Then suddenly Suzy felt something wrong to her skin, as she looks at her arms she was so shocked to see too many rashes while Sofia suddenly screamed "Mom!!!!!!!! Why do I have so many black dots on my arms!" then she rushes toward the bathroom to see if the black dots were all over her body. Then suddenly "MOM!!!!!!!!"

Suzy panic upon hearing Sofia's scream as she stood up and run towards the bathroom and what she saw frightened her. "OH MY GOD! Sofia what happened to your body!" Suzy said as she sees her daughter's body full of black dots or spots just like the dog Dalmatians have and the worst thing also was it brings out an awful smell.​​

"Mom what is this, why am I like this?! What are these coming out of my body! It's so yucky! The stench is all over the bathroom Mom!" Sofia shouted and her tears are running like a river to her face. Suzy seemed at a daze for she also has some issues on her own body, she feels itching in her body, and as she scratches it more her skin becomes rasher and the rash becomes more visible and they turn red on her body. "Sofia we must go to the hospital, we must see a doctor right now!" Suzy told her daughter and she went outside the bathroom and get the car keys and some trench coat to cover their body, she didn't forget to get some perfume and sprayed it all over Sofia's body to remove the stinking smell coming from her body.

As they rush out towards the car and went to the hospital immediately they forgot to lock the main door of the house, then suddenly twenty men and eight women dress in black shirts went inside and clean every traces of food and fingerprints all over the house. They also made sure that the CCTV devices will be manipulated by their hackers so that there will be no pieces of evidence. They also change the foods that have been eaten by the mother and daughter so that if the hospital will do some tests on it the hospital will not see any traces of the special ingredients. 

"Young Master, everything has been cleared up now, no more worries" Garnet reported to the someone through their earpiece and it was heard by Eros and the rest of the group together with Natasha and Natalie who gave an O shape unto their lips. "Okay Garnet, Good Job, you make all come back now. And Garnet please make sure that everybody is safe" Winter uttered as he winks at his twin sister. "Yes, Young Master" Garnet answered Winter.

Everything that happened inside the Su Residence was witnessed by the grown-ups inside the study room. "Lily, Duke Lawrence, are the twins always act like grown-ups?" Edward whispered to them as he can't believe that a mere child could do some tricks like that to someone. 

Lily whispered: "I think so" while Duke Lawrence gave a soft chuckled but nods his head. "How did you manage to have some access to the main gate of the Su Residence?" Ryder asks the twins. The twins suddenly laugh "Have you forgotten Uncle Ryder, it is you that taught us how to hack the security systems without a trace. You even taught us that in every mission we always have a backup people to be on standby to clean the works after it was a successful one. Aren't you proud of us?" Dawn proudly answered Ryder's question. 

"Oh! Okay...." Ryder mumbled. Francois chuckled while the rest of the Knights shook their heads. "You just can't believe that the works of the twins are much smoother and cleaner than yours Ryder. Just accept that your disciples are wittier than you" says, Marco teasingly. 

"The magical works of the twins in such missions like this are very more proficient than you have Ryder. They are more careful and more planned for all the moves, they make it sure that there will be no trace of evidence is left." Xavier added salt to the wounded ego of Ryder who is now pouting. Dawn and Winter giggled when they saw the sour face of their lovable Uncle Ryder, they got down from the l.a.p of their parents and went to Ryder's side and gave him a bear hug and kiss him on his cheeks. "Uncle Ryder, don't sulk anymore. We would not be great if it weren't for you, you are our teacher and you taught us everything, we just modified a little bit so that it would be me and my Pretty sister's trademark." Winter explained as he tried to coax their Uncle and Dawn gave a sweet smile on him. Then Ryder smiled at the two bunnies, 'Just make it sure that you two will not be harmed by what you have done today. Nothing should harm even our people" Ryder reminded them. Dawn and Winter nodded their heads as they both hugs him again. 

"Okay enough with this, Bunnies please go out for a while and we will have something to talk about that only grown-ups must be present. Eros, Soteira, Pearl, and the Phantom twins will take care of you two while Ares, Artemis, please see to it that Garnet and the rest of the group are okay, and please take care of them on their dinner. Hermes, please take a look for Mia Chen's condition and report it to me through text, if she is still sleeping send her to the City A hospital and ask our contact there to take care of her condition, ask Emerald and Topaz for help" Duke Lawrence sent out the orders to the right-hand guys and they all bowed to them. 

When the twins and the rest went out from the study room, then suddenly Duke Lawrence scribble some ancient signs that only Dimitri, Ryder, the Knights, and Jamil could understand and read. They didn't teach the women about this for security purposes. On the note, he gave it to Dimitri and Xavier and it read as "Dimitri please lock the door, Xavier put a signal jammer inside this room for I know the twins' has already set up some bugs inside here so that they can spy on us" as soon as Dimitri and Xavier saw the scribbles they stood up and do what they have ordered to do. 

"Now that coast is clear, we will talk about the plans of leaving City A tomorrow. Edward, you, your son, and his friends will be joining us for tomorrow's flight in the morning, no need to bring anything for we all have it at the Palace. Luna...Francois the twins will be joining us also your parents My Lily. Wu's parents and some of our men and women will be joining as well" Duke Lawrence speaks out. 

Viscount Christian: "Francois, you and the rest will be having the afternoon flight, we must take all precautionary measures. We don't know what Suzy and Sofia can do, Luna the employees under this Villa and at the Mansion of the Cheung's will also join you tomorrow for we all know that you will be worried about their safety."

Prince Stephen: "Don't worry about the safety of this place and the other houses for we already installed a highly equip security system." *IF YOU LIKE THE WORK, TELL OTHERS TO READ IN .COM*

Prince Timothy: "We have assigned some people to stay here to tail both Suzy and Sofia and their friends in case they do something unnecessary, don't worry they like this place that's why they volunteered themselves."

Duke Rainer: "We added some bonuses to them, they will be staying at Mystic Hotel as VVIP guests. And we made it sure that they will give us reports every minute of every day if possible."

Countess Grace: "Luna, you can ask Harry Si if he wants the Phantom twins to join us and some of his people for added security on his side since he was a well-known underground king of the Phantom here at City A.

Luna nodded her head, "Francois and the rest of the men must talk to him regarding this matter Aunt Grace. We also need to disclose his profile for we don't know who are the people who wants to hurt me while he stays at City of Wise."

Dimitri: "Leave that to us, my dear sister"

Duchess Anastasia: "We made it sure that Louie and his friends will be sleeping from the moment we board the plane up to the whole flight. And since we have Prince Stephen and Nikolai on board, with us you will not be worried at all. 

Rosela: "Nikolai is here?!"

Amber and Luna: "Rosela behave!"

Duchess Clarisse Marie: 'Hhmm interesting...Rosela, My Daughter would you like to join us in the morning flight?"

"No! But Nikolai can join us in the afternoon flight" Rosela answered and suggested proudly to her mother and gave her sweetest smile and a puppy eyes towards her parents. Xavier shook his head, "Dad! Don't approve of her suggestion. Nikolai might not come home alive if he joins us at the afternoon flight" he teases his sister. 

Rosela: "Dad! Xavier is bullying me again! Luna....look what at Xavier....he is bullying me!"