog?"

"Nikolai...Irwin, please tie up the two men on their seats, and after that tie Mia Chen on the platform allotted for those we will torture with wh.i.p.s" Countess Helen Rose ordered the two good looking men who are their trusted men. 

Nikolai and Irwin immediately went to James and Edwards' side and tied them up to their chairs then after that they went to Mia Chen and took her to the platform and tied her up with her hands raised from above. Mia Chen was just standing so she was a bit difficult in her position and a bit embarrassed because she was wearing a dress that lifts on her t.h.i.g.hs.

Viscount Christian: "Wifey, don't be too harsh with her....remember we still have to do some surprises for Edward and Louie."

Duchess Anastasia: "Yes Hubby I won't forget that and the twins' also informed me that they didn't feed Spikey since yesterday. Oh, I would love to see how Mia Chen will scream after she will see Spikey."

"My Love, who is Spikey?" Lily asks the Duke as she whispered to his ears and he felt some shivers to his skin. "My Love...Spikey was a Siberian Tiger, it was a gift by Sheik Jamil to the twins but it was trained by Prince Xavier, Jamil, and the twins, and he only follows Luna's orders to take care of the Knights, her brothers, and Ladies of the Court when they are in missions. I never allow Luna to join them for I am afraid to lose another daughter."


Then suddenly all of them heard a frightening roar from the outside of the room and in unison, all of them turned their gaze at the door where it came from. Mia knew that sound and her body begun to tremble and she was sweating, Edward and James knew that Mia has fear of cats and not just any cats but all family of cats. Both men can see the tears on Mia's eyes and as she shook her head non-stop and she is having heavy breathing. As the door opens Ivan went inside with a Siberian Tiger with him, James and Edward were very astounded when they saw the beast, and Mia screamed in fear when she saw the tiger. Edward and James took pity with Mia's situation but they can't interfere for they are also afraid of the surprised punishment of the people that surrounds them. 

Marcus and Leah together with the Cheung Elders were also surprised that these people kept a tiger inside the Villa. "Is that Spikey?!" Leah asks them as everyone could sense her fear. "Oh! My dear Leah doesn't be afraid of Spikey. These are the twins' pet, he was trained by my son, Jamil, and the twins at their side. Ivan was the one who looks after Spikey. He will just take a bite on your flesh once he smelled something from you, Spikey was a gift from Sheik Jamil to the twins on their second birthday and Luna was very fond of him" Duchess Clarisse informed them. 

"Aren't that kind of pet is not safe for my great-grandchildren?" Lucas Cheung asks them in an almost whispered tone. "Don't worry father, he will not attack anyone, not unless anyone of us is in grave danger nor he can smell blood because he was not feeding since yesterday" Duke Lawrence answered his father-in-law's question. 

Then a shrill voice of Mia was heard as she screamed in fear and she already peed to her dress in fear, her fear in cats was very severe and Edward together with James and Lily knew from the beginning that she was afraid of cats since her childhood. "What do you want from me, you crazy people?!" Mia shouted as the vicious tiger was slowly walking in front of her. 

Duchess Anastasia: "OMG! Are you so afraid now Mia?! Did I think you never feared someone or anything in your life? Strip her off Nikolai but leave her u.n.d.e.r.g.a.r.m.e.n.ts with her for I don't want to tarnish the scenery of your male bosses. But you have to wear gloves for I don't want you to acquire some sort of a disease that she has and use the knives while stripping her."

Nikolai bowed to his lady boss and he immediately abides by what Duchess Anastasia has ordered him. Mia felt humiliated when Nikolai strips her dress, for she can't imagine that there are too many people who could see her body. Ever since she gave birth to Louie, Edward never touches her anymore, even if she drug him but still Edward could sense her schemes. 

"Now you know what fear is Mia! Aren't this brings back old memories? Haven't you forgotten, you did these things to Luna five years ago, if my memory serves right it was Louie's birthday when it happened and it seems that the fear of Luna to spiders and you used it just to satisfy your feelings to take revenge on her and Sofia also ask you to do it" Countess Helen Rose said in a very cold voice but everyone who is inside the room could feel that she was emitting a murderous aura. 

James closed his eyes as he recalled the scene that Mia has done to Luna at that time, she strips Luna because her gown was more elegant than the gown of Sofia and she has stolen the limelight for Sofia. Suzy was also there and she was the one who poured a red wine to Luna's head and helped Mia to strip off Luna's clothes. Louie and his friends were just looking at them, and after that Mia, Suzy, and Sofia were not satisfied they brought out three tarantulas and showed it to Luna. Luna yelp and yelled in fear. She also runs just to get away from the spider, that time Luna was humiliated, and Louie as her husband even laughs at her state. Then out of nowhere Yuan came and killed the spiders and he rushes immediately to Luna's side. Yuan console Luna who is trembling in fear, Yuan took off his coat and puts it to Luna to hide her body that is full of love bites and hickeys. Yuan glare at Louie and shook his head, then carried Luna bridal style, he even remembered what Yuan said to everyone. "I am Yuan Xi and I know that everyone knows that I am Louie Chen's assistant but I also knew that you all have the idea that I am the only heir of the Xi's and I may be an orphan by parents but I still have my paternal grandparents that can annihilate everyone present here. I must not see any news nor videos and pictures about this incident or you will have my wrath for it" Yuan announces as he went away to bring Luna back to her room. Then after thirty minutes, Louie followed Yuan as he shook his head and he took long strides, after one hour they've seen Yuan walkout from the Villa then Louie never came back to his party. 

"Have you forgotten that you did the same way to Luna? Nikolai poured the bucket of soup to Mia and lets' see if she can still scream out of her wits and I want to hear her pleas until she begs for us to kill her on the spot" Duchess Anastasia informed Mia and then suddenly a splash was heard and the metallic odor surrounds the whole room. Mia screamed in horror as she heard again the roar of the Siberian Tiger, and the one who keeps restraining Spikey tried to tame the beast. 

"Release Spikey!" Duchess Anastasia ordered Ivan. 

Ivan released Spikey but he still had a grip and controls on his leash, Spikey just had a one step forward to Mia Chen. Mia screamed so loudly and she passed out due to her nervousness. "Oh I love to hear her scream, wake her up Irwin! Throw a bucket of cold water and blood on her again!" Duchess Clarisse ordered. Edward and James almost take their breaths away from what they are witnessing. "Just like what she did to Luna, what you did to her is what you will experience also Mia Chen," Countess Grace said as she informs the two men who are staring at the woman covered with blood.

Marcus and Leah Wu together with the Cheung Elders were shocked to see how vicious the women of HADES are, they thought that the royals are not that evil when it comes to this kind of thing. They already knew that Lily will be safe with them and as for Luna, Luna has already found a family that will protect her and her kids and not just protect them but also ready to kill if they got hurt. 

"Let Spikey licks her off Ivan," Duchess Anastasia said as she looks like so contented to what is happening with Mia. Edward took pity on his wife but he can't do anything for the punishment was just all about Luna, she was not yet having her punishment for what she has done to Lily.