Duke Lawrence laughs out loud, "Don't worry Edward, the twins always made it sure that they will be safe in all aspects once they are in missions like this, all we have to do is ask them...Eros group to report to us about the things that the twins' prepared for Suzy Su and Sofia Chen. That's what I am worried about the most." Then Duke Lawrence shook his head, "The twins' might look adorable, cute, witty, and Innocent in the outside as we all see but they are very dangerous if you offended them or someone tried to harm the ones they love and treasure the most" he added.

Lily and Edward: "Why?"​​

Prince Timothy: 'You will know the answers later. Let's just wait for the boys and three maidens to arrive."

Prince Stephen laughs as he remembers how the twins plotted their little schemes towards Isabele and Yuan. "The twins are the known children of HADES, they will bring you to the depths of hell once someone tried to harm all the people that surround them especially those who are very important parts of their lives. But their eyes are like hawks, once they lock their eyes on their are in trouble" Prince Stephen informs Lily and Edward.


Knock knock

As the door of the study, the room opens two little bunnies immediately run towards Francois and Luna and behind them, Eros and his group, together with the Phantom twins also went inside. Dimitri, Ryder, Jamil, Wu triplets, and the Ladies of the Court also went inside. 

"Sapphire and Audrey were left to take care of Cheung Elders and the other guests, while Yuan is taking care of Isabele because she having some cramps and Harry is taking care of Louie with their two other friends. I assigned Zircon and Tanzanite to see what Harry needs while he was with them." Ryder said.

Everyone went silent as they took their seats inside the study room and after what Ryder just informed the Duke, while Eros and his group together with the Phantom twins stayed standing to do their report. 

"Grandpa you must not ever get angry with My Eros, they just did some errands that I and my brother have just requested to them," Dawn said as she breaks the silence inside the room. 

"Daddy, the evil witches are planning something. They want Mom and grandma dead, so before they will lay their hands to your beautiful queen and grandpa's gorgeous queen and we have come up with a plan so that they will not do it." Winter explained further.

The twins didn't wait for the great bosses to ask Eros to report everything from the top. "Grandpa, please give some bonus to My Eros and his group especially our Angel Pearl and the two beautiful and alluring twins right over there" (Dawn pointed her small finger to the Phantom twins), and Grandpa could they become Eros and Soteira's future bride?" Dawn speaks up innocently and it brought a non-stop coughing to both Eros and Soteira and blush to the Phantom twins.

"Little Princess let me do the reporting, don't worry Master Lawrence will not get mad at me and the rest of the group "Eros sweetly informed Dawn as he smiled at the little girl. Dawn pouts her lips as she was very worried about the groups' safety towards the scolding of the great bosses and the bosses, Alexei saw how Dawn reacts to what Eros has just said and he let out a soft chuckled. "Dawn, little bun... Don't worry we will not scold nor punish the right-hand guys, Pearl, and the Phantom twins. We just want to know everything and what you have just given to the mother and daughter so that no matter what happens we know how to escape it or what we can do if things went wrong so that they will not be in trouble either" Alexei told Dawn and he looks at Francois asking for further help.

"Dawn, My Princess...I know that Eros and his group is very special to you and Winter. We also know that you are here to protect them but we will not scold them okay. We are also here to discuss something regarding what counter-attack if the evil witches will try to give a poisoned apple to your Mom and grandmother" says Francois and he pinch Dawn's nose.

Dawn: "Okay. But Daddy, could you ask Uncle Harry to let My Eros and Soteira marry the two beautiful ladies. He must be approved to it or else I and my brother will do something about it"

Winter: "Yeah, because we already set our eyes to the two to become our new playmates as they also like us"

Everybody (except for Phantom twins, Lily and Edward): "Bunnies!"

"Sorry!" Dawn and Winter said in unison but they look at each other and an evil grin was seen to their faces.

Eros recalled and reported to everyone about the twins' request, he also informed them about the situation at the Su Residence that there are no servants left behind for no one took or check on their arrival. He also didn't forget to mention the foods that the twins' prepared for Suzy and Sofia, each food was mentioned even the special ingredients that the two adorable kids had added.

Luna raised her right brow in amus.e.m.e.nt for what her kids have just done while Lily asks them, "My Darlings, how come you know about their allergies?"

The twins giggled, "They've done some magic Mom, the twins are very good in researches and they will know everything about a person even their darkest secrets" Dimitri answered Lily.

But when Dimitri's eyes landed at Edward whose face is still at daze he can't control himself to ask him, "Is there something wrong Mr. Edward Chen?"

"I just can't think the possibility of Suzy and Sofia can last a day without servants. It's so impossible for Suzy to be left alone at their Residence without any servants not unless they kick them off. She can't last a day without the help of any servants to her life, that's why James is so fed off by her character like a Queen" Edward suddenly uttered. 

Countess Grace: "What do you mean?"

"Suzy is lives like a Queen when she married James, she didn't treat all employees at the Su Company in a nice way. She maltreated even the servants at Su Residence just after James brought her home." Edward explains to them.

"That's true, as I remember she even wants all servants from the Su Residence to call her madam that time but Butler So doesn't like it for the only madam of the house is my mother. Even Sofia maltreats and hurts the servants who are very fond of me that time and especially when they took care of me, so when my grandparents took me there, almost everyone came with me but Butler So and the others were left to make sure that Suzy and Sofia would not interfere with Mom's belongings." Luna added.

"That's why Butler So made it sure that the lock at my room and even to Luna's room were secured by a fingerprint. It is only Butler So and some trusted servants can enter the room. My parents have this hunch that Suzy is one of the reasons for my downfall that's why they let me change the locks of both rooms to secure both Luna and my things." Lily's voice was also heard. 


Envy and Jealousy are poison. Don't fool yourself into thinking you'll be happy if you get a bigger house or a nice car ---- Unknown Author

Su Residence

Suzy and Sofia are busy taking out and prepares the food sent by Louie and James, sometimes Sofia tastes chocolate truffles and Suzy is all smiled because Sofia seems to have forgotten what happened to her at the hotel. The nightmare that brought her and her daughter loss their ties with their friends. 

"Mom, am I right.... remember I told you that Louie will never be able to forget me. He loves me so much and not Luna or even that Autumn who looks like Luna. He will still choose me and I am sure he will fix our marriage as a couple and we will get married again. I want a simple marriage this time Mom, the simpler the better" Sofia said excitedly.

"Come let's eat now before the food gets cold" Suzy told to her daughter who is still at daze on the watch she was wearing right now. "I will not allow myself and my daughter to lose all of these things. If I have to kill Lily and Luna again I will do it again. I will never allow Louie to leave you, Sofia. We have been able to destroy Luna and Louie's marriage before then we can still manage to destroy them again if they will be married again, I can do that again "said Suzy and she smiled at Sofia. 

"Mom, I hope we can spend a day with Louie and Dad tomorrow but they are busy with the company's collaboration. I hope it will go well and those people whose business is also jewelry will give out company much higher shares" Sofia said as she eats her favorite foods. 

Then suddenly Suzy felt something wrong to her skin, as she looks at her arms she was so shocked to see too many rashes while Sofia suddenly screamed "Mom!!!!!!!! Why do I have so many black dots on my arms!" then she rushes toward the bathroom to see if the black dots were all over her body. Then suddenly "MOM!!!!!!!!" IF YOU LIKE THE WORK, TELL OTHERS TO READ IN .COM